Corgis Caught in Crime Club


Corgis Caught in Crime Club

This group is for the people whose corgis have been caught in the act of doing something naughty. Any evidence(pictures) or stories would be great!

Members: 273
Latest Activity: Feb 17, 2017

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Comment by Laura J on February 24, 2010 at 10:04pm
No mush is a PLUS! I've taught Tucker that he has to be on a "Chew Bid" aka blanket when he has one of his chews. Because I was tired of scrubbing chew mush out of the couch. It's actually pretty amazing, he will take his chew straight to the spot on the couch where his Bid usually sits and if it is not there he will look for it and then settle to chew where the Bid rests. Amazes me every time.
Comment by Rose on February 24, 2010 at 9:21pm
There is a gal on Facebook who boards dogs. She sells the antlers. The name of her kennel is "Camp Run a Pup". The link for the antlers is: She is awesome. And she and her family go to the woods during the season the deer shed the antlers and collect them. Then her hubby cuts them down into different sizes for the dogs.
Comment by Susan Temple on February 24, 2010 at 9:10pm
No they don't stink!!! And they don't get mushy like rawhide. Right now my two are at my feet chewing away. That's a good link that Geri & Sidney suggested. I got mine from Amazon, just search in Google for Deer Antler Dog Chews. Make sure they are naturally shed antlers. I made the mistake of buying "Antlerz" or something like that once. Bad. Read the small print and make sure they are REAL, not synthetic. One real antler, a medium size of 4-6", lasts us about a month or more.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 24, 2010 at 7:12pm
Laura...they don't stink at all!
Anne...many smaller pet stores carry them. Or order them online. I like the ones from Peak Antler Company
and the shipping is FREE!
Comment by Laura J on February 24, 2010 at 5:27pm
And do they stink like some of the other rawhide chews?
Comment by Anne Adele on February 24, 2010 at 5:00pm
So - where does one find deer antlers on a regular basis??
Comment by Susan Temple on February 24, 2010 at 4:01pm
HAHAHA!! We would leave Peanut in the kitchen when he was a puppy and I'd come home and OH what a good boy, no damage! Until one day I noticed the back rung of a stool, which was against a wall, was all chewed! Sneaky little devil! A few months ago I decided to give deer antlers a try... honest to goodness deer antlers. The dogs LOVE them. They will chew them for hours and prefer to chew them over anything else. They last longer than anything else I have tried. AND the antlers don't chip and break off (like a chair rung!!). Another perk is their teeth are very clean. I would never leave the house with them chewing on the antlers, so I guess I have to be willing to part with a chair rung or two. Oh, my first Corgi, who has since past, ate the wall peper off the wall when I gated him off in the kitchen!
Comment by Carla Kramer on February 23, 2010 at 6:37am
HEHEHEHEHE...Gryffin chewed up his diploma from Puppy Class...that was classic. Leeloo's face says "Who did that to our stool, let me at 'em, I will teach them a lesson for you!!!"
Comment by Rose on February 23, 2010 at 12:34am
LOL Love that expression. Uno ate zippers on 3 of my husbands jackets because he kept hanging them on the back of his kitchen chair. I kept telling him to hang them up in the closet. But he never listened. Then Uno at the molding all the way around one side of the coffee table. Oh yeah and a suitcase and a briefcase too. No amount of toys would entertain him enough. Thankfully he is past all that too. Though his last major chew fest caused me to buy new prescription glasses, a cell phone and 3 blue tooth earpieces.
Comment by Leeloo Dallas on February 22, 2010 at 8:45pm
Well that stool was a cheapo from Target, so I guess it could've been worse. I was upset, but at the same time amazed that she did that much damage so quickly. We've gotten her several different Kong toys since then, so she's stopped chewing on our stuff. Just have to keep them occupied during the puppy stage! Lol.

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