Zwei & Cynthia + Mike's Blog (13)

What's Out There?

We have a new apartment with large windows. Just randomly, Zwei will go to the window, push away the blinds just enough so that he can stare outside for however long he feels like it. This happens during the day AND at night, when we're trying to sleep!

There's nothing out there when we look. I wonder what he's been looking at?

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on August 16, 2012 at 2:06pm — 1 Comment

I felt a bit irritated?

I like reading conversations on Corgi-L and find a lot of it is insightful. Some of it is just downright irritating though, especially this response to a conversation I read.

> long enough for me to notice that the pups had…

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on July 27, 2010 at 4:47pm — 8 Comments

My Baby, Zwei, is getting PLUUUMPY!

For some reason, our baby gets pretty fat when we leave him at our family's house.

Well, we left him there for about a week this time ... we come back ... and fwwwoooomp! He's big! After leaving with him at 15lb, he's now tipping the scales on both WiiFit and our weight at 20lb.

It's so cute to see him finally get some meat on those bones -- not too much though. :) Yaaay!

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on January 25, 2010 at 8:02pm — 2 Comments

Our Puppy With Diarrhea

And ohhh gosh this is frustrating.

So far, I've cleaned his crate twice (will be doing it for a third) and will have cleaned the dog 3 times.

He's been having diarrhea INSIDE of his crate and we're suspecting because he decided to eat a month old pizza. I wonder how long this is going to last and what I should do?

Plus, my hubby is being a wuss about the smell. Yeah, it's not pretty, but at least I'm putting up with it!

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on October 17, 2009 at 12:07pm — 11 Comments

Vent Vent Vent!!

So our Zwei is turning 1 next month ... yay!!

However it feels like he hit those teen times kind of late. Lately he's been having accidental pees even though we take him out (at least 4+ times in the past week in his crate, on our bed AND on the floor), he's forgotten what some of our commands were even though we've used it daily and it's soooo frustrating. Before that he's was soo good on potty and everything.

I hope this passes by really quickly. That Nature's stuff is… Continue

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on September 24, 2009 at 1:46pm — 4 Comments

Shedding Time Is Here

I just want to say ...

Zwei is shedding ...

It started all of a sudden two days ago around the time that we bathed him. Now we're finding huge tufts of hair in his crate, and when we gave him a brushing yesterday the brush was FULL of hair, on both sides!


Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on July 4, 2009 at 4:32pm — 4 Comments

My Boy Doesn't "Speak"!

Maybe we trained him out of it somehow?

I wish he spoke a bit more! The most that he does is whine at us, but he doesn't bark anymore and doesn't yip. :( I feel that maybe we did something wrong, or is it just a part of his personality?


Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on April 30, 2009 at 2:22pm — 7 Comments

Lost Baby Tooth

We knew this was going to happen, but not sure exactly when ...

Last night Zwei lost (what I think is his) first baby tooth!
Daddy accidentally extracted it while he was trying to hold Zwei's mouth open for medicine time. He freaked out!! Though Zwei was kind of like "huhhhh" since I don't think he realized that he lost a tooth...

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on March 26, 2009 at 10:59am — No Comments

Finally -- The Dog Park!

I was so flustered yesterday ... I wanted to take Zwei out to the dog park but I realized that since he wasn't registered to any city we wouldn't be able to go. ARGH!

I called the licensing services and found that all I need was -- rabies shot! So, Zwei just got that two weeks ago at the low-cost clinic. No prob. However, when I go to look for the documentation, it's like Murphy's Law! I couldn't find it at all! The lady actually suggested that it wouldn't be a problem to get his… Continue

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on March 3, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

First Encounter with a Feline

So Zwei had the chance to meet a beautiful maine coon today ... so fluffy and big! Anyways, he didn't have a normal reaction to the cat. I mean, at first, he went up and sniffed it and it ran away.

After it running away though, he was going after it by laying on the ground and jumping at it. My fiance said he was 'stalking' the cat! I looked it up online and apparently that wasn't a good sign?!

We don't really get many encounters with cats since I'm allergic, but I don't… Continue

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on February 21, 2009 at 7:12pm — 2 Comments

Interesting Day at PetCo

Me and Zwei went today in the pouring rain to go get his rabies shot done at the low vacc clinic. :)

Initially I was afraid that he'd be too aggressive to let out, but after being out for a bit he did just fine. He did bark a few times though at the larger pits, but he got along really well with a poodle-chihuahua mix. Though -- he was reaaaally friendly with all the humans and kept trying to chase after the attendant when she was walking down the line.

We were surrounded by… Continue

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on February 15, 2009 at 9:30pm — 3 Comments

He's scared of ... a hamster?

We just figured out Zwei is submissive ... if not a little bit more than I expected.

We've started introducing him to our family's other dogs and wondered what would happen if he met our hamsters. So we took one dwarf out, put her in a ball and put her up to him.

What does he do? (haha!)

He grabs his kong and pulls it away! Every time she rolls closer he moves away.

It's kind of cute but worrisome at the same time. At least I know he won't eat them. :)

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on February 1, 2009 at 12:47am — 4 Comments

Puppy decided on his own ... our apartment is a bathroom?!

We've only had our Zwei for about a week now and he decided to use our livingroom as a bathroom. Big NONO!

This is driving us nuts, so now he occupies the porch (bigger than the area we gave him before) with a covered area. We're afraid to let him inside into the living room or else he pees AND poos, and when we try to take him for a walk he doesn't decide on doing either.

We've tried potty pads, potty-trainer spray of both kinds (don't pee here and pee here) and taking… Continue

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on January 28, 2009 at 9:03pm — 3 Comments

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