
Corgi Mix

For anyone that has a mix breed corgi or would like to learn more about mixed corgis!

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Is my dog a Chigi?

Started by Maribel, Dave & Gibson. Last reply by Maribel, Dave & Gibson Apr 28, 2013. 4 Replies

Corgi/???? mix

Started by paul j. Last reply by Elizabeth Throneberry Apr 3, 2012. 4 Replies

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 10, 2008 at 4:50pm
Oh, and it was sweet of you to say he was lucky to meet me, but I do believe I was very lucky to have met HIM!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 10, 2008 at 4:49pm
Hi Suzette,
There are some similarities and a few differences, but I'm not sure if the differences are due to age or breed.
The ways Bruce is like a corgi is he is bossy, herds (by nipping at feet), "talks" (we can hold conversations, LOL) and he is extremely smart and loyal.

However, he has never frapped in the time I have known him, and he's not a hoover...he's more particular in what he'll eat. Also, he does not do that adorable "wookie song". He won't sleep in the lizard dog pose (back legs straight out behind him - I think the Elkhound side made his legs a little too long for that) but he does like to sleep on his back, all four legs in the air. He also has that corgi navigation system...that is, if he gets off leash, he makes a beeline so some destination unknown, and no about of yelling, pleading or treat rattling will make him return!
Comment by Suzette & Rueben Dog on November 10, 2008 at 7:31am
Geri- I'm curious. Since you have a purebred and a mixed corgi, are their dispositions the same? God bless you for adopting an older dog...He was very lucky to have met you.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 10, 2008 at 1:03am
Hi! Sidney, the fellow in my avatar, is a purebred corgi. But Sid has an older brother, Bruce. He's a corgi mix, I'm pretty sure with Norwegian Elkhound. He's got the funniest tightly curled tail!

Bruce found us four years ago. We were desperately trying to find a corgi so my daughter could have an agility dog. We searched animal shelters for months. One day contacted me that they had a corgi mix at our local Marine Corp shelter. We drove out there to meet Bruce. It was love at first sight, despite the fact that we learned that Bruce was 10-11 years old, too old to go into agility. We learned that Bruce had been on the euthanasia list, then was given a reprieve and sent to the Marines. Learning about his tough life, we knew we could not leave him behind.
We brought Bruce home, where he quickly attached himself to me. Although he was meant for my daughter, he became mine, and I am grateful for that.

Brucie is now 14 and in kidney failure. He's such a sweetie you would never know he was sick. He's on a special diet now in an attempt to prolong his life with a good quality of life. He loves going for walks and car rides. He sits by the door when I'm gone and he is my buddy. Can you tell I love him SOOO much?

Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on November 8, 2008 at 9:26pm
I had and have a pure breed corgi. My first Pem was given (can you believe that!) to me when I turned 16. My neighbors had one and breed it. They have six little puppies that I was helping them with as much as I could. No one even knew what a corgi was then. They were selling them for $125 back in the early 70's and I was trying so hard to save my babysitting money to get one. I was begging my dad to let me have one and he kept saying no. Then one weekend, I was camping with my boyfriend and his family; I came home to see if I could take my little sister for a day or two. Dad said yes, but, I had to put away the junk that I left under the couch. Of course, I had no idea what he was talking about, but, looked under the couch to get the "junk" out of his way. There was the little female puppy I had been trying to buy!!!! Dad said that the neighbors brought her over the night before for my birthday. That had to be the best present I ever got! I had her for about 10 years, before cancer took her away from me too soon. I swore if I ever got a house again, I would get me another corgi. So, that is how Duncan came into my life. Sorry for this being so long, but as you can tell, I love my corgis. They do have a different personality over other dogs. They are so intelligent, that like you said, they are little people almost.
Comment by Suzette & Rueben Dog on November 8, 2008 at 7:45pm
Have any of you ever had a purebred corgi? I haven't but I've got to believe its the corgi blood in Rueben that makes him such a joy. I've had other dogs and loved them to death but somehow this dog is just different/human like? Does that make sense or am I just crazy? I just wondered if someone out there has both (mixed & pure) and what they think the likes are.
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on November 7, 2008 at 9:20am
Thanks, Suzette. Chloe is a joy, that is for sure. I consider myself lucky to have her. That'll teach her old owners to get in trouble with the law and have to give up such a wonderful dog.
Comment by Sheila Wiggins on November 6, 2008 at 3:47pm
Hey every one!! JD is part blue healer and part corgi. His mom was a pure breed Cardigan and his dad was 1/2 Cardigan 1/2 blue healer.
Comment by Alicia on November 6, 2008 at 7:44am
Hey all. Our soon to be 7 month old is a corgi mix. His mother was a registered PWC but a neighbor terrier? came over and fathered 4 of her 8 babies. Snickers is perfect. He acts completely corgi. She gave him to us free and it still boggles my mind we got such a priceless gem FREE. I wouldn't trade him for the world.
Comment by Suzette & Rueben Dog on November 5, 2008 at 10:57pm
Chloe is cute! I love the diary and all your pictures. Thanks for sharing!

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