
Stillwater, Oklahoma

United States

Profile Information:

Stillwater Oklahoma
About Me:
I LOVE corgis, I've always wanted one, and now I recently own one! He was 8 weeks old when I got him. I decided to name him Butters. =) Hes very playful and a blessing in my life.
Lets see...I'm a Christian. and I'm 22 years old. I was voted most random in High School, I can bark and sound just like a dog, I can burp ANY time I want. I always pour my milk in my bowl BEFORE my cereal, and I drink coffee with a straw! I can say my ABC's backwords SUPER FAST! hehe!
I like Disney movies, video games, anime, reading, drawing, and working in the bakery, raquet ball, poker, kid things, and lots of other random stuff =D
I got the corgi Disney movie called "Little Dog Lost" on ebay. I recommend this movie to anyone! It's AMAZING!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Butters was 8 weeks old when I got him on Thursday August 30th, 2007. He was born on the 4th of July! He is VERY playful. I bought him for 150 dollars, and he was worth it. He doesn't have much white on his mussel, but I don't mind that. He loves his chew toys, and he doesn't bark at night. =) Yup, he's a keeper. I taught him to sit in less than 15 minutes. He is now potty trained! He hasn't forgotten the command since then! Very smart pup!

I have:

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  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Katelyn! Thank you for your comment on Sidney and his tail. I love that he has it.
    Your Butters is so adorable! He must have just turned one, right? Sidney will be one on July 11th.
    What kind of amine is your favorite? I have two daughters that look to be about your age and they are really big anime/manga fans. My favorite is FullMetal Alchemist (bet you thought I'd say Cowboy Bebop, right?).
    I bought a copy of Little Dog Lost on Amazon and I LOVE it!
  • Geri & Sidney

    My oldest daughter just loves Bleach and Deathnote. The younger one (you see her in a lot of the pics with Sidney) is enjoying Inubaka right now. Lots of dogs!
    We bought Sidney a cake from the doggie bakery for tomorrow. It's a carrot cake with peanut butter frosting. Sounds pretty good!
  • Butter

    Hi, I came across your page. Butters is adorable; too funny because we adopted a Cardigan 2 months ago and about one month ago changed his name to Buttercup. We call him Butter and my pet name for him is Baby Butter. I am a Christian too.
  • Fozzie Bear

    OMG! Butters is such a doll. x D His puppy pictures are killing me.

    Is he named after the character from South Park? teehee
  • Butter

    PS Will you tell me what anime is, please? I see the word but don't really know.
  • Butter

    Glad to meet you, too!!! Thanks for the in-depth description of anime...I didn't know there was a corgi in one; have to check it out. So you're in Oklahoma. When does your corgi start and end extreme shedding (this is what I call it). We were misled by our breeders and told that at the beginning of May, he was shedding and would do so for another few weeks. Well, about 10 days ago, it has been crazy; we used the furbuster everyday and vacuuming 1-2 a day. Wondering how this compares to living in a warmer place. We just got into the 80's about 2-3 weeks ago. Please tell me this is going to end soon. Thanks for any advice.

    Also, why did you choose the name Butters? It is really cute. I can tell you how we chose Buttercup if you care to know (not too exciting a story, though).

    Are there any other Xian's on this website? Joy and BB
  • FuzzyButt

    Hee, thank you! Banzai is my little baby. Butters is a cutie himself.

    I love anime. I also love to draw it.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Well thank you very much for the lovely compliment! Your corgi is a cutie!
  • Samwise

    Sam is a little over 2 years old. Your puppy is adorable!!
  • Charlie

    thanks! She's officially a woman now. Yours is cute too
  • Virginia

    Thanks, Katelyn. Love your guy/gal too.
  • Dannielle

    Thanks very much, I love the name Zero as soon as I found out I was getting a puppers I thought of that name! Thanks for offering advice I am sure I'll need it once Zero comes home! Aug 22nd not like I am counting or anything :o)
  • Chuck Combs

    Thanks for the welcome! Yours could be Leela's twin heh
  • Rita

    Oh Katelyn, what a beauty you have!
  • Chris

    Katelyn, we will be in Stillwater announcing a horse show at Payne County Fairgrounds September 6 & 7.
  • Liz & Remi

    Your corgi is so adorable!
    Omg, that was you? Cool!! Thank you soo much! <3
  • Carmen

    Trunks IS named after the DBZ character! My favorite character also! We're big anime fans.

    I like the name Butters. Did you get that from South Park?
  • Carmen

    Actually, Pan is from Pandora. It wasn't until after we named Trunks that we drew the connection from DBZ.

    I like Butters as a name. Buster is cute too, but Butters is better. :)
  • Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom

    aren't they all adorable? They have an awesome termperment to go with their looks
  • Florence

    Hi, thank you for your kind comment !
    Butters is very cute !!!
  • Cheryl

    Thanks for the welcome
  • Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom

    I have never seen one with a less than sweet temperment. although my Myles is very protective of me.
  • Mary Hart

    thank you very much, your kido is very cute as well
  • Amanda

    That was the inspiration. That's funny you got the wishbone themesong. My dad used to watch that. It was so funny cause he was like this 40 year old guy talking about Wishbone and what a cool dog he is and how much he learned from that show.
  • Amanda

    I LOVE David Crowder Band. Oh praise him. One of my favorite songs! I just bought The Lime CD. Good stuff!
  • Petra Marteus

    Thank you for your nice words about my cardis:)) You Butters looks like a fun and qute companion!
    Best regards from
    Fromax Kennel in Sweden
  • Amanda

    They are good live. They opened for Third Day a couple of years ago here in SA. That's the first time I had heard them. It was a lot of fun. Third Day is great live too. The Lime CD is really good-you should get it! :)
  • cecy phyillaier

    hi butters is very cutie, i love the puppy stage
  • Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom

    well he is prtective when there are other dogs around, or when i leave him in the car, and go into the store. he has a hard time with other people near me. but when we walk, he is so happy, and like you said, licks strangers if they let him :)
  • Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom

    the white tip is Myles little spot that keeps him cute. thanks for the comments. Your Butter is a cutie too.
  • Susan and Jack

    Hi Katelyn and Butters! What a little cutie your Butters is! The music accompaniment complements the photos nicely. Good work! Looking forward to seeing more as Butters and your other pup grow together.
  • Manda and Chloe

    thanks, your little guy is a cuttie too
  • April

    So much cutenes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hee hee hee!
  • Perla

    My fiance loves to play Magic...so he put Jabba's pic on the card. Thanks for the comment!
  • SqueakyPink

    Awww, Butters looks very much like the Queens corgi's, they don't have alot of white either.
  • BeanDip4All

    Hey congrats on your new guy! Butters certainly has a great smile. I love the photo of him waving/stomping his paw.
  • Marcy

    Thanks! I love the name Butters. Rubie has a "cousin" (shes a teacup Pomeranian) and her name in Buttercup, but we all call her Butters for short. I would have used that name if it wasn't already int he family.
  • Laura Jones

    Thanks for the welcome! He is adorable.
  • Butter

    Hi, I haven't talked to you in a longgg time; how are you doing? I just stumbled across a group you may want to join. It is called "Corgis of Christian Owners"; hope to see you there. Joy and Butter
  • Alicia

    Welcome to Corgi's of Christians Katelyn!!!! Butter is precious. I have a 6 month old corgi and a newly aquired 6 wk old corgi named Chloe. They are both just awesome. I can't imagine life without them! Anyway...God Bless!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Thanks! =) Mind sparing a vote or two for us in the calendar competition? Bailey's the second picture!

    Butters is a cute name - was that after his rear end, or butter?
  • Lauren + Winston

  • Colston's & Monster

    Hi... Cute little corgi! I'm from Oklahoma too. Do you know of any kind of even where corgis get together here? I know Monster would love to play with other Corgis and i haven't been able to find anything like that around here...
  • Colston's & Monster

  • CorGeek

    Thanks for the welcome. Lots of Bebop lovers out there. :)
  • Laura

    Butter's is soo cute! I especially love his puppy pics.
  • Riley

    Butters is super cute! he's got some super pics on here! how big is he now?
  • Riley

    hehe. Thanks. Riley's turning 10 month old this month...:D
  • Trish Phillips

    Sorry took so long. Your corgi looks like she could be my corgi's sister.How old is yours?
  • CorgiDewey

    Thanks! Your Corgi is cute too.