Ein Danger


San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

San Antonio, TX
About Me:
mom. wife. pseudo-journalist. pr machine. corgi lover.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Name: Ein
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Color: Red & White
Sex: Male
Age: 1 year 11 mos.
Hobbies: Watching Cowboy Bebop Re-Runs, Chasing my Big Sis Addie Around the House, Going to the Dog Park, Long Walks, Playing with my Toys and Frapping!

Be Sure to Check Me Out On Dogbook!
I have:

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  • Matt & Hilliary

    Haha, my gf wants to get a great dane, I want to name it Megatron.
  • Kristi

    We are currently taking obedience through the Schertz Humane Society because It was cheaper than Rob Cary (even though I did like them when I took my Jack Russell there) and 100% of the proceeds go back into the Humane Society. One of the trainer there at the Humane Society worked with Cesar Milan and you can go back at anytime for refresher courses and you get to do the CGC testing at no additional charge. We will be starting Agility at Eurodog on Sunday afternoons beginning the 26th (even though through them you don't need any obedience first unlike Rob Cary)
  • Kristi

    Is your Addie feeling better today?
  • Kristi

    I can't figure out what is more addicting...mycorgi.com or facebook. Hmmm?!?!
  • Spencer (and his parents)

    WOW!!! They totally are twins! i'm pretty sure Spencer will be well over the breed standar 27-30 lbs. Glad to hear that we aren't the only ones out there with a super sized corgi.

  • Kitty Kirwin

    I hope Ein loves it too! Gwenie say's Hello mate.
  • Kitty Kirwin

    Gwenie is a sable and white. Her breader said she and her sister were the prettiest she had gotten so far. Ive seen the others and she was right.She just had another litter and Gwenie is still the pretty one. My first corgi was a tri-colour he turned darker as he aged. Gwenie is out of puppy fur and has turn a real pretty red. That being said I do love so may be I am just a little too much Mummy! Her ears have a dark brown trim. Its the first thing people notice. I have been ask when she was a baby if she was Fennic fox. That was strange! Ein is beautiful I think. Have a great day, Kitty & Gwenie
  • Matthew Aguilera

    Hey! Yea we had a really good time at the pooch parade. I hope you guys are feeling better now. It'll definitely be good to see you all out there next year. Give Ein my best!
  • Rambo

    You have so cute corgi :) thanks, rambo is getting better all the time :D
  • Esther and Winnie

    Thanks! And yes, that is a fish head! :o)
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Thanks! Our kitchen is almost put back together!! I am so relieved! Poor Koby has a Elizabethan Collar on because he was licking his stitches!!
  • Niki Stevenson

    hah, another cowboy bebop fan I see
  • Alice

    Thank you! He is doing better. On his new food he hasn't had the runs. In fact he seems a little backed up. Hopefully that will straighten itself out. He always has to be one extreme or the other, never just a normal pup. :)
  • Tabitha Sparks

    i love your page. you have taken some great photos of your pup. you can tell you take such good care of him.
  • Alyssa & Chris W.

    Thanks for the advice on doggie life vests. I didn't know they made such a thing. I think he would enjoy it more if he had one. I'm gonna go and check out that vid of Nutmeg right now. :o)
  • Kathryn Johnson

    Thank you! i found this site last night and i was just about jumping with joy, this is so very cool! I will pass that on that you said that about his markings, i think they are quite beautiful too. Yes he does! quite frequently, my family and i get the biggest kick out of it. He is just everywere all the time!
  • christy fry

    thank you for the warm welcome
    christy and the gang
  • David and Fergie

    Thats exactly right, she runs the place
  • Celina Mastin

    We're planning on going. :o)
  • Corgi Kids

    I have begun to find new homes for Chloe and Buster's litter. They had 2 tricolor and 2 red & white. One of the tri's was adopted by a teacher. Moe is a great name. Someone is coming to look at her tomorrow. I love them all and already miss the pup that has left.
  • Amanda

    Our's had fun too. Only one fight for Daisy of course over a bone. 99.99% of the time it's over a chewy. The only way to stop it is no chewies. lol!
  • Mister Jack

    Hello step brother! :D

    I have a question, did you ever get your papers from Nancy Kretchmer? I'm still trying to get mine!
  • Mister Jack

    Oh! Congrats on the new home! :D I hope you enjoy it! Ooh. Sending her a picture sounds like a great idea, but I think she said she was moving when I was bought. Maybe she changed her mind?
  • Jessa

    Hi new neighbor! It was nice meeting you as well. I'm sure Maddi will be sniffing around for Ein every time we walk past your house!
  • GoGoRainbow

    we've been on vacation in FL and couldn't make it =( how was it? Our new house has a real nice shaded backyard so we may have a meetup sometime!
  • Sarah Ogle

    Thank You! Your little guy is so cute!
  • Irina & Zoltan

    Thank you for your comment. I am afraid corgis are not popular in Spain. In fact, few people know about this breed.
  • Aj

    Thank you Ein Danger's mum!
  • KyraMoonUnique

    I sent a request to join the ein group. maybe i should try again. :)
  • YogMonster

  • Ollie and Dinah

    Your profile pic is stunning. Is that on any calendars?
  • Ashley, Holiday & Talieson

    Ein looks remarkably like Holiday as she is getting older! Good to see another lighter coloured and sleeker corgi about.
  • Karen and Hardy

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog post. I appreciate your response. :)
  • Andrea Nunn

    It was good to meet you too!!! hopefully we'll see u in a couple weeks at Eins party =D
  • Brittany and Mango

    Coming from New Mexico all my life I know dryness all too well. Seeing how corgis are what seem to be the happiest of breeds, Im sure that Ein is happy frolicking in any kind of terrain as long as he's with his Mum!
  • christy fry

    thank you !!
  • Rosie & Sport

    aww that sounds like fun. i'll have to see what my boyfriend is up to.
  • Lauren and Daisy

    Thanks! Ein is a cutie!:)
  • Amanda

    Thanks for the invite but will be on vacation till the 14th. Have a great corgi fest day!
  • Alicia Keyes

    thanks so much for the comment!!!! i love that i found this site! everyone is so sweet on here! and its good to see others that love the little corgi's as much as i do! i cant get over how much they look alike!!! so cute!
  • CorgiDewey

    Hello. We would love to go to your Corgi's birthday party/round up. I see that it is on Oct. 11th. What time? What is the address? I believe that you said off of either Bandera or Blanco. Can we bring a dog gift for Ein? Does he have any food allergies, etc.?
  • Edward and Gemima

  • Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn

    Happy Birthday Ein!!
    Corgi wags n' licks!
    Soffie & Griffyn too!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you for the birthday wish...and you know for sure its Corgi filled. No denying that. LOL
  • Robin Brummel

    Can Nacho and I come to your corgi party? Im new to the area and dont know ayone eles that own corgi's.
    if so plz send me info. Thanks
  • Ein Danger

    for my puppy boy! to get him into the halloween spirit :)
  • Max & Cody

    Ohh really...we live close to there (off bandera) but no, not that subdivision. We will be in Houston this Halloween weekend so we won't be able to go to that parade.
  • Ein Danger

    Red Ribbon
  • Katelyn

    Cute corgi! I live in Harlingen Texas. Let me know if you guys decide to do a meet again! =)
  • Lauren and Daisy

    Thanks have a great day!