So we finally got my puppy, Copper in for his exam. I walked in nervous and walked out ticked. We had a fetal and ear swab done as well as a comprehensive exam. Here are all the results that Copper has:
1. Flea dermatitis- Being bitten so much he now has a bad allergic reaction to them.
2. Ear mites- They weren't just present, it was a chronic infection.
3. Distended abdomen- His little belly was so swollen, of course, he had worms.
4. Chronic overbite- Not only will he always have trouble eating, his front teeth will never be clean, if we don't brush them daily he will have severe dental problems down the road.
And, the last and worst:
5. Sublaxivity of the hips- A positive sign of premature hip dysplasia.

When I called the breeder she was extremely uncooperative and never showed any concern for the pups health, just the money. I faxed the vet reports to her and she said she would give me a full refund for exchange of the pup,( not only do I live six hours away, but I know all she would do is turn around and resell it to someone who wouldst take as good of care of it) or half money back. Our vet bill was 295$. He was 400$. He will require serious surgery in a few months. When I told her this she told me I was the only one who ever complained about one of her dogs in ten years and that maybe she should have taken it to the vet before giving it to me. Which is where I lost it. I told her it was her effing duty as a breeder to make sure her pups were healthy. She said her vet would get with my vet and we will "negotiate Monday". What can I do to justify poor Coppers condition? He is screaming in pain everyday from medicine and whatnot and not only can I barely help him, we both shouldn't be going through this in the first place. Someone please give me advice.

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Comment by Brittany,Chancey,&Copper on May 7, 2012 at 11:52am
Trust me I have been using Google nonstop since his vet visit :) I just finished a five page letter for ACA and SPCA. And to Baxter and Zigs I think there were a total of four and the other three just looked odd, not like the traditionally marked corgis with a collar and blaze just full red of full white with a red spot around the eye. Which isn't a serious fault to anyone who owns corgis of this color, not trying to offend!, it just struck me as different. Copper was just gorgeous and we truly are in love with him but he shouldn't have to suffer for a breeders ignorance or money hungry ways. I just pray he doesn't developed hip dysplasia I can work with the rest but I don't want him to suffer through surgery. It's not fair to the poor little guy. I just want her stopped I'm going to try my best whether its possible or not to accomplish that. Thank you everyone for your great advice and support in this mess.
Comment by Kaitlyn & Chase on May 7, 2012 at 11:52am

You can file a breeder's association complaint with the AKC or CKC whichever he/she is registered with. Also you can call the SPCA for where ever the breeder lives and report it to them, tell them EVERYTHING and they will go out and do an investiagtion. It sounds like she is running a puppy mill and that she is breeding for the wrong reasons. If no one stops her many more puppies will have to deal with those long term health issues.
I am so sorry for you and little Copper. That is horrible. I'm sure you will take good care of little Copper, he will need it. =/

Comment by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on May 7, 2012 at 11:45am

I didn't mean to sound like I was saying you didn't do your homework, was just saying I feel blessed that I didn't have these problems when I found Kadi!

Breeding laws and animal care laws are pretty lax in a lot of places. Our state just passed new laws to try to clean up the 'puppy mill' problems, but it only affects people who have more than 50 dogs. That doesn't do anything with they typical back yard breeder. Getting 'justice' may not be easy or even possible in this case. I would start by checking with the county laws in which the breeder lives and work your way out from there. A wealth of information can be obtained just by googling.

Comment by Bax & Zigs & Rosie on May 7, 2012 at 11:40am

I think that is the scary part in all of this situation, you did your research and this still happened. I am so sorry to read about poor Copper. I hope he gets better soon and you find a way to report this breeder. Do you know how many puppies she was selling from Copper's litter?

Comment by Jane Christensen on May 7, 2012 at 11:24am

I am sure you did do your homework BUT there are people like her that can also get around questions asked. If it was a puppy mill of some type they are VERY good at deception. Do what you can to help and love her...

Comment by Brittany,Chancey,&Copper on May 7, 2012 at 11:22am
Thank you for that information Jane I will definitely be doing that! She did have a health guarantee, but it was to return the puppy for a full refund and it never actually said on the health contract that they were vet screened. But in a way I'm still thankful I got him and took him away from all that and can provide all the care I can to make his life as long and healthy as possible where I'm sure so many other candidates couldn't or wouldn't.
Comment by Brittany,Chancey,&Copper on May 7, 2012 at 11:11am
Believe me guys I tried doing as much homework as possible given my options. I did not want my puppy shipped and she was the nearest who seemed reputable, being registered, telling me how she "kept" her puppies, raised and bred for ten years, I felt I had picked a good breeder! On the phone she was courteous and in pictures he looked amazing. I live six hours away from her being the nearest one. I had truck issues and got stuck at a shop thirty min away from her so she offered to bring him, and I thought oh how nice. Now I have concerns for why she avoided having me to her place. Are her other puppies this unhealthy? What about the parents? I am twenty and have spent only two years doing research nearly every night on the breed but have owned two now for only four months. I did the best I think I think I could have done and will continue to do the best for my fur kids. I am just focused on justice for Copper right now, but he will get the help he needs no doubt about that he will never go back to that breeder. I pray she gets hers for doing this to corgis. Please guys give me advice don't say I was irresponsible and didn't do my homework, I did the best I could with the resources I had, I made a mistake from a guess bad referrals and now I need to know what I can do for some kind of justice. Corgis are my Passion. I never want to see any abused or neglected, she should not be allowed to breed anymore, at the very least.
Comment by Jane on May 7, 2012 at 11:04am

Honestly I don't think there's anything you can do. She sounds like a BYB and the ACA will register just about anything, so I doubt they will care much. A reputable breeder will almost always have a health guarantee of some sort. Sorry to say it, but you often get what you pay for when it comes to buying a dog. :/


Also regarding his hips - I would have his xrays sent to PennHIP or the OFA for prelims before doing any type of surgery. Corgis are often misdiagnosed with hip dysplasia because vets are not adequately educated on their unique structure.

Comment by Bev Levy on May 7, 2012 at 10:57am

I would take this as a learning experience and just give him a great home. I doubt that there is much you can do other than give her a bad review on whatever website you got her name from. Not all breeders are created equal and puppies are a commodity to many.

Comment by Jane Christensen on May 7, 2012 at 10:45am

from the little I know about the ACA is that you just have to send the parents pics in and if they look like a Corgi or whatever dog they will ACA register it. Now, I am not cetatin but you could get by with alot if this is true... 6 weeks is too young but maybe better for the pup as I wonder what conditions he was living in. My pups NEVER leave before 10 weeks or later but I recently made an exception for an 8week old since they are flying in from NY. Did you get a wellness check from the breeder? this would have the vets phone # and vet clinic and I would call them also to make sure they actually did check the pups. Pups can be wormed at 4 weeks so they also should have their 2nd does before leaving. My thought is that these pups were born in a shed and never really looked after ...poor babies:(

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