Lauren Rae & Fauna
  • Female
  • Baton Rouge, LA
  • United States
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Lauren Rae & Fauna's Discussions

Organix Butcher & Bushell canned food full of bone fragments!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Linda Jul 29, 2013. 8 Replies

I opened a can of Organix Butcher & Bushell food today and found numerous small and large chicken bone fragments.  I've emailed the company photos and the lot number of the can.  It might take a…Continue

Tags: canned, Pollux, Castor, Organix

Anyone getting Pawalla boxes? Do you like them?

Started this discussion. Last reply by rae Mar 22, 2013. 5 Replies

Fauna is 1 year old this month, and to celebrate I'd like to try out one of these box services. has a discount on Pawalla boxes (…Continue

Tags: bark, box, pawalla, treats, subscription

Corgi mix or just "poorly breed"? What do you think my dog is?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lauren Rae & Fauna Feb 26, 2013. 32 Replies

Hey corgi lovers!I got my dog Fauna about 6 months ago and I'm still pondering what exactly she is.  Sometimes I think she might just be a really poorly breed, undocked Pembroke, but then I've seen…Continue

Tags: mix, corgi

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Lauren Rae & Fauna's Blog

I'm so proud of my baby!

Posted on May 27, 2013 at 2:18pm 0 Comments

She killed a rat today!  What an amazing dog.  A++.  She got a greenie and lots of praise for that. …


I've developed a theory to explain Fauna's ancestry

Posted on April 15, 2013 at 9:04am 2 Comments

See and

This hypothesis remains untested, as the research is unfunded. The National Science Foumdation rejected my proposal to study this mysterious creature. Wild guesses about "made up organisms" don't count as science, they said. However, I cannot find anything in existing literature to explain the unique… Continue

Fauna's first Pawalla box

Posted on April 10, 2013 at 9:47pm 3 Comments

Fauna got her first Pawalla box today!

So, what’s in the box? And about how much would it cost to buy separately?

Canine Caviar Holistic 95% Venison canned food (2 cans) = $5.00

Pet Lou 13” Monkey squeaked toy = $5.00…


Profile Information

Cincinnati, OH
About Me:
I'm a graduate student studying wetlands ecology and restoration. I also do a lot of research on flood mitigation related to wetlands and green infrastructure. Nerd stuff.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My dog Fauna was born around April 2012. She's a red-head black tri with lots of white on her face and an undocked tail. She looks like an odd-colored fluffy and acts like a purebred corgi, but she's probably a corgi-border collie-Australian shepherd mix (or some other type of herding dog). She's an adventure mutt, always ready for a kayaking, hiking, swimming, or hanging out at an LSU tailgate.
I have:
Corgi mix

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At 7:30am on April 7, 2013, Linda said…

We got Max as an adult.  His coat can get very long but we get him trimmed, neatly but still a fluff.

At 7:44am on February 23, 2013, WhiteDove gave Lauren Rae & Fauna a gift
At 8:50pm on February 18, 2013, Lois B. Allen said…

Hi Lauren Rae,   Thanks for complementing my baby boy Randy.  I previously owned his great aunt who was a true fluffy and her hair was more coarse and curly.  The breeder thought he would have a glamour coat.  It does seem to be a glamour coat but maybe somewhat longer.  He has continued to change in appearance for his total 2 years & 4 mo. He resulted from an accidental brother-sister mating so various markings seem to be coming out that may go pretty far back in their ancestry.  He does have an advantage of the fluffs and that is that he doesn't shed as badly as the standard corgis but both his great aunt and he were/are heat sensitive that I have had to clip them during the summers.  I hate to cut his beautiful coat but he will burn up if I don't.  Lois 

At 6:22pm on February 18, 2013, Lois B. Allen said…

I just hate it that corgi's tails are docked.  Your girl is quite lovely with very pretty markings and that wonderful tail.

At 10:09am on February 11, 2013, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…

Hello and Welcome!!

At 1:17am on February 10, 2013, Geri & Sidney said…

Welcome Lauren and Fauna! Do we get to see some pics of her?


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