Nutmeg is the BEST dog ever. She is 22 months. Cinnamon is her sister/neice and 10 months. Both superbly bred by Celeste. Nutty displayed some "bad" behavior at about 7 months. Cinny...WHOLE nother story. Nut would chase me and nip a little...Cin...all out bite when she chases me. I have bruises where she has nipped at my calves. When I feed them, I have to seperate them, or Cinny starts a fight. Nutty used to fight with her sister Superstar, but nothing like this. It's all out war! I have to grab one, and throw her into another area. I have started to feed Cinny inside the house, and put Nutty's food outside. If I feed them both in the same area, Nut will finish first, and then cower...I mean with her head down, and look away from younger Cinny. I feel terrible! They are both the BEST of buddies, cept for food. Against ALL OF MY KNOWLEDGE...I let them rest for a bit in my bed, but never the whole night. Last night, Cinny started growling at Nutty. Cin was up by my head, and Nut was all the way down by my feet. Next thing...DOG FIGHT on my bed, which is really high off the ground. I had to grab Cin, and toss her off! She landed on my laundry (I know), and then I took Nutty down and next thing I know, Cinny is licking Nutty's ear! Then they run off into the family room like it's playtime. Cinnamon is SO loving, licks and loves. Nutmeg is so well behaved, Advice? Just goes to show ya....I thought I KNEW what I was doing!