
Corgis Who Camp!

This is a group for people who love to go camping with their Corgis!

Members: 99
Latest Activity: Jul 22, 2014

Discussion Forum

overlanding with corgis

Started by Kimberly Green Feb 10, 2014. 0 Replies

My husband and I are planning a 9,000 mile expedition around the USA. Pretty much off-road camping in all different National parks. I was wondering if anyone has done something like this before and…Continue

Gwynnie wants an RV.

Started by John Wolff. Last reply by Laura Apr 18, 2013. 3 Replies

Gwynnie still wants an RV, but she doesn't really start whining until the rainy season…Continue

Tags: tent, backpacking, climbing, trail, hiking

Dog Backpacks, good idea or not.

Started by Don. Last reply by John Wolff Aug 22, 2012. 5 Replies

I was looking in to getting Jazmin her own backpack. I know that Annabelle's won't fit her so time to look again. I didn't have any issues with Annabelle and her's but just wondering if it would hurt…Continue

Tags: Camping, Backpack

Adventure dogwalking on Glacier Peak.

Started by John Wolff. Last reply by Ann B., Scout and Summer Aug 9, 2012. 3 Replies

Al claims the first failed ascent by a Pembroke Welsh corgi on Washington state's Glacier Peak without supplemental oxygen, 8/5/2012:…Continue

Tags: tent, snow, climbing, hiking, camping

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Comment by Bev Levy on September 7, 2011 at 4:06pm
We are home from our Labor Day trip. It is amazing how fast this summer went! We went to Harrisville State park (Michigan) for their annual Harmony (Sweet Adelines and Barbershop) and Art Fair weekend. It was lots of fun although we got the gigantic, noisy family next to us so it wasn't too peaceful. At one point they tied one of their dogs on such a long lead that it came over to our campsite and tried to attack Izzy! Fortunately I was able to get him away before any damage was done . Strangely they weren't very nice about it either..oh well most of the weekend was fun. I had one scary moment when Misty caught an unleashed, tiny Yorkie but she dropped it when I yelled at her. The owner wasn't too happy but the pup appeared to be fine. I am glad there wasn't a car because it shot across the road to get to us. Holiday weekends are awfully crowded at state parks! We only go because our friend sings and we do enjoy that part. Anyway we are all home and hope to fit one more calmer camping trip in before winter.
Comment by Bev Levy on September 1, 2011 at 8:15am
Off for camping trip to Harrisville, Mi . Internet unlikely, photos to follow...
Comment by Jenni on August 31, 2011 at 12:44pm
Emma and the family (my long-time boyfriend, Kenneth, our shih-tzu/terrier mix and myself) all worked at YMCA Camp Shaver in Jemez Springs, NM last summer! They both enjoyed being camp dogs!
Comment by Bev Levy on August 22, 2011 at 10:20am

The tale of two camping trips:

State park= Dirt, beautiful forest, beach, noise, no water or sewer and did I say DIRT!

Private campground=Grass, pretty landscaping, quiet, water and sewer, clubhouse,mini golf, pool, etc and did I say NO DIRT!!

I am officially getting old, I guess...loved the Private park. With 3 dogs dirt really gets old. Our next trip is to another beautiful State park and I am dreading the Dirt!

Comment by Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups) on August 12, 2011 at 2:33pm
Getting ready to head out camping Sunday.Heading to Our favorite site of Gualala in the redwoods,then up to the Shasta mtn area for a few days.Just Hubby and the corgis this trip :).All Our grown kids are working,going to school,teaching school or working on His Masters in middle school admin.Busy lives!!Glad We're at the stage to start slowing down the work and enjoying the outdoors-and each other.
Comment by Brigitte Campanaro on August 10, 2011 at 10:26pm
Do I spy a Corgi under the bush straight back from the water bottles (in the foreground)?
Comment by Bev Levy on August 10, 2011 at 8:01pm
OK John I am stumped! Couldn't find her...
Comment by John Wolff on August 10, 2011 at 1:29pm

Find the corgi in this picture (not in the tent).  Hint:  it's hot, for the Washington Cascades, a blistering 75° F in the sun, and Gwynnie isn't wearing her Chillybuddy cooling vest.  This is quite close to Seattle but also quite remote; nobody goes here but climbers.  It's even hard for the bugs to get here.  Gwynnie did amazingly well on the bushwhack (crawls under the brush), but she needed many Corgi-Tosses on the long steep rockpile, not corgi-friendly terrain.  Ice in the lake still, so not much swimming.  The tent is just to keep the bugs away.  We're both getting old; we weenied, skipped the summit, and lounged by the lake in the silence, watching the ice melt.

[this is an experiment, a 2MB file, seems to work, maybe the website automatically recduces it; click it to view full-size.]

Comment by Zanna Russell on August 9, 2011 at 2:15am
I have something I do with our dogs that works well for all concerned when they have to be leashed at a campsite and I don't want to deal with bringing an ex-pen.  I find a couple of trees around our campsite (close enough to interact with, far enough away not to be underfoot while we are cooking) and tie a clothesline or other handy rope between the two trees, and through the handle of the flexi.  Now you have a retractable leash that can zip along between the two trees, giving your dog plenty of room, but avoiding the hazard of getting tangled up that other forms of tie-out can create. 

I love this method and so do the dogs.  I put their mat down (we use bathmats as an "instant place") and water and they are good while we cook, clean, pitch tent, etc. around the campsite.  With two dogs we pick two sets of trees that are far enough apart so they can touch noses, but won't get tangled in each other's line. If you pick your trees well, the dogs will seldom wind themselves around one of their trees, but you have to keep an eye on them - you can't leave them unattended.
Comment by Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna on August 8, 2011 at 9:16pm
Hello Elizabeth, I don't have a comment about the swimming, but I wanted to introduce myself as I have a corgi named Luna too!

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