Cheesehead Corgis


Cheesehead Corgis

A group for Corgi owners, future Corgi owners, and lovers of the breed who live in Wisconsin. All Corgis, whether purebred or mixed, are welcome!

Location: Wisconsin
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Comment by Toby {Brenda} on March 23, 2011 at 8:32pm

Julia--may I ask what size you got in the thundershirt for Lilliput?? I found the website and think I am gonna try it myself  to soon- when I get paid next.But your right on how our corgi's the fits are well different lol.. Chevy is alarge corgi and a fluffy boy at that --

  Yes your right all dogs if a rescue or from a breeder as puppy- every dog has some type of fear and some work through it easy and others well it takes awhile..Both mine are rescues and both from different types of abusive situations and we work them all the time and both have come along way in so many ways - Chevy I have only had a couple months so I am still learning what he is all about but he has come along way since we first got him.. But I remember while growing up we had English Springer spaniels and got them right as a puppy from a breeder and they to had some strange fears and issues that we had to deal with..

 Just so nice to come and chat with other's that are going through the same things and if we can help one another I think that is wonderful!!  Well today has been a good day for us here-- now that the storms have moved on..But the calming collar and a benedryl did help alot too.. But I to want to find something natural to help- dont want to drug my boy if I dont have to.. Thanks again...

Comment by Julia on March 23, 2011 at 8:03pm

Lynne, Brenda, et al,

I just bought the Thundershirt today at Mad Dog Freda in Madison. I took Lilliput with me to fit it (since corgis notoriously don't fit into things the way the package says.) The owner of the store had warned me that there was  noisy velcro on it, so I first tried my other dog's life preserver on her. No fear with the velcro, so we went to the store.

The woman there fit it on Lilli, and she didn't mind at all. This is the corgi who's scared of her leash and collar! Lilli wore it in the store while we shopped and played (Nina Ottoson puzzles. Lilli aced them in 10 seconds!) I was happy with the way she reacted when she was in a fun place, so we'll try it at home.

While we were there, two customers came in and both said they had used the vests and were very happy with them. The store employee said she uses them in her boxer rescue. There is also a 45-day return on these, but the store employee told me that the company doesn't make them return the vests, but lets them donate them to a shelter. So I figure it's one of those rare win-win situations.

The idea is to first wear the vest when there is no stress, so she doesn't connect the vest with bad, scary things. Today was good.

Now we just wait for the next storm....

Comment by Julia on March 23, 2011 at 7:55pm

Okay, I just have to say this:

It sounds like you guys are giving rescue dogs a bad name. My Lilliput came from a very good breeder. I had her from the time she was a baby. She had so many phobias and quirks as a pup I was considering the dog behaviorist. At five years old she is better, but still has weird fears. She's so scared of the leash, that she can't bring herself to come through the door for walkies. Once it's on, though, she loves her walk.

My rescue Springer lived for his five years in an outdoor kennel, in frigid N. Dakota, neglected. He is learning how the indoor world works, but he is learning. He does not have as many quirk as Lilliput. Some doozies, but overall he's mentally and emotionally healthy, just ignorant (and a bit stupid.) And remember, Springers are famous for being crazy.

So, please, don't assume that rescue dogs are the ones with problems. Pure bred dogs that you raise yourself can be crazy, too.

I spend my days finding homes for shelter dogs. I don't want the impression to get out there that these dogs will all be more difficult than "bought" dogs.

Thanks for listening.

Comment by vicky hyde on March 23, 2011 at 3:51pm
you know, when you have a rescue and see the problems that they have, you just want to go and find the person that did this to them. i use to live in utah and worked at petsmart as an obedience instrutor, coming from a family that co-founded a g. shep specialty club and did nothing but train and show obedience. most of the dogs in my classes were "pound" puppies with all sort of problems. easy, basic obedience really helped bring these dogs out of their previous life problems. it takes time and we all wish everyone well that has to cope with this scared problem. like i said, jack hit a certain age and started going goofy when it stormed. we went thru this for a couple of years and now there is no problem. his mother had that major scared thing going on. if she could have climb under the couch, she would have. being an older dog and knowing she was pasted around for the first 5yrs. of her life, i just found it was ewasier to give her a bufferin or a benedryl than to have her get that sscared. is melatonine natural???  hope i spelled that right. i know some friends take this when they have a problem sleeping. just had a weather update-expecting 2-3 inches more. it's as deep as my dogs are tall. tried going out with them before and we made it about 6 feet from the door. this is going to be a mess to clean up. all take care
Comment by Lynne Cerny on March 23, 2011 at 12:02pm

Unless you have had a rescue that was that scared, I’m not sure just being the calm pack leader would work!  I have tried everything with Sally, we don't know what she has been through..what I do know is even my husband who thought he could walk this scared dog with no problem couldn't!!  I know how helpless one can feel dealing with extreme fear, any little bit that makes it easier on these dogs is worth it to me!!  I do agree that you also have to not let them see that you’re upset or nervous and lots of praise for the good behavior!  Boo, who we have had from a puppy, also seems to comfort Sally when she is scared outside.  I don't know if any of you follow facebook, but look up Fearful Dax and they have comments about how much better he is doing on prescription meds for his fear.  I would rather find something natural if I can. :)

Comment by vicky hyde on March 23, 2011 at 11:08am
enforce the good and ignore the bad behavior. we had one heck of a snow blow thru last night with the snow. a couple of times the house shook. jack was a tad upset but then i made a game out of it and told him those darn snowplows are sure noisy and when the lightening lit up the house it blamed it on the lights of the snowplows. keep a happy, fun voice going. gotta be strong for the little guys/girls. make storms fun. nothing will happen over night. if they are scred of trucks,etc., take them out and one thing you don't want to do is say it is alright when they get scared. keep walking with happy conversation. try not to let youself get all nervous or the dog will pick that up. when you get good behavior, praise, praise, praise. lavish your dog with hugs and scratches. a favorite treat or something totally unexpected also helps. i'm old school and don't really believe in all this new stuff they sell. it's a crutch. and what happens if you go somewhere and don't have that calming collar along and a sorm or someting rolls in? then you are back to base one. your dog loves and enjoys hearing your praise and encouragement more, believe it or not, than a treat and you always have your voice and hands with you no matteer where you are and you may not always have a treat or special items to help your dog cope. hang in ther, it takes time and patience but eventually you should see a difference. and, believe it or not, some basic obedience- builds confidence.that is one thing many rescues are lacking, so get out there and do this for your dog. have a great day. we have enough snow here that all but about 2-3 inches of my boys were covered in the yard. good thing i have high end standard size corg's or they would be lost in the snow. take care.
Comment by Lynne Cerny on March 23, 2011 at 7:21am
Julia I was not sure about the Calm Shen but thought after I had it at work for a cat with issues I decided to try it on Sally.  (The cat I couldn't get to eat the stuff), Sally doesn't seem to care about the taste, and she seem a lot better!  Last night with the storms she just laid by my side of the bed, you could tell she didn't like the storm but handled it better than before & this morning she went out to potty by herself!!!  I just started it Friday night of last week so I'm hopeful I found what works for her!  I tried the collar the first month that I got her and it helped but seemed to not work as well after a couple of weeks.  If anyone tries the vest let me know how it works!
Comment by Julia on March 22, 2011 at 10:11pm

I asked around today about the thundershirt, and discovered that "Bad Dog Freda" here in Madison carries them, as well as the Calm Shen. When I called the store with questions they were very informative and helpful. I think I'll stop over there this week. They have the 45 day return guarantee, just like the web site, in case it doesn't work.

My questions about this have to do with Lilli's temperament. She doesn't seek contact during storms, just runs madly and barks. This makes me wonder if pressure is what she needs. She's also scared of the sight of her leash and collar (until after they're on her), so the sight of a piece of clothing might be just one more issue. (sigh)

Comment by Toby {Brenda} on March 22, 2011 at 7:22pm

The calming collar seems to be working  both boys were very good today- no problems at all.. So think we will stick with this for time being and seeing  how it goes.. I thought bout that thundershirt but they get so hot - so think I am gonna give this calming collar more a chance.. We have been playing today having a great time with them..

 vicky - Chevy has some food allergies that we found out about -but we got both boys on a strict diet now and they are both doing much better now.. Now we just working on these other behaviors and we will work through them..Just nice to talk with other corgi owners about things and what they do for there dogs - it helps alot and I thank you all...

Comment by vicky hyde on March 22, 2011 at 6:49pm
i really hate to be a big poop about this scared of storms, loud noises, etc., because i have had problems in that area also. it's not w\easy seeing your lil' bud/budeyye all upset, but now i have to ask this question- how many are saying to their furry friends that it is all right or it's ok- when there is scary noise going on? that is encouraging this behavior- my jack, who will be 11 next month never had problems with storms and such until he hit around the age of 6-7. i had to buck up and tell him it wouldn't hurt him and to quit being a silly goof. after a while, he seemed to start handling the storms better. leet them know you understand stand, but be careful of what you say to them. and it will be hard. when jack's mom was still with me, i would give her a bufferin and that seemed to help calm her down and handle the storms better. i got her at the age of 5yrs. and basically tried to look past her "weird" behavior because she also had been pasted around during her years before she found a for-ever home with me. you can also try to take their minds off the storm noise by playing with them just keep them entertained somehow. basically breeding has nothing to do with some f the behaviors. i am just as guilty telling my dog it's alright when it really isn't. i know with jack, a doggy cookie really seems to take his mind off the noise. i also blame the neighbors. i tell the dogs that the neibors are noisy and goodness they are really making a lot of noise today. darn neighbors. anytime something happens to get the boys going, i blame the neighbors. hehe- they don't know it though. just hang in there. storms are always scary to some. and then there are some that handle it with out a problem. so, i guess what i'm saying, is make it into a game of sorts. keep then occupiied. we are getting a late winter dump here in green bay. thought it was gone. so much for furry ground dwellers. and brenda-what type of health problems???? hope this helps some. everyone, take care

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