The Mau's Blog (12)

These past few weeks

Have been interesting for "The Mau" Long weekend with her buddy Carmah, and then the next weekend to go out to the farm to see my bf's family and she can run with their dog pack. Every morning we woke up to her getting into mischief and hurt in some way just about. Friday morning she jumped into the pond and was cool with it because the other dogs did it. However, we always joke about her ears never miss a thing... this this time it was a bad thing. Apparently at full speed, she ran past a… Continue

Added by The Mau on June 8, 2010 at 8:45am — No Comments


As Maui's "fursonality" develops or has developed, it seems we find more and more ways of addressing her and finding funny words to associate with her. I would like to share some and also feel free to share some here too! Will also post this on Corgilove on my LJ.

Maui is a.k.a.... "The Mau", Noodle Dog, Mau-Mau, Long-eared dog (my dad calls her that)

and she uses her "sniffa sniffa",

Her toys in ruling order, King Wubba, Queen Flea, and jester "rope-rope", followed… Continue

Added by The Mau on April 8, 2010 at 10:08am — No Comments

Update on her 6 month check

Girl is growing up! That's a no-brainer but with that being said, she sure shows her personality and just how intelligent she is this way.

Update on her awful breath, its seemed to disappear almost within a day or two! It seemed to be the rawhides we had for her. We donated those and two bags of treats to the shelter so some sad puppies will get lots of affection through goodies. The ONLY time Maui will ever see a shelter!

Trick list update for Maui:

"sit… Continue

Added by The Mau on August 17, 2009 at 11:53am — No Comments

6 Month Update

Okay so her 6 month pup-aversary is coming up on the 18th but didn't know when I would have time to update so here goes.

Maui is growing! Like any pup of course but its dramatic the spurts she goes through. She's tall one day and long the next. Eat little one day and eat like her legs are hollow the next day! She talks back to me still, and she will obey us for the most part. Gosh she just gets prettier every day! Still harassing her brothers, and enjoying our company when they visit… Continue

Added by The Mau on August 8, 2009 at 10:00am — 2 Comments

Updates on Maui

hi all!

Maui is doing great! Getting bigger all the time. Past the 4 month mark now. Tonight was the first time she slept with us in the bedroom. So far so good. This won't be an every night thing, but we would like to try and get her used to it and I think she enjoys it more than confinement in the kitchen.

Her eating is a bit strange than what I am used to. Some days she eats one bite every 12 hours and some days her legs are hollow and can't get enough. My breeder… Continue

Added by The Mau on July 1, 2009 at 4:29am — No Comments

Long Memorial day weekend

My weekend with Matt went great! Missed our daughter but we had lots of artwork done of her! Apparently Maui had an absolute BLAST at her breeder's place with one of her older sister's, Fiona. They played till they passed out, they romped and frapped, and I see that maui underwent a growth surt while we lef! Poor thing looks like she needs a sandwich but I know whe will get that way from time to time as she grows.

She missed her $95 bed, and her 2 feline brothers. But at least this… Continue

Added by The Mau on May 27, 2009 at 9:01am — 2 Comments

A long weekend

Well Matt dropped off maui at her breeder's for the weekend, as she volunteered to watch the girl while we went out of town. Breeder was estatic to see her again and one of her littermates previously, "Fiona" was more than happy to have a playmate and they hit it off right away! So that tells me a regular playdate for those two may be a regular thing from now on. My baby girl is socialized so good!

Gonna miss her alot, but also we need the vacation.

See you all in a week.

Added by The Mau on May 21, 2009 at 5:22am — 2 Comments

Better news than previously, and a funny thing happened at Petco the other day.

the depression has faded a bit, although my stresses lie in other areas that I will not go into here.

Maui is growing so much! First vet visit she was at 5lbs, and a few weeks later she is at 8lbs, before I know it, she will be at 11-12lbs! Takes up over half her crate now. Finding out she likes tennis balls so I will need to get her some. Learning some of the basics like sit, and down, and I guess instead of "Come" we will use the Danish word which sounds like "come sa", so says my… Continue

Added by The Mau on May 11, 2009 at 10:25pm — 4 Comments

Puppy Post natal depression

Puppy Post natal depression?

Sounds like a load of hoohaa, but I am serious.

I think I may have a bout of it. My breeder said that she noticed since we brought her home, I haven't quite been the same and she is right. We keep in touch on an almost daily basis... because we work together.

I suppose the onset of cleaning, occasional yelling buzz yelling "no, stop, or enough", and her talking back to me is getting to me but I know its not all of that, which is… Continue

Added by The Mau on May 1, 2009 at 1:28pm — 2 Comments

first month

Well we have had Maui almost a full month, and she is getting bigger everyday. Getting "bitier" everyday! BAD biter she is. Working on that effective today!

Cute, adorable, and sweetie she looks indeed, but underneath is a snarky brat! LOL Love her to death!

I tell her "No!" and she absolutely hates it, and she talks back!

But enough about the bad things... now for the good

House training is going about normal, an accident here or there but we keep up… Continue

Added by The Mau on April 29, 2009 at 6:12am — 3 Comments

*sings as she goes through her day*

Puppy day! Puppy day! PUPPY DAY PUP-EE DAAAAY!!!"

Can't wait till 1:30pm. That's the time after that we can go see the new pup. Going to play and take pictures, and get licked, smell puppy breath, and chew water bottles, and play Foot Canasta, and then maybe if we have time go TP a neighbors house!! OK Maybe not the last two but still I am gonna get my fill better than I would ever at Arky Barkys, one of our local "we don't buy from puppy mills, but we sell for 3 times what we… Continue

Added by The Mau on March 22, 2009 at 9:16am — 1 Comment


I got more pictures but they are very small and not really worth posting however, when she resends them to me in a few days, i will post them up, and tomorrow, Mar 11, she will be three weeks old!

Added by The Mau on March 10, 2009 at 9:25am — No Comments

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