Kelly M.
  • Female
  • Seattle, WA
  • United States
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Kelly M.'s Friends

  • Kartika, Tim and Mr Cookie
  • Suzi, Zeus & Valentine
  • Jenny & Bentley
  • Carolyn and Gracie
  • ♥Deborah
  • Peggy Woods
  • Melissa and Franklin!
  • Lynne Cerny
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

Kelly M.'s Discussions

Anyone switch their corgi to Taste of the Wild and once completely weaned off, has your corgi's movements been very soft?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jeannette Orr Mar 14, 2013. 21 Replies

I just completed the weaning process for Bailey and she is now on TOTW 100%.  (I weaned her off of her old food for about 2 weeks)  During the weaning process her movements had been fine, but a…Continue

Switching to a higher protein dog food, should I still add Missing Link to my corgi's food?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane Christensen Aug 22, 2011. 12 Replies

I am in the process of switching my corgi, Bailey's food and the new food is Taste of the Wild and is higher in protein that her Nutro Natural Choice food.  (I'm still in the weaning process and…Continue


Kelly M.'s Page

Profile Information

Pasadena, CA
About Me:
Bailey and I just moved to Seattle, WA from California the end of January and we both absolutely love it!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have an 8 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Bailey. She is the sweetest girl and a wonderful dog. She has such a great personality!
She loves people and kids. She really doesn't like other dogs, but will tolerate them with at least one sniff and then that's it! She's a bit of a snob. :)
Does anybody else's corgi get really mad when you leave them at home? Bailey usually charges the door. (a habit we've been trying to correct for years)
Bailey loves to run back and forth on our walks when she hears or see cars go down the street. I think she would try to herd them if she could.
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Comment Wall (16 comments)

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At 8:25pm on April 09, 2011, WhiteDove gave Kelly M. a gift
Have a wonderful weekend. . . .
At 6:28pm on April 8, 2011, WhiteDove said…
At 12:58am on April 6, 2011, Kartika, Tim and Mr Cookie said…
Thank you Kelly. Your Bailey is gorgeous!
At 5:23pm on April 5, 2011, Suzi, Zeus & Valentine said…

Lol Kelly Valentine is the same, just dont get near her shes good lol, no social skills, we adopted her a little over a year ago so I have no idea why she is like that, anyway we love her tons still :) and I hope she likes zeus soon cause he's here for good lol- have a wonderful day, nice talking to you



At 4:45pm on April 5, 2011, Suzi, Zeus & Valentine said…
Kelly Bailey is so pretty :) my Valentine also loves people not other dogs lol , I think she likes all the attention :) we are still trying to get her used to Zeus it will take a while I think
At 11:36pm on April 3, 2011, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Accept with pleasure!
At 10:27pm on April 3, 2011, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Awww, Kelly, Bailey's beautiful. My Lucy isn't that fond of meeting new dogs. She's standoffish with them, but loves people. Welcome to mycorgi. Bailey reminds me of some of my corgis...but all corgis have that feeling of familiarity. Did you get her from a breeder? Our Lucy is from a CA breeder. Ricky is a rehomed Corgi w/o much in the way of papers.
At 10:09pm on April 3, 2011, Carolyn and Gracie said…
Thank you Kelly. Bailey is very cute and has the same eye makeup as Gracie! Their little faces are very similar, don't you think?
At 9:11pm on April 3, 2011, Jenny & Bentley said…

Thank you! Bailey looks super sweet! I know, his ear makes me almost want it to stay that way! He is growing so fast. His ears just started going up last week!

At 3:58pm on March 18, 2011, ♥Deborah said…
You're so welcome! I think we all should have at least ONE gift to post...makes our pages look better, don't you think? LOL  :)

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