Let me start off by saying that Spanish was my first language, Cuban mother. When my grandmother that only spoke Spanish passed, I sort of lost a lot of it. During the Christmas break, I have been trying diligently to remember it (I know it is in my subconscious because I sleep talk in Spanish, my friends have it recorded).

My question is, does any one have any experience in teaching their Corgis commands in multiple languages?

I believe if Wynstan understood Spanish, it would encourage me to use it more often. Also, it would help my Cuban family members visit, every speaks Spanish when they are in from Miami and feel like it would impress them.

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Comment by Jude, Lily and Louise on December 29, 2009 at 2:07pm
My first corgi Mace knew english and french. I got her while I was still fluent (have lost it since then). People were very impressed, good show-off trick. Like everybody said just associate the spanish commands with the hand signals. Hmmm I would like to learn Klingon, John maybe when your dogs learn they could teach me.
Comment by John Wolff on December 29, 2009 at 1:05pm
I chose "venite" ("come!" in Italian/Latin) as the emergency recall command. The idea is, you want the emergency recall to be a word never heard in casual conversation; the dog ONLY hears it when you're serious, or in training when you have bacon or better for a reward.
This seems to be working. They obey this much better than a simple "come!", which frequently must be reinforced with an "Excuse ME?!"
Interestingly, they understand "Excuse ME?!" as an ultimatum, and this happened by accident.
Comment by Sam Tsang on December 29, 2009 at 9:45am
Yes, they are fluent in English, hand signals and understand a little cantonese and mandarin by accident.
Comment by Alison w/ Odin and Dashel on December 29, 2009 at 9:17am
My Trainer (and best friend) has been a trainer since she was 15. She has learned commands in many languages to help those that would like to train in German for instance. Many people train in diff languages (like police) to prevent the dog from listening to people that are not the owner. OR lol you could be like the crazy cat guy in Key West and just make up a language. I think it is very cool for a dog to be bilingual! Since I am not bilingual Odin has learned in English. But he is also very good at just using hand signals.
Comment by David on December 29, 2009 at 3:13am
Yes, Yoda and Chewie understands the command in both English and Chinese. We did not consciously train them that way. My GF and I speak to them in English and my mom & everyone else speak Chinese to them. They just sort of learned it all on their own. Come to think of it, they are pretty smart that way.
Comment by Potus on December 29, 2009 at 1:02am
No experience with it- but I always wanted to teach my dog German commands so he could be like Inspector Rex (Austrian TV show, with German shepherd starring as 'Inspector Rex')
Comment by John Wolff on December 29, 2009 at 12:53am
Well, here are some common Welsh corgi phrases in English and Spanish:

English: "Throw the ball." Español: "Tira la pelota."
English: "Hurry up with that meal." Español: "¡Apúrate con esa comida."

English: "Open the door or I'll pee on your floor". Español: "Abrir la puerta o voy a orinar en el piso."
English: "This tastes like poop. I love it." Español: "Esto sabe a mierda. Me encanta."
English: "More beer please." Español: "Más cerveza, por favor."

Go to google translate; it's quite helpful, although it's weak on Welsh because the language is unpronounceable, and it doesn't do Klingon.
But you get the idea: Dogspeak is pretty much the same in all human languages. Patricia McConnell's book is recommended:
Other End of the Leash
She did her doctoral thesis on sounds that animal trainers use in many unrelated human languages.

Unfortunately, I'm having difficulty finding a site that will effectively translate Welsh corgi into Klingon. Can anybody help with this?

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Al, Gwynn, & John
Comment by Steve on December 29, 2009 at 12:20am
Steve understands English and Japanese and he also has a Japanese name given to him by my parents - Taro (after the GSD mix I had growing up who lived until 17.5 yr old)
When I work long hours I leave Steve at my parents house and he gets spoiled rotten and learned a second language. They speak Japanese to him so he's becoming a fluent bilingual corgi.
Since I was using hand signals with most of the comands I taught him I think it was easy for him to associate the japanese word along with the hand signal and then the japanese word by itself.
You should definitely teach Wynstan some comands in Spanish.

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