

Easton, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Raubsville, PA
About Me:
My husband & I have a freelance photography business based out of Eastern Pennsylvania. We travel for work through out the US and love to have our cardi, Le-Le sitting beside us.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Le-Le is a wonderful 7 year old cardigan corgi who came to live with us in Feb 2008 almost on her second birthday. She was a very fearful cardigan corgi when we first got her. Now 5 years later she is a smart, funny, sweet girl who adores my husband and I. (when I ask her to find Gary she runs and gives him kisses) Still does not like strangers and is a great watchdog. She now lives the life of the traveling photographer's companion. She loves to visit family and play with other dogs.
I have:

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  • Sophie

    Le-Le is a beauty. Love the coloring.
  • Molly

    Le-Le is beautiful. Molly looks a lot like her. I'm been trying to figure out what she will look like when she's older, and I think I've found it. Welcome to the group.
  • Kerry Schulberger

    Thanks for the welcome.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Thank you Anne.........Corgis are the best!
  • Carlee

    She's beauitful! She has the most adorable face! Thank you for the compliments on Regis! I understand you being grateful she wasn't "cut" for the show ring, Regis wasn't either- Thank goodness!

    I do really enjoy having a Cardigan. It's nice to always be stopped and be asked what he is. Not many know what a Cardi is! Whenever I took Regis to the mall back in California, everyone stopped and asked what he was. I got a lot of the "Aussie/Corgi mix" and a "Husky/Corgi mix" because of his blue merle coat and his blue eyes. It's so fun, I love all the attention he gets.

    How'd you like Johnson City? I'm about 20 minutes from it. It is very pretty out here, I enjoy it a lot :) Let me know when you come through again, Regis would love a new girlfriend to add to his list lol!
  • Dannielle

    Yes, yes, the blog needs work. Have you seen Benny's blog?

    Real Corgis have tails :) haha
  • Robin Judice

    Thanks for the welcome, Anne! It's great to meet another cardi lover (not so many cardis in Louisiana).

    LeLe is precious. I love the pic of her wedged in the side table. Does LeLe have to have her head propped up? Mr. Spock always does.
  • Butter

    Welcome! You live in my last name, haha! I love the profile pic of Le-Le; a very beatiful Cardigan. Also, lI ove the one of him in the piece of furniture. It is too cute!! I have a Cardigan too, he weighs 47 lbs so I don't know if I could squeeze him into anything to take his picture. Wish I could though. Is Le-Le what is called a tri-colour corgi? Just wondering....Joy Easton and Baby Butter
  • Anne

    Le-Le once got into an even tighter space at a hotel. The side table had a shelf where the draw should have been and I was trying to get her to stay in her bed and not go into the bottom cubbyhole when she leaped on to the shelf. Was only at most 8" high. I was so amazed and a bit worried she would get stuck that I puled her out right away. Should have taken a picture because if you saw the shelf you would not believe she could get into such a tight space. Some hotels she would get in the cubbyholes and the draw would be in her way and she would move the drawer out with her head. Le-Le is a tri-color and she weighs 35 pounds and is lean but she should not get any heavier. Where in Canada are you? We love to travel in Nova Scotia and PEI.
  • Butter

    Hi Anne with an "e". I was born in PEI but lived most of my live in Halifax, NS until I married a PEIlander 5 years ago, tomorrow. So I have been living in the countryside of PEI for 5 years now. I miss NS, it has a more harsh beauty (love the waves crashing into bolders, like at Peggy's Cove), PEI is beautiful but more pastoral. Hard to find a rock here, LOL, seriously, they are all imported from NS. What are your favourite places in NS and PEI?

    Nice to see a good sized Cardigan...I am wondering if the trend has been to breed them smaller...I know that my breeder has much smaller dogs. Buttercup was a stud male and a show dog and is now retired so we adopted him; he is 9 years old. I love the look of the Cardigan, so majestic.

    I was looking at your website, you are amazing photographers; sure you don't need me to say that though. I love looking at your pictures. I just got my 1st camera, Canon point and shoot at Xmas and am trying to learn a few is a challenge but I am having fun. I am spending most of my time with a simple editing program than learning the basics of photography. I think it would be easier to learn photography with a DSLR; mine is a Digital Elph and everything is so automatic. So many menus (a lot are hidden). Would take me forever to try to set up a photo, not that I really know how.

    That's amazing re Le-Le getting into tiny places, Baby Butter never tries. I would be concerned, as you were, that he would be stuck!!!
  • Butter

    I just noticed that your website is gone. That is too bad, I really enjoyed looking at it and was going to have another look with my husband. I had seen it one day and haven't gotten around to writing you until today :(
  • Anne

    I put the website back up. We spent our honeymoon camping all along the coast of Nova Scotia. One of our favorite places was Meat Cove. So beautiful and remote. My parents one Summer a few years ago rented a house in Rose Bay, NS which was so much fun. for them. There was a great beach to walk on though a bit cool even in August to swim. Only got to visit for a long weekend. Took longer to drive to and from. We went to PEI several Summers before the bridge was built. Easier to get to and closer than NS and the ferry was pretty cheap. We liked the house parties on PEI and went to several since not far to drive anywhere there. Had great fresh oysters and the campgrounds are so nice in Canada. We would love to get back up there since it is one of our favorite places.
  • Butter

    Hi Anne, just to let you know, when you leave a message for someone else, you click on their name so that you are leaving it on their page. Otherwise they (I) won't know that you have left one. I thought to recheck your page but normally I wouldn't.

    That's funny, I have never heard of Meat Cove, I guess it must be remote L0L. Also, I am not overly familiar with Rose Bay but it sounds familiar, is it on the South Shore of NS? Have you been to Chester and Mahone Bay. Also, to Cape Breton; very beautiful in different ways. There are so many tiny communities in NS and PEI that it is impossible to know them all. I personally love the cool ocean water; find it exhilarating. Yes, there are lots of house parties on PEI (NS too but they would be natually occuring ones; not as promoted to tourists) ; they really promote them to tourists. Glad to hear the Maritimes are one of your favourite places.

    In the Maritimes, we are famous for all parties ending up in the kitchen. I guess it is a lot more casual there and everyone ends up hanging out.

    You live in Pennsylvania, I think. I haven't been there since I was a teen. We went for a few summer vacations in my teens. I just remember everything being very green and beautiful. We went as a family to a Christian camp there and enjoyed it so much.

    Have a great day, Joy
  • Phog's Mama

    Le-Le is such a cutie! How does she do when you travel? Phog does not like long car rides very much so I don't take her with me much.
  • Phog's Mama

    Phog likes to have her head propped up on things to! It doesn't matter if it is one of her toys, a pillow, or my leg. It is so funny.
  • Cody and Sam

    That was a stuffless skunk in Hazels mouth. Key word "was," she has managed to destroy any toy made of cloth or rope. We keep a nice supply of kong type toys and rubber squeak toys.
  • Butter

    Just glanced at your website...will have to go back later. The red-headed girl in "The Drooz Crew", New York would make a lovely "Anne of Green Gables" wouldn't she? Lovely picture.
  • Elys

    Hi, Anne! Welcome to my friendship ring. Your little one is so good-looking. She seems to have "truer" corgi traits, than my little Camber--but, Cam is a PWC, I wonder if that makes a difference? Love that tail. I don't know if Camber could survive me just wanting to smother her with hugs and kisses if she had a tail--she's just so darn sweet. Keep the pics coming!
  • penny spencer

    Hi Anne and Le-Le. She is a beauty. Love the tri colored, but love them all. What a gorgeous tail too! Yeh, Roscoe's a cutie patootie. Take care. Beautiful property by the way.
  • Cheri

    Thanks for the comments about Dudley. I love the picture of Le-Le in the nightstand! We don't see many tri's around here. She's a beauty!
  • Nancy & Owen

    Hi Anne! Le-Le is a gorgeous Cardigan girl :) It was touching to read the story about coming out of her shell. It's really amazing how adaptable, intelligent and loving dogs are, huh (especially corgis, of course:)? I'm actually considering getting a Cardigan girl myself as a companion for my Pembroke, so if you have any words of wisdom to add about the difference between Cardigans and Pembrokes, let me know :)
  • Julie

    Le-Le is adorable! I love her markings and that tail!! My corgi, Caleb, came from Oklahoma, almost never barks, and he came to live with me when he was a year and a half. He follows me around too, like he's my own little security detail. And, like Le-Le, he comes to work with me (working is so much better with a corgi to help)! If he wasn't a Pem, I'd say they could be related! :-)
  • Katie

    Le-Le is beautiful. She has the kindest eyes! She sounds like she has really started coming out of her shell with you.
  • Florence

    Thank you very much for your kind message, Anne !
    I'm very new to "MyCorgi", so, don't understand well what to do, but I'm going to look around and try it.
    Le-Le is a beautiful Cardi ! (Same color of my Uyanga's father)
  • Mike Hammer

    Hi! Thank you. This is a great site.
  • Mary Hart

    Le-Le is a beautiful corgi. I love your pictures.
  • Mary Hart

    Thank you I love them dearly. They are my children.
  • Florence

    Hello, Anne !

    You can see here Uyanga's father (he's English):

    And this is the breeder's site, in English:
  • Florence

    When Uyanga came to my home, the breeder gave me some better photos of Sasha (Uyanga's dad), but it's somewhere in a CD...I must search for it.
  • Chris

    That is actually her back pack that she carries her treats in with her to the horse shows. This shot was taken at about 11:30pm after we had been there since 5am. She was at the point of I don't care what is happening, I'm going to sleep!
  • Chris

    You can definitely tell you are a photographer! Your profile picture of Le-Le is absolutely breathtaking.
  • Rebecca & Bella

    Le-Le is such a gorgeous pup! I like the pic of her laying in the nightstand cubby! Bella is always trying to lay in spots to small for her also!!
  • Krystal

    Thank you! I love tri's-- & your dog Le-Le is beautiful :)
    Enjoyed your photos!
  • Parker

    Hey! Thanks! I'm going in search of them online now!
    As always, Le-Le looks like a sweetheart!
  • K Hartshorn

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. One really good book to check out is help for you shy dog by Deborah Wood. I have had Gilliam since November. I waited two months before taking him to his first training class just because I really wanted him to get attached to me first, so I knew he would know that he could trust me. We had visitors come to the house; he almost never wanted to meet anyone until they had been in the house for 10 to 20 minutes. Just never force it, and use treats, lots and lots of tasty treats (it is easer for the treats to come from you and not the stranger unless you know the person very well). I would highly recommend a positive style training class, mostly for fun and to get to know your dog better the classes can really help with building your dogs confidence.
  • Stefanie and Niko

    Thank you! I work in Washington. Niko has been such a good puppy so far. I just love him!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Your slow but steady progress is the only way to go. As she gets more confidence she'll probably surprise you with bursts of "testing", Positive training methods and lots of praise you're discovering go a long way in building confidence.

    I don't know if you've considered it, but an introductory class in agility is a really great confidence builder as well. If you get the opportunity, check out an agility class. I know after Timmy took his he became a bit of a show off, on hikes in the woods he would jump and run along logs, run through culverts and jump on large flat rocks, then look for a treat. If your husband could do something like that with her, it might help in creating a warm bond as well.

    Anyway, great job so far and it will only get better. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions about training on this site. There are some really good trainers with lots of positive training experience.

    My next dog will be a cardigan, I'm looking at a 1-2 year old as well.
  • Susan and Jack

    Hi Anne, thanks for the support on our Mia and her issues. Le-Le is just beautiful! I hope to have a tri-color one day, but for now we've got our hands full with Mia (our Corgi rescue) and Sadie (our standard dachshund puppy). We're still actively involved with training for both dogs and suspect we will continue on/off throughout their adult lives. We work actively with a private, local trainer, and have enrolled in a six-week Petco socialization/good manners class. This class should be interesting! Mia's manners with ANY other dog are horrendous, and our puppy is picking up her cues from Mia. Naturally, I want to nip it in the bud pronto, but it's not going to happen overnight. It's a process. Likewise, it will be a process to bring Le-Le out of her shell. I've never met a shy Corgi. By the way, she looks pretty fabulous in her pink raincoat! In addition, she's very photogenic, especially so with pro-photog parents. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more about your progress with Le-Le.
  • patrice

    Thanks so much for the welcome, Anne. Le-Le is gorgeous!
  • Sherri

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome! What a small world! That's very cool that you were just here in Fairport recently. I have only seen a few corgis around here, but am always looking!
  • Trenton and Denise

    I can't believe how much they look alike. Of course I did get Malibu here in CA. I hope you are happy with her and god bless for taking her in. Have a great time.
  • quinn gleich

    Thank you. Hillary is a trip! I think she got more Corgi genes- and the more I read on the blog the more familiar her characteristics look.
  • Angie

    Hey Anne!!
    Baylee and Blossom, our basset, are best buddies now. It took a few days but now they lkove eachother. Thanks so much for the welcome. I'm still trying to get the hang of it around here but I am loving all the beautiful Corgis.
  • Bud Fleming

    Thank you and Hello Anne, I have found a pile of old pictures. I when able will be adding more pictures of Tricky and Rebel, etc... Currently seeking out local work in my area as I
    am tired of being a Over the road 18 wheeler trucker. Tired of no social life, family life, etc..
    and so far doing ok. God Bless and I've seen your cute pictures. They are wonderful.
    May our days be blessed and great. Bud, Fiddler, and Rusty
  • Shannon Groark

    Why thank you!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Anne: your dogs are beautiful. Their faces are so soft and sweet looking. i really enjoyed your pictures.
  • BeanDip4All

    Wow, Le Le is gorgeous! My favorite is the one of her hiding under the potted plants. At first I didn't even notice! I also love the one of her and your other dog swimming in the reeds. The red and white almost looks like an otter! Cute pups.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank you. How long did it take you to stop feeling the pain>Or does it never go away?
  • Lyn

    Your corgis are beautiful! We are thinking about a cardi when we are ready for another dog. I sure hope to meet you at the next round up. Hopefully you can teach me how to take such beautiful corgi pictures. LOL
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks for the support it really helps. I go through spurts where I cry so hard I shake and then other times I can talk about him and I am fine..its confusing and hard but the support really helps! I am so sorry for your losses. Cancer is such an evil thing. Putting to sleep is really hard to I wish he would have died peaceful at home but I know we couldn't have waited he was truely suffering...its so hard to let your loved ones go...