Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick's Blog – April 2012 Archive (4)

A New Normal

It has now been twelve days since Murphy passed away. He was my very best friend and most loyal companion, and I know that because we both cherished each other so fully in life, that I am able to heal a lot easier than I thought I would. Maya and Moses have been a HUGE help and I am so lucky and thankful that they were, and are, here.


Maya was the baby of the group, and acted as such. She still chewed on things, barked incessantly, jumped up on everyone, wasn't trusted alone…


Added by Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick on April 15, 2012 at 11:33pm — 2 Comments

Dear Murphy [A Letter to Piggo Wiggo at Rainbow Bridge]

Dear Murphy,

It’s been 8 days since you passed away, and I still can’t believe you are gone. I am having a hard time accepting the fact that you aren’t within reach. That you aren’t pointing your fuzzy butt at me. That you aren’t laying on the wood floor to cool off. That if I put down the laptop screen, you won’t be there smiling at me down by my feet. I miss you. I never thought I could miss someone so much.

I am so sorry that this happened to you. I wish I would have been…


Added by Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick on April 11, 2012 at 8:04pm — 7 Comments


I know the grief process is different for each person, but I'm pretty sure I'm lucking out this time. The burial, the support, and the memories have all kept me so positive through this traumatic and emotional experience.

Here's a bit of background before I continue: Murphy loved to dress up. I'm not one of those dog-owners that just says that, either. Maya HATES it.. Moses only likes it because you are giving him attention when you are dressing him. Murphy... he LOVED to be…


Added by Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick on April 5, 2012 at 9:07pm — 9 Comments

Lost my first furbaby today

I don't even know how to describe how empty I feel. I came home from work to find my baby Murphy (4 years old.. just described in a forum as my heart baby) had suffocated in an empty bag of Doritos.. his favorite snack. A careless item left out while we were gone.

It's been about 4 hours.. and the shock and disbelief are blocking the way of grieving. How could this HAPPEN? We just moved to our new house in December and hadn't gotten a chance to formally introduce ourselves to the… Continue

Added by Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick on April 3, 2012 at 7:07pm — 42 Comments

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