Bento's at the hospital. Updated 2/11/13

Bento managed to get past the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs and got to the second floor and the second bedroom where we were hiding a stash of Patrick Roger's dark chocolate from Belgium.  

He devoured a pound of the chocolate before we caught him red handed, or chocolate pawed.

After trying to induce vomit, it didn't work, we took him to the emergency room where he's spending the night even as I type.

Bento has never slept anywhere but at home, and if he's not spending the night at home, it's because we're spending the night together as a family somewhere else.

I miss my Bento so much.  Please make sure your chocolate stash is well put away.  We thought we hid it well, but the corgi's will, intelligence, and stomach is an amazing problem solver.


Bento is released with a list of instructions.  He's okay but is super tired.  He's resting and on a bland diet with Pepcid A/C for the next three days.  Thank you so much for everyone's well-wishes and prayers.  Bento thank you all as well.

Here're some pictures of Bento's ordeal.

Sick as a dog...poor baby.  

Home from the hospital.  Spotting a cool looking bandaid.

What the bandaid was covering:  (I was very surprised by the shaving.  I shouldn't be because the iv must be inserted and there's a lot fur, but still.  I wonder if he gets cold there.)

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Comment by Kat Lampkins on February 16, 2013 at 11:31pm

Glad it turned out o.k.!!


Comment by John Wolff on February 15, 2013 at 3:53am

Refresher safety training:

Food Bags KILL!    we almost lost Siri to a potato chip bag; others here were not so lucky.   :(

how to save your corgi's life

xylitol can be lethal in small amounts -- look out for sugarless gum; we don't allow it in the house.

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 12, 2013 at 9:20am

Glad he's doing ok and is at home!

Comment by Laurie on February 12, 2013 at 8:21am

So glad Bento's doing okay!

Comment by Aric Michel Cramer on February 11, 2013 at 11:01pm

He has the look on his face in the second picture. "I am ok now, where is the real food?"

Comment by Abbey & Anne on February 11, 2013 at 10:08pm

Great new!  So glad everything turned out all right....

Comment by Diane on February 11, 2013 at 9:49pm

That's great news!  

Comment by Juno on February 11, 2013 at 9:00pm

Glad Bento is ok! :)

Comment by Bev Levy on February 11, 2013 at 8:42pm

So glad Bento is OK!

Comment by Yuki & Ellie on February 11, 2013 at 7:06pm

Yay, so glad to hear that he's home!  :)  

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