
Corgis Remembered

Post photos and memories of beloved corgis that are gone but never forgotten.

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30 year old photo - Rookie, w. baby Lindsay

Rookie loved Lindsay and was always there protecting her. I can't imagine ever worrying about how Rookie would react to the birth of Lindsay, our first baby. I also can't imagine keeping them apart. Prior to our babies, Rookie was always with me. No matter how late I'd be up working, he'd be right there with his regal head on my foot. He was incensed when we came home with a new Corgi, Maggie. Maggie was 14 wks. and Rookie was 6 mo. He tried every which way to keep from entering a room. When she persevered, he pushed her into our pool. Eventually they became inseparable best friends. But, Maggie never was devoted to the babies like Rookie. Maybe Rookie just kept them to himself.

Discussion Forum

Losing my best friend :-(

Started by Carolyn Pippin and Gambler. Last reply by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) Feb 15, 2012. 10 Replies

How do I ever get over losing my best friend? I had to make the awful decision to send her over The Bridge on Oct 10 2011. Still to this day I cry over losing her. I do have a new puppy coming Feb…Continue

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Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on April 13, 2010 at 7:26pm
Thank you Doug for sharing Diana Moos wonderful "Heart Dog." It has to touch the heart of everyone who has lost his loving friend, and even those who haven't but dread "that day" the moment they lose their heart to their precious dogs. I don't celebrate Lucy's birthdays because I don't want to think about her getting old. I had never read "Heart Dog" before you posted it. I must send it to my daughter, Marnie, who's in the Peace Corps in W. Africa. She still grieves for Dylan, who preceded Lucy.
Comment by Bev Levy on April 13, 2010 at 7:19pm
I had heard that before but enjoyed reading it again. Thanks! Tinsel was a real beauty by the way.
Comment by Jane Christensen on April 13, 2010 at 7:03pm
Great Heart Dog definition! Thanks!
Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on April 13, 2010 at 6:45pm

On the Corgi-L mailing list I discovered the term "Heart Dog." The definition of Heart Dog, written by Diana Moos, fits so well with my late Corgi sweetie, Tinsel. Maybe it's been posted here already but I didn't spot it. Scott Wiley's story of his beloved Corky brought it to mind again. For me, my heart dog was "Tinsel doggie," pictured above.

Heart Dog: "I've always loved all of our dogs, corgi or not, but there have been a few that put a pawprint that remains forever on my heart. A heart dog is that special one. Probably not the prettiest, smartest or healthiest, but rather the one that seems so to fill your heart, bring a smile to your lips, and you feel is closer to than your best friend. The one that seems to have so many special qualities that may or may not be seen by the rest of the world. They are terrible to own as you know you can't replace them and you dread each passing year. They give you more love and joy than you ever thought possible, then break your heart when they leave. However, you will gladly bear the pain, than not to have had the joy of their presence." - Diana Moos
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on April 13, 2010 at 2:38pm
@Doug and Scott- love the stories about your big-hearted corgis. Keep 'em coming!
Comment by Scott Wiley on April 13, 2010 at 10:47am
Corgis are definitely small dogs who think big. When we ship cattle across state lines we have to have a vet write up health papers on the cattle. Our vet just sits here shaking his head and laughing at the Corgis, he cannot believe their heart when they are loading semis
Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on April 13, 2010 at 3:42am

My old Corgi pal Watson once backed down a Belgian Malinois police dog named "Robby" as I stood holding Watson's leash and talking with the police dog's handler. Something transpired between the two dogs and Watson got right in the Malinois's face and the surprised dog backed up quickly. The officer (a neighbor of mine) looked very startled and said "No one has ever backed down Robby before!" I said "Robby never messed with a Corgi before!"
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on April 12, 2010 at 9:56pm
@Edward and Gemima - I love your wording! Our Corgis are forever angel puppies to us, too. Hopefully they are all playing together and making mischief in Corgi Heaven. I hope to post photos of all my Corgis when I can get up the heart to uncover all those boxes of photos and scan a few. I remember each of my Corgis as puppies, and my rescues at the day we brought them home. I love to read all the comments and see the photos on this site, as we remember our wonderful buddies and best friends.
Comment by Edward and Gemima on April 12, 2010 at 2:04pm
Phinny is forever an angel puppy to us!!!!!
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on April 12, 2010 at 12:51pm
@ Gromit and Doug- Welcome to you and Gromit. The sad part is that you have to have lost someone special, but the flip side is that this is a place to share stories, post pix, and remember loyal friends. We all have to go sometime, sad as it is; and some leave us way too early. I already commented that I no longer celebrate Lucy's b-days. To us she's a puppy forever.
PS I actually taught Lucy to kiss me. Your mom would be appalled!

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