Beth's Blog – October 2010 Archive (3)

Jack let me Dremmel his back nails!

Whoo-hoo, celebration!

I have mentioned that Jack is awful, awful, AWFUL about having his feet handled. I have worked and worked and within the past six months or so have finally gotten to the point that I can play with his feet if he is lying down relaxed. (He's over three, and it does not help that this is the farthest thing from a cuddly dog. I know they say to play with their feet when they are in your lap, but he comes in my lap maybe once a week and there is no way I am going… Continue

Added by Beth on October 12, 2010 at 9:43pm — 15 Comments

Congats to Ann and her lovely Corgi, Joy, for going BOB at the National Specialty

I finally was able to find some results for the National Specialty, and Ann's beautiful bitch Joy (Ch Kestrel Leftbank Rejoice) went Best of Breed and was the week's big winner.

For those who followed our search for a second Corgi, Ann was the owner of Becky, the adult we considered getting before we picked out Maddie. Becky is a very sweet girl, but she was too laid-back for our house, and Becky happens to be Joy's dam. We met Joy that day, but I have no pictures because… Continue

Added by Beth on October 5, 2010 at 8:48pm — No Comments

Must-see agility video!

For all you agility folks, and people who just love animals, what a great video this is (and only 3 minutes).

I think Jack is faster, but the competitor in the video definitely has better focus than my guy! Haha.

Not sure which I like more, the tire or the… Continue

Added by Beth on October 3, 2010 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

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