Ingrid & Ein
  • Female
  • Stockton, CA
  • United States
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Ingrid & Ein's Friends

  • Nina & Nellie
  • Karla Roeseler
  • Emily & Daisy
  • Zigward & Kimberly
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson
  • Beca and Mishka
  • Maggi W
  • Melissa and Franklin!
  • Molly and Isabella

Ingrid & Ein's Discussions

Why is my perfect dog suddenly being a little bratty?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Melissa and Franklin! Aug 2, 2013. 2 Replies

Background for those not familiar: I got Ein as an adult a year ago. She's 4. She's been a dream dog. People always comment about how sweet and well behaved she is. So I've never really had to…Continue

A sad reminder of the dangers of empty bags

Started this discussion. Last reply by Napolean (Joan and Gabby) Apr 23, 2013. 11 Replies

Someone on the corgi subreddit on Reddit lost their corgi a few days shy of his first birthday due to suffocation yesterday. Though I've read on here about the dangers of a corgi getting its nose…Continue

Watery/Teary Eyes

Started this discussion. Last reply by John Wolff Apr 1, 2013. 8 Replies

For about a month now Ein's eyes have been tearing up a lot. Any idea what's going on? Allergies? Should I take her to the vet?She doesn't seem to be in discomfort over it (not pawing at her eyes or…Continue

Fish oil

Started this discussion. Last reply by Emily Trupiano Feb 5, 2013. 11 Replies

When I got Ein, the breeder said she added fish oil to the food, but I didn't think to ask how much/what form and never got around to making a habit of adding the fish oil myself. But I've read good…Continue

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Ingrid & Ein's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
20something corgi and kitty fanatic
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ein is a 4 year old tricolor that I adopted on June 21, 2012. She's my first Corgi. She's from Brynayr, and we'd love to meet other Brynayr pups!
Ein's a total sweetheart who loves cats, cuddles, and snacks.
I have:

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Ingrid & Ein's Blog

Happy birthday, Ein!

Posted on February 14, 2013 at 9:43pm 4 Comments

Valentine's Day is Ein's birthday! Happy 4th

birthday to our little shortcake. We love you!!…


The no-potty-in-the-yard battle continues

Posted on July 30, 2012 at 5:02pm 0 Comments

So, during Ein's recovery period from her spay surgery, I knew we might have some trouble with getting her to go the bathroom in the yard, but if she had no where else to go, she had no choice, right? And of course she held it and held it and held it. One call to the vet had a vet tech telling me that it would be okay to drive her to the park where she will do her business. So I did that for a couple days. Then I noticed her spay incision seemed open. I don't know if it was from licking or…


Spay surgery and Ein meets a baby!

Posted on July 23, 2012 at 5:32pm 3 Comments

Ein had her spay surgery this morning. Her mommy days are officially over! (Note: I never bred her---but she came from a corgi breeder). The vet sent me a text with a picture of her post surgery. She looked good. She comes home tomorrow. The house is awfully quiet without her! 

I'm just curious about how the "cone-of-shame" is going to work in her crate. We crate her at night, and I'm just wondering how the cone is going to fit in there with her. Her crate is pretty roomy, but I'm…


Our first month with Ein

Posted on July 21, 2012 at 10:57pm 7 Comments

Today we've had Ein for one month! The breeder we bought her from gave us a 30 day trial period (money back if we decided to return her), but there was never any doubt we'd be keeping her. I emailed the breeder a couple days ago and said, yep! She's ours! She's such a sweet girl. We wanted an adult from the beginning---puppies are wonderful, but we really just wanted a calm, adult dog. We tried for a year to adopt a rescue. They were in short supply to begin with, and the rescue…


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At 3:15am on April 7, 2013, John Wolff said…

Please feel free to crosspost that thing about the bags, anywhere.  I've asked Same if it could be autoposted quarterly or something, refresher training.  I think we can save some dogs this way.

At 2:20pm on April 5, 2013, John Wolff said…


I don't do Reddit.

Could you please crosspost this on the corgi group there?

Food Bags KILL dogs!

At 5:54pm on March 25, 2013, Nina & Nellie said…

Hey there! Nice to meet a fellow Brnayr owner :) Do you know the parentage of Ein? Maybe they can meet up someday!

At 10:30am on October 27, 2012, Molly and Isabella said…
How neat!!
At 8:25pm on October 26, 2012, Molly and Isabella said…
Hi! I don't remember their full names, but mom is Faith and dad is Monte. Isabella and one of her brothers are fluffies.
At 6:26pm on August 3, 2012, Sam Tsang said…

Thank you Ingrid

At 10:28am on June 9, 2012, WhiteDove said…
At 1:18am on May 31, 2012, Geri & Sidney said…

Welcome Ingrid and Ein!


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