
Blue Crew

This is for all the Blue Merle Cardis and the people who love them.

Members: 69
Latest Activity: Jul 10, 2014

Discussion Forum

So, is the rumor true?

Started by Aber, Ragnar and Kelso. Last reply by Aber, Ragnar and Kelso May 28, 2011. 4 Replies

Blue Merle Breeders in MA/ NH

Started by Jessica S. Last reply by Jessica S Jul 10, 2010. 3 Replies

Blue Merle Breeders in PA/MD?

Started by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA!. Last reply by Aber, Ragnar and Kelso Jan 31, 2010. 6 Replies

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Comment by Shepdog on August 10, 2009 at 12:11pm
*laughing!* Yes, yes it is. I'm like, heyyyy, that's Pixel and Wicca and Boone and Vito on the stairs. And look, there's Clue!

... and of course I drew a blank on the people names. It's okay, the Cardis all want it that way. I accept that lot in life. ;)
Comment by amanda on August 10, 2009 at 12:08pm
haha Shep, isn't that always the way?
Comment by Shepdog on August 10, 2009 at 12:06pm
She is super cute!

Also, hello to all you new faces I've not seen! It's funny, I knew the dogs by photo instantly, but not your names. Shows you where my mind is, huh? ;)
Comment by amanda on August 10, 2009 at 11:43am
omg she is super cute!!!
Comment by Ruby on August 10, 2009 at 11:41am
After only 4 days of taping... we have liftoff! She looks so grown up with her big ears....

Comment by Trenton and Denise on August 9, 2009 at 4:07pm
Welcome Amanda and Pixel to the group. Have fun and any questions please ask we are here for all.
Comment by amanda on August 8, 2009 at 1:51pm
just figuring out this group thing, and thought I'd say hi! I have one Blue Cardigan named Pixel, and a Tri named Wicca.
Comment by Joanna Kimball on August 7, 2009 at 2:38am
I think it's very important to keep growth slow and to keep puppies as lean as possible. Puppies should be hungry all the time and very eager to eat, and they should feel whip-hard and muscular. It's very easy, with our happy and adaptable Cardis, to let them be couch potatoes even as babies. They should be active and good hard runners.

The slower they grow, and the less weight on the joints, the healthier the joints are and the longer they last. Since this is a breed with loose hips virtually across the board and a LOT of dysplasia (though thankfully very few cases that are crippling), we want to keep those joints happy.

So I'm glad that you're thinking in terms of feeding carefully and keeping the growth appropriate. I've seen far too many chubby puppies, even at six months old. I can't give you specific amounts to feed, even if I knew the brand, because everybody's lines are a little bit different. Rita is the authority on how her puppies grow. But I can tell you that you want to keep her lean and hard; when you pick her up she should feel like she's getting more and more muscular and that she's athletic (with Rita's lines, that should not be a problem!) and growing slowly.

You're thinking about all the right things - bravo :).
Comment by Alice on August 7, 2009 at 1:40am
At that age I think Finn was eating about half a cup three times a day, one of which we mixed with a tablespoon of regular cottage cheese. He always ate all of his food so we bumped it up a little after a week or two then eventually did away with the lunch time feeding so he was getting about 3/4 cup in the am and 3/4 in the pm with cottage cheese. It's true though, all dogs are different so you 'll have to find what works best for her. The amount of activity and the type of food will effect that too. I wouldn't worry about her becoming overweight. Puppies need the calories and nutrition for growth and energy. Now at 10 months Finnigan eats 1 cup of food twice a day with treats in between.

For the ear taping, you may find this tutorial helpful. I tried several methods and three or four different kinds of tape but this one worked the best for us. It's by Finnigan's breeder:

We didn't start taping until Finnigan was 14 weeks old. Lindy's ears may still go up without assistance. She's still very young.
Comment by Ruby on August 6, 2009 at 5:09pm
Thanks! Don't worry, I'm following all of our instructions from Rita :) I'm just paranoid about plump corgi syndrome, haha. I'll probably bump her back up to the recommended 1/2 cup once shes finishing the 1/3. I'm pretty confident in my ear taping job, but I'll post pictures to see what others think.

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