Beth's Blog – June 2010 Archive (3)

This is why we work so hard on socializing our dogs

Jack just recently turned three, so I still vividly remember all the hours we put into socializing him. We would take him to as many busy places as we could on his walks and weekend outings, and I would take a deep breath and overcome my normal shyness, and ask every single person who looked at him and smiled (and who doesn't smile at a Corgi puppy?) "Would you like to pet the puppy?" If they looked a little hesitant, I would quickly blurt out "We're trying to socialize him!" Most people like… Continue

Added by Beth on June 28, 2010 at 9:05pm — 3 Comments

Those crazy little herding minds....

Very hot day today (near 90), so rather than taking the dogs on a long walk, we decided it would be nice to stroll our way over to the Adirondack chairs in the shade near the public pool.

We have walked by this pool several times a week the entire time we've had the dogs; as far as I can tell, the dogs don't really acknowledge that the pool exists, and why should they? Of note, though, is the fact that we got Madison late last August, right before the pool shut down for the… Continue

Added by Beth on June 12, 2010 at 6:15pm — 6 Comments

First Agility Class! Jack is a good boy, we have a blast, but Jack does get attacked by a poodle

After much delay, we finally had our first agility class tonight! Jack was so good, I'm so proud of him! We spent the first 40 minutes doing ground work, and to be fair it's all stuff Jack and I have worked on before, so he was a star. We did sit/stay off the left and right, then the handler runs forward a few steps before releasing the dog with "ok!" to come running up next to you. We did restrained recalls and some other stuff.

It was during the restrained recall that the standard… Continue

Added by Beth on June 4, 2010 at 8:54pm — 6 Comments

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