Hey corgi lovers...

Yes, we've added another to our Clan.  I just couldn't say no, even though we agreed that we needed another dog like we needed a hole in our heads.  Let me tell you the story.  It's simply horrendous.


Rainer is a 2 yr old intact male RHT PWC.  The owners purchased him at dog show in Texas.  He was bred by a woman in LA.  The family had brought him to our store before, and when she called I did remember him.  According to the woman owner, they purchased him for their older teen daughter.  One day when the adults weren't home, the daughter brought home a boyfriend who had an intact male pit in tow.  The pit attacked the corgi.  The corgi was so scare, bless him, that he urinated all over himself and the floor.  The boyfriend was livid and grabbed the corgi by the leg, whipping him around until he broke his leg.  Then he hit the dog in the head til its eyes bled and he choked it out, throwing it in a horse trailer.


When  the adults returned home, they couldn't find the little dog.  Oh, they finally found him...nearly dead.  He was saved and his leg repaired.  But, they no longer wanted the corgi.  So I got a call.  Of course, my first reaction was to tell them to bring me the dog.  I knew if he didn't work out, we could send him along to corgi rescue.  But he's just a wonderful little guy!!!  He's absolutely gorgeous.  We had him neutered within days and took our time introducing him to everyone.  He really is a blank slate.  He didn't even know what dog food was.  He didn't know about treats.  He couldn't even sit!  Just the simple stuff he drew a blank on.  It took a few days to find something he would eat.


It's been a couple of weeks now.  He's healed from his surgery.  He's a big lovable lug.  We've started training him and he can sit and lay down.  He walks pretty well on his harness, but is very shy on a collar.  We're socializing him and he stops fear growling if you correct him.  We've been pleased with his progress so far.


However, I would like to take that boy out somewhere and shoot him.  And I'm sure there would be a line forming behind me for others who feel the same.


I'll post pics of Rainer as soon as we get a few good ones.

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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on April 17, 2011 at 8:55pm
So glad Rainer has a happy home now, I bet he is so grateful!!  Congrats on rescuing him and giving him a better life.
Comment by Cindi on April 17, 2011 at 8:39pm

You're so right John.  And the family, by getting rid of the corgi and not the jerk who hurt him, is simply perpetuating the same behavior--only this time it will be towards their daughter.  It's quite scary to think about really.


Comment by John Wolff on April 17, 2011 at 12:49am
Why you shouldn't date a man with a fighting dog. You can tell a lot about a person (or a people) from how they treat -- or choose -- their animals.
Question: was the man prosecuted for animal cruelty? The corgi isn't the only one who needs rescue; this man has to be rescued from himself, and a criminal prosecution might help him learn what he needs to learn.
If I were this guy's guardian angel, I'd arrange for him to somehow end up being owned by a corgi. They have a way of making us try to become the person they think we are.
Have you contacted the breeder to inform them of the terrible consequences of their lax policy of selling to a stranger at a dog show? And not requiring that a buyer relinquish the dog only back to themselves?

And we can all learn something from his reaction: faced with an unpleasant situation largely of his own creation, this guy blamed and attacked the victim, not the perpetrator. Happens all the time.
Comment by Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie on April 13, 2011 at 10:11pm

OH my GOSH!!!!  this is the saddest  story!!! first off  im so happy for Rainer thou have him now,,,,Please tell me Why to people get these dogs if they dont have any more sense than that? , He didnt know what dog food was ?, what did they feed him? Im sorry im livid , that boy friend needs someone to ring his stupid neck and throw him in a horse trailer for a few days break his leg and Lord know what else id like to have hapen to him.. thank God you have him now..

What a wonderful thing you have done for this precious corgi God bless you one hundred times over...

Comment by David on April 13, 2011 at 9:34pm
Thank you for taking Rainer in.  Hopefully there is no traumatic effect on him after that horrible incident.  As for him, Karma will catch up with him.  Please do post some pictures!
Comment by Kieu Huynh on April 13, 2011 at 8:54pm
You should report him to the local animal control! I had a similar situation where a person I knew was abusing their dog and called animal control. They gave him a house visit. They couldn't do much since when they were there he started lying through his teeth, but it scared him enough that he stopped abusing his dog. If he did that to the poor corgi, he's probably abusing his own dog too! Anyway, I'm really glad you decided to take care of him. Dogs are so innocent and kind and it's sad when people hurt them.
Comment by Sarah K on April 13, 2011 at 8:39pm
Makes me want to cry for him. Thanks for taking him in. Sounds like his head injury really wiped his computer. Good luck.
Comment by Bev Levy on April 13, 2011 at 8:39pm
I will never understand how any one can behave like that and I don't think too highly of the family for the way they handled it. At least by you taking him in he has a chance. Thankyou for being so big hearted. There is a special place reserved for people like you over the Bridge! Looking forward to photos.
Comment by Bob and SparkPlug on April 13, 2011 at 8:34pm
Thank you for rescuing the poor guy. As for the lowlife scum that did this, i hope he's in jail right now. There is a special place in hell for people like him. I hope I never run across him.
Comment by Jane Christensen on April 13, 2011 at 8:22pm
Thank you, thank you! I'm so glad you came into his life and can show him love and a good life. As for the guy that did this he does deserve to be turned in to authorities...just my opinion as I too can think of many other things that would be better than a slap on the wrist!

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