Chantel & Princess Bella

37, Female


South Africa

Profile Information:

Johannesburg South Africa
About Me:
I am a graphic / web designer from Johannesburg SA. My boyfriend and I adopted little Bella, and we love her like she's our baby!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bella was born on April 25th 2008. She is a purebred red & white Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She is the sweetest dog I have ever known. She makes me smile no matter what mood I'm in...and I love it when she quietly wakes me up in the morning with a little nudge on my arm with her nose :-)

I have:

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  • Ellie Belly

    Bella is ADORABLE! Ellie's ears were so big, that by the time they stood up, she was a few months old. I wish they could stay little and fuzzy forever! The only downside to having a puppy is that they grow up too fast!
  • penny spencer

    Hi Bella and mom. Thanks for your comment. Support is very iimportant for me as his care can be demanding. Bella is gorgeous.
    We have the opportunity to adopt another male corgi this weekend.
    Roscoe is shy and not used to "strangers" but think he would enjoy a buddy after he gets used to Bazel. thanks again. Penny
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks so much! I just keep thinking of happy memories and that is helping me not be too sad while he's still here. I dont want him to remember me sad you know...Also everyones positive comments help! Looking at cute pictures on here make me smile too. Thanks again
  • Tenley

    Thank you! I'm excited. :D His mark is on his chest, on the right side. Maybe I'm crazy and it blends in, but from what I can see it's just a spot. Either way, talk about a cutie, eh? Hehe
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Bella is a cutie! You will have so much fun w/her. Nothing better then puppy breath!!!
  • Mim

    Thanks for the photo comment, I think they are pretty spunky too :)

    Your pups are soo cute! Before getting Sarge we were tossing up between a beagle or a corgi.
  • Molly

    Feebz is happy to have a new friend in South Africa :) Bella is super cute.
  • Nisha

    Bella is gorgeous!
  • Chester

    Bella! what a cute pup! i've heard so much good things about south africa. do u currently live there?
  • Chester

    we knew some people who were from there, and there was nothing but good things said. one day we hope to venture off into your neck of the woods.
    hope one day we could meet your bella!
  • Krystal

    Thank you!! His eyes are a mix of colors.. brown, a little blue, and some green. I think they're beautiful :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello! Thanks for the friend add, love the name Bella, she is a cutie!
  • Rachel

    Yep that is a dog pool, it's so much fun! The public pools open to dogs the last day of the season; all profits go to dog rescue programs. what a cute puppy you have. take lots of pics they grow up fast. Oh, I loved the Queen video clip!
  • Renae & Mark

    Yes it is tomorrow, Saturday, our wedding day!! We'll try and get a picture of bride and corgi posted on the site!

    Thank you for your kind wishes!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You for the birthday wishes....Lance
  • Sylvia

    EH HEE HEE HEE HEE!!!! They look like the Fox and the Hound together! :D
  • Sylvia

    My little one comes home on November 7th. One week away! So I've been on here reading any forum, blog etc I can to learn as much as I can. I'm an experienced dog owner but this will be my first Corgi ^^
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Bella & Liam are cuties! Thanks for the compliment on my little Napoleon!
  • Carrie & Chad

    Hi Chantel, Gavin, Bella and Liam. You have such cute little girl. Our dogs do look very similar, scary. The mounting was an issue with my beagle too. We got Paige first and then Sunny came home and Paige kept trying to hump her. The roles have changed in the last year. Sunny seems to be doing the humping. Their both girls, so I think it is just a dominance thing for them. My husband thinks its hilarious, which doesn’t help. Male beagles a pretty stubborn and pushy. Sunny was always really good at standing her ground. It may take Bella a while to let him know who is boss.
  • aubrie

    Thank you! Lovely dogs you have there!
  • Sarah and Lenny

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Duchess Anne Windsor of Pembrokeshire Wales

    We saw your Corgi-what a doll !! she is lovely!! Thank you for the feedback-
    and yes-Duchess has her own room decorated in pink with a Princess motif-I bought her a Barbie Princess toddler bed with matching sheet set and she loves her bed. Her full name is Duchess Anne Windsor of Pembrokshire Wales-I think she thinks shes royalty-lol-Again-good luck with your little girl-keep in touch! Lia
  • Kelly

    Thanks Chantel! I'm kind of photo obsessed :) You should post more pictures of Bella, I'd love to see more of her! :)
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Chantel!
    I don't know if you have found an online store to ship out to where you are, but I was looking at this site today and noticed a thing to click for "International Shoppers". It made me think about you. Maybe you can check it out...

    They have some really nice things there.
  • Dawn Murray

    Bella is so cute! love the nub!
  • Bella

    Hi Chantel and Bella. Bella is so cute, she looks like the little toy corgis.
  • Tinus de Jager

    Thank you, will do.
  • Alia, David & Ein

    Thanks! Bella is gorgeous. :) Also, I like your blog! I used to be a web developer and designer before I went back to school to get my law degree.
  • Katie

    Hi Tigger and Molly say Hi! Who is the beagle? Is that Bella's brother?
  • Alia, David & Ein

    I guess I just wanted something a little more challenging and that involved me on the strategic side of the business, rather than the production side. Also, at the places I was working, there was a real boy's club attitude. It's alright. I'll probably make a much better attorney than I did a web designer. :)
  • Karen

    Thanks for the invite! Bella is a lovely young lady. :-)
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Hey, great to see you guys here :)
  • Paula Hess

    I love the cafe press site! I had a t-shirt made for my nephew. I buy alot of stuff from there. Definatly a supporter. Your Beagle is so cute. Of course Bella is a little sweetheart! Who doesn't love a corgi? She looks like she is a petite little girl. She melts my heart.
  • Mara

    Your puppies are so cute. How old is your beagle?
  • Carol

    thank you!!
  • Leslie

    thank you! he is adorable, the little runt. and so well behaved... when he's sleeping. hahaha. no, he's a good and smart puppy, just very, very curious. and bella looks like such a sweet girl.
  • disraeli ears

    Hi there from the Northern Hemisphere, where it's cold. :) Bella is a real cutie - so is your beagle!
  • DR, Nala & Simon

    Hello from Florida!!! Your babies are beautiful. They look very happy.
  • Allison Musick

    Thanks, she's a handful! Yours is cute too!
  • Chris and Bugg

    Thanks! Love the pics of Bella!
  • Bay in TN

    Wow! Bella is certainly appropriately named -- she's gorgeous! Thank you so much for the "add" and the warm welcome. :)
  • Carol Staughton

    Hey there, I am a committee member of the club
  • Melissa & Gary

  • Chris and Bugg

    Petsmart is doing the Santa photo thing this year if you have one near you (which you may not in South Africa!). It was $10 ($5 went to the Humane Society) and you get a cool frame to put it in too!
  • Tiphanie

    yup, she gets her nails painted at the groomers with pet nail polish.
  • Luann Shipman

    Bella is beautiful...reminds me of my Fancy! Aren't corgis just the greatest? I noticed you had asked about a carrier...don't know the measurements, but when I ship puppies, I always buy a "medium" crate so that it will fit them their whole lives. I've bought them from several different places, but the cheaper one at Wal-Mart really seems to be the best.
  • Pam & Momo

    Hi there!! Thanks for adding me and Momo as a friend =)

    So the pet carrier I bought Momo is this one:
    They come in a number of different sizes and you can get it at petco, or pet club. I believe we bought the medium size. It was a bit on the pricier side ($70), and I ended up finding a very similar one at Bed Bath & Beyond for $20!! So I ended up buying two more from bed bath and keeping one in the car and one at my boyfriend's work. Comes in really handy!

    Are you using this crate mostly for travel? We don't use this soft crate at home. Momo has a bigger wire crate at home because he loveeeesss to chew, so the soft crate wouldn't last haha. Anyway, good luck!
  • Jack, the Pumpkin King

    What a gorgeous little gal... Bella fits her well.
  • Karen & Bailey

    why thank you!!!!! =) yes, we did enter him into the contest! He was the second picture - the corgi balancing on that fence outside!