Edie's Blog – January 2009 Archive (6)


We picked Morna up at the airport in Charleston yesterday afternoon and got home about 7pm. Morna slept in her crate in the car...no car sickness, yay!!. We took her out of the crate and let her roam around to explore her new home some, and then set up her playpen area. We put her in it an gave her food and water, her bed and her toy that was sent with her along with a new one.

She took one sip of water, sniffed her food, grabbed her toy and started playing with it. Because I put her… Continue

Added by Edie on January 30, 2009 at 11:31am — 6 Comments


Morna is scheduled to arrive in Charleston, SC around 3PM tomorrow! We will have company driving to Charleston (not to mention a more roomy vehicle than ours) because my 4 year old grandson loves Chuck E Cheese, and there are none in Myrtle Beach. So... while we go to the airport there to pick Morna up in the cargo area, JTF and his mom will be having fun at the big mouse house.

We will go back to get them once we've talked to and gotten Morna out of her crate, given her a little… Continue

Added by Edie on January 28, 2009 at 2:46pm — 6 Comments


We went to PetSmart today to get supplies for Morna. We bought a leash (she's arriving with a harness), healthy pet food and snacks as recommended by Kerri (breeder), a bed, food dishes, a few toys that look like they can withstand fierce chewing without coming apart....and for ME... "Puppies for Dummies"!!! It's been a very long time since I've had a puppy, and I thought I should bone up on the routines, etc.

The last pup 31 years ago was a Dalmation and she was VERY stubborn and… Continue

Added by Edie on January 25, 2009 at 3:39pm — 3 Comments

She's Coming in 6 Days! Count down begins.....

Well, after quite a bit of indecision, we have decided to have Morna sent via air, and we found that she could go into Charleston, which is only about 2 hours from home as opposed to the 4 hrs from here to Charlotte, NC. My whole experience with the breeder has been outstanding. It's a pleasure to have such a nice, informative person to work with on something as important as this.

She will be arriving next Thursday, and I'm going to be busy getting everything chewable put away,… Continue

Added by Edie on January 23, 2009 at 9:37pm — 3 Comments

Morna coming to us!

We thought we would drive out to Indiana to pick up Morna, but our kids (all grown...think we're feeble!) were really against driving from Myrtle Beach. They reminded us of the snow and ice that we left behind when we moved from Penna. We did some research and talked to our puppy's owner and the long and short of it is that it looks like the little one will be shipped to Charlotte, NC which is only 4 hrs from our home. It is also the closest place for us to pick her up from a non-stop flight.… Continue

Added by Edie on January 20, 2009 at 3:36pm — 4 Comments


We have found a beautiful tri female in Indiana. My husband and I will be driving up to get her at the end of the month! I'm very excited, and have been researching a good Welsh name for her. This is important because all of my great-grandparents were immigrants from Wales and were coal miners in upstate Pennsylvania. I am so thrilled... can't begin to describe adequately.

Added by Edie on January 15, 2009 at 12:10pm — 5 Comments

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