Molly and Isabella's Blog – October 2010 Archive (2)

Bye-Bye Puppy Fuzz!

I've so been enjoying my round ball of fuzz...a true fluff-ball! Since she's a fluffy, I've always said how curious I was to see how her mature coat develops. While I knew a change was coming, I never expected to notice the change! I just thought that one day I'd look back at puppy picutres and wonder where the fuzz went! Anway, the other night I looked down at her and she appeared to have a line down the center of her back. At first, I freaked! Where did that come from? What's going on? What's… Continue

Added by Molly and Isabella on October 28, 2010 at 3:55pm — 7 Comments

16 Weeks...In and out with a BANG!

I can't believe we've had Isabella for 6 weeks already! The time is flying and she is growing leaps and bounds. Her 16th week birthday was 10/19/20, and boy, oh boy did she make it a day to remember!

The morning started as it always does...She had a little time downstairs by herself (gated in the "safe" area) between my husband going upstairs and the kids and I coming down. I was about to finish up getting ready for work when I thought, hey, I better go downstairs and let…


Added by Molly and Isabella on October 21, 2010 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

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