  • Female
  • Kansas City, MO
  • United States
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  • Whitney
  • Einstein Batista
  • Kayla Rae and Rowdy
  • Molly and Isabella
  • Kelsey Carman

Jen's Discussions

Slab Fracture on Molars

Started this discussion. Last reply by vera miller May 24, 2012. 12 Replies

Just when I thought Ginger had done it all, she surprises me once again.  She has broken both upper molars...slab fractures is what the vet calls it.  She sheared off the entire side of both teeth. …Continue

Tags: surgery, fractures, slab, teeth, broken

Possible UTI??

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rachael & Waffle Nov 14, 2011. 4 Replies

So today, Ginger had been peeing A LOT more than normal.  Tonight, we noticed that the urine was very dark and we think there is blood in it.  I'm thinking she has a UTI.  She's being her normal,…Continue

My baby is growing up!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bev Levy Apr 19, 2011. 2 Replies

I just bought Ginger her first bag of adult dog food.  My little baby is growing up.  I'm sad and want to cry a little :(  Am I the only crazy one this has happened to?

Pooh Problems

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jen Mar 21, 2011. 13 Replies

I apologize up front for the somewhat graphic nature of this post.  Ginger has normal poohs, until we take her for a walk.  She will go 3 or 4 times within the first 20 minutes and each time they get…Continue


Jen's Page

Profile Information

Kansas City, Missouri
About Me:
I am a Corgi lover, and have been for quite a few years. In 2001 I rescued a Corgi/Chow mix from the pound and fell in love. Lady had the personality and build of a Corgi, but the fur and black tongue of a Chow. Unfortunately she is no longer with me. I will be getting my first purebred Corgi in September and I can't wait!

On a more personal, less dog-related note, my husband and I have been married for almost 2 years. I work as an accountant, not necessarily what I thought I would do when I grew up, but it pays the bills. I love sports of all kinds, working out, and not taking life too seriously.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I will be getting my first purebred Corgi in September and I'm so excited. It looks like she's going to be a red/white and we're naming her Ginger. I can't wait to get her home!
I have:

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Jen's Blog

My baby is 1 today!!!

Posted on June 29, 2011 at 3:02pm 15 Comments

Today is Ginger's first birthday.  Man, how time flies!  I can't believe that it was a year ago that I was waiting anxiously for her to be born.  It's been a crazy year, as she's on the high-strung end of the corgi personality spectrum, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!  I'm picking up her birthday cake after work from a doggy bakery.  Hopefully I can upload some pictures tonight.  I keep telling my husband it's time to get another one, but he's not having any of it! :)  Happy Birthday… Continue

Love My Vet, But Wish We Weren't There So Much

Posted on April 10, 2011 at 5:08pm 4 Comments

So today, while I was putting groceries away, Ginger found a piece of Extra Sugar-Free gum, which contains xylitol.  When I found her, I could only find half the stick.  I panicked and called the vet.  They told me to bring her in right away so they could check her out and induce vomiting.  It normally takes almost half an hour to get to our vet and I think I made it in 15 minutes.  They gave her the stuff and we waiting for her to throw up.  They found a couple itty-bitty pieces of gum.  The… Continue

Ginger lost her first tooth!

Posted on November 3, 2010 at 9:38pm 3 Comments

I just had to share, I'm so excited! She's been kind of grumbly and really bitey lately and tonight when she was pitching a fit I noticed that she had a blank spot on her bottom jaw where a tiny little puppy tooth used to be.

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At 2:52pm on February 26, 2011, Einstein Batista gave Jen a gift
At 7:13pm on October 28, 2010, Molly and Isabella said…
Here's to the changing back hair stripe! How funny that this area is making itself known! I'd think it would have been more of an all-over, gradual change. Ginger is a CUTIE!
At 12:59am on October 24, 2010, Kelsey Carman said…
Yup, you guessed right! Our Sebastien is a Wind Dial baby. Ginger looks like a cutie! I see a resemblance in the face for sure :D
At 10:28am on August 24, 2010, Lori A. Haskett said…
Welcome to My Corgi Jennifer! Nothing better than Corgi Life! This is an awesome community to be a part of! Wishing you all the best with Ginger. Lori, Callie & Cooper
At 12:45am on July 29, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 12:43pm on July 21, 2010, Carol Rea said…
Welcom3 Jen, Lady and Ginger. Gongratulations on Ginger - that was our first dog (our son say she was perfet, I hope your Ginger is perfect too!) Carol, Lucky and Sonny
At 3:53am on July 21, 2010, Liz Hart gave Jen a gift
At 11:52pm on July 20, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Jennifer, Lady and Ginger! Congratulations!

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