Norine Olson
  • Saint Paul, MN
  • United States
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Norine Olson's Friends

  • Lola and Paige
  • Sarah Dunham
  • Candice Rogers-Siers
  • Kelsey Fuhrman
  • Steve Amerige
  • Chelsey Jean Kosmatka

Norine Olson's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Insane, just getting my 2nd corgi
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Had a corgi from Washington state for 16 years, saw her through weight problems, eye loss, etc. Have been without for about a year, now looking forward to getting another one as a puppy.
I have:

Baya's kingdom

It's mine, all mine! At least until the next puppy comes home.

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Norine Olson's Blog

So proud!

Posted on August 10, 2012 at 4:27pm 0 Comments

Our little girl is doing so well! 

We went to a farmers' market last Saturday, with lots of people and other dogs walking around.  Baya was in "Baya heaven!"  "People of all ages to admire and pet me!"  We pulled a bit on leash to go visit people while walking, but when Mom stopped, I quickly learned to sit quietly and let people come up to me and pet me. People were really polite, requesting permission to pet before approaching.

Also, our class work is really paying off. …


Iowa trip

Posted on June 29, 2012 at 6:50pm 2 Comments

Got back yesterday from an overnight trip to Iowa.  Got to stay in a hotel room and everything!  Everything went pretty smoothly, we ride quietly in the care with a seat belt harness on.  We stayed in a hotel room, and found there was another corgi there!  (In the mirror.)  It was too hot to try to find a restaurant where we could eat outside, so we got to visit with the Chinese food delivery person and be adored by her and one of my daughter's friends.

Baya had her nose to the ground…


Baya Week 2

Posted on May 30, 2012 at 5:14pm 3 Comments

Picked up our daughter Kaelyn from college last Saturday, so Baya had to add a new member to her pack.  Kaelyn currently has to work her way up the hierarchy. Baya proved to be a good traveller as she survived about 7 hours in the car that day without any side effects except for working off a little excess energy after we returned home.

She has started herding the two younger cats, and she and the older Siamese have decided on a mutual standoff for the most part(with some…


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At 11:56pm on August 16, 2013, Jane Christensen said…
How is Baya...been gonna email you but haven't gotten to it yet!
At 4:12pm on July 19, 2012, Lola and Paige said…

Love your photos!  We try to get more pics of Lola but either we don't have a camera with working batteries or we get to caught up in the moment and forget about it!

At 4:11pm on July 19, 2012, Lola and Paige said…

Yay! One of Lola's littermates!  Sometimes at night when Lola is sleeping she starts suckling in her dreams.  It is so cute!

At 12:23pm on June 25, 2012, Jane Christensen said…

Bay will certainly have some of that instinct cuz her dad is also a good herder.


How are you 2 little one's doing????

At 8:13pm on May 20, 2012, Jane Christensen said…

Looks like she's settling in well:)

At 11:20pm on May 19, 2012, Jane Christensen gave Norine Olson a gift
At 10:37pm on May 9, 2012, Jane Christensen said…

Welcome Norine! Glad to see you joined!

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