Well just recently when my dog made potty on the carpet, i noticed white wormish looking things squiggling around his poopy. I saw about 3 or 4 of them and was kinda disgusting.


My g/f and I are worried now, but i just googled searched it and it says that its completely normal because he had his first round of puppy shots on monday and the vet gave me 3 syringes full of deworming med and the deworming med taken over 3 days was suppose to deworm him? So the worms in his poop is just cleaning him of the worm? Is this true?

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Deworming meds at work! All should return to normal soon! :)

Give it a little more time. My experience is that the meds work. You should notice a change in his next couple of bowel movements. He is such a cutie!

It all depends what kind of worm he has and what the wormer was suppose to kill. Normally the worms should be dead by the time they are expelled. I would just watch and if you see more in a few days....take a sample in and have the vet check and get a wormer that kills the correct worms...or maybe take a sample in anyways in a week or so just to make sure.


I will never forget one of my stray puppies I found had a worm looking like spagetti hanging out of his butt and it was still alive...

Is that nasty or what?    


We've seen the spaghetti many times here---that's round worm.  The wormer doesn't necessarily kill the worms, but it anesthetizes them so that they loosen their grip on the intestinal wall and pass through.  So, sometimes with little tape worms, by the time they are passed, they will be moving a bit.  Those look like rice grains or cucumber seeds.  And I think about half the times they've passed round worms, they've been moving a little.  They won't crawl, but they will coil up.



Our large male chow bulldog mix had tape worms one time.  We had to get a vet worm dose to kill them.  They can be persistent little buggers.  Good luck!


If it's roundworms, you should do a second worming in 21 days from the first worming.  Ask your Vet.


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