We've had a rough year at Casa di Corgi (this is what everyone calls my house, ha), with crises spinning out right and left.  But the worst has been the past 10 days, during which my 76 year old mom suddenly became intermittently confused -- long story short, and many tests later (including a 4-hour brain biopsy), we confirmed that she has a Primary CNS Lymphoma (aka, brain tumor that arose in the brain, but not from brain cells, from white blood cells).  So now she is starting high-dose chemo tomorrow (as the doc said, let's skip this Christmas so you can have a couple more).  The prognosis is not great, the goal is to prolong her life with as good a quality as can be mustered.


Needless to say it's been a rollorcoaster of emotions, confusion and many many hours at the hospital and in the car.  For example, on Wednesday, coming home from the brain biopsy once she was settled recovering in ICU, I stopped in a Starbucks I've visited thousands of time before (for a little something, as once I got home, I had a full workday ahead of me -- this is also the worst time at work in the year, of course), and I didn't recognize it.  For 3 or 4 minutes, I could not figure out where I was.  I kept asking the girl making my latte if they'd renovated recently -- until it finally dawned on me, I was thinking of a completely different coffee shop.


But I know I don't need to tell you who's keeping me sane. I come home (or sometimes just return to the car -- they are often traveling with me), and my happy bubbies with their deep brown eyes and big ears and happy grins just lift my spirits and give me unadulterated joy.  Ethel has even started sleeping on my bed, something neither of them has ever been interested in before, and Bertie has taken to sleeping right underfoot while I'm working.


Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without them.  So here's to all the puppies out there who work so hard and give so much, without even knowing how much they do for us.

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so glad you have them, i understand how your feeling and i hope your mom recovers.

These funny little dogs are really a wonderful outlet for whats troubling us. Unfortunately i was so stressed out today, because of a very sad situation concerning both my elderly and sick in laws, that i took it out on my Carly.  She wouldnt behave, i felt so bad and she probably thought whats gotten into you MOM?

~any way i hope i can handle my emotions better with her as she gets older, according to all the stuff i read shes trying to be THE leader and its a struggle!

She is a very strong willed girl.

Ethel is too.  So when I'm upset, I count a long 10 and think, how would I feel if she weren't here, misbehavior or not.  Then, puppy hugs all around.  And a few times, when they hear me upset, on the phone or just talking outloud, they race over with worried faces, Bertie hurls himself on me to lick my face, and Ethel sits next to me and snuggles. Good luck with your in-laws, this aging thing is just for the birds.

I agree with you totally...mine are my Lifesavers many days! Good luck!

I'm so sorry about your Mom, and I hope the treatment works wonders. Isn't it amazing how those little angels know when we need them the most. Thank goodness for our corgis!

I am sending prayers for your mother and I hope she makes progress throughout her treatment.  I am also praising God for thinking of us and providing us these little spirits that lift just a little of our burdens.  What an elegant design indeed!


Oh Susan, I really hope the treatments give your mom more time with health. There are times in our lives that challenge us in unexpected ways but having our furry friends keeps us grounded in the moment in a way that gives a brief respite from life. I think they help us remember to appreciate the moments that are so special! Corgi hugs from our house to your's.

I am so sorry for what you are going through.  I will say lots of prayers for you and your family.  It is surely a blessing to have your dogs know that you are hurting, and to be there for you in your time of need.  As they say, "dog" is "GOD" spelled backwards for a reason.  I hope you can find some peace this season...


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