LeeLoo's newest most favorite pastime, while out on her after breakfast potty break, is to sniff the yard for rabbit poop.  If she happens to find some, she gobbles it right up.  This disgusts me and I understand that dogs aren't people, but I'm more concerned about there being something toxic in the poop that will make her sick. 

I've tried to follow her around and nudge her along when she finds a 'stash,' but she just hops on ahead and finds some more.  We live in a semi-wooded area and it's impossible to keep all the rabbits away, especially in the evening.  If anyone has had any experience with this, I would really like to hear some ideas.  I don't have the time every morning to leash her and take her out front to poop when she has a fenced in yard.  I do watch her in the yard, but poop gobbler just gets to it before I do!



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Comment by Laura Rochette on August 22, 2011 at 6:59am
I live in a semi-wooded area as well, with ample grassy areas. Not only does Lucy enjoy her own "product" as a snack, she will basically snatch up anything else, other animal "products" as well. My understanding is that any animal's can contain parasites; likewise, puddle water is also not healthy (birds cleaning their feathers, etc.). Lucy is 14 weeks and she never goes out without being on leash and I have to be vigilant about what she scoops up. She has also turned out to be a grass lover (she esp. likes clumps of freshly mown grass!) and will graze like a cow if I let her!
Comment by Heidi Robson on August 18, 2011 at 4:13pm

My girls love to find and eat rabbit poop!  We have tons of bunnies in our neighborhood so they provide a never ending supply of rabbit poop snacks.  YUCK!!!


Comment by Stephanie Starkey on August 18, 2011 at 10:37am
We tried something new this morning.  I showed her a cookie.  We went out onto the deck and she sat and got one piece.  She then took two steps, pooped, and came back for more cookie.  She's a very food motivated girl!  We got a short 'stay-come' training in instead of her eating poop.  She knew she would get a treat for finishing and this seemed to be more important than poop.
Comment by Beth on August 18, 2011 at 10:19am
I have given up trying.  I do try like heck to keep them from cat poop, because of parasites, but rabbit poop falls under "mostly harmless" as far as ingestibles go.   Yuck, but what can you do?
Comment by Marian on August 17, 2011 at 9:22pm
Bunny and deer poop are favs for my dogs too. Here's another helpful article on the subject... http://www.ehow.com/how_4605397_stop-dog-eating-feces.html
Comment by Jane Christensen on August 17, 2011 at 7:33pm
Rabbit poo is among the top treats at this house also. The dogs get ivergaurd thought for any tapeworms they may get!
Comment by Ellen Andersen on August 17, 2011 at 6:01pm
LOL....mine seem to prefer deer poop.  On the Canine Culinary Scale I wonder where stuff falls?  Rabbit poop, deer poop, tootsie rolls from the kitty litter box?
Comment by LaRissa L. Head on August 17, 2011 at 5:13pm
I also used to own a house rabbit. He was litter box trained, but because he was so large (13 pounds) he would scatter some of the feces when jumping out of the litter box. At first my older dog would scavenge the area every 20 secs to see if there was a treat, but over time she ignored it. Then we got a puppy and the puppy was crazy for bunny poo ... this became less and less of a deal as she "got her fill".
My vet said that it actual can calm the dogs stomach because of the high fiber content and the low bacteria in rabbit (*pellet) fecal matter.
* (not to be confused with the "butt jelly" rabbit fecal matter that rabbits re-ingest)
Comment by Di, Pazu, and Mochi the Bunny on August 17, 2011 at 4:36pm
I have a separate thought, which you might find odd.  So I own a rabbit and he tends to poop in his playpen a lot and then I let him out to play with Pazu, my corgi.  Pazu initially was obsessed with rabbit poop as a puppy - it really is just hay and grass.  And then Mochi poops a lot and gradually, Pazu now 9 months old eventually just lost interest.   I would suggest bringing in some rabbit poop in a bag and desensitizing your dog to it by using the "leave it" command... or maybe if the poop is around enough in bag, your dog will eventually lose interest.  I did not train Pazu to leave Mochi's poop alone and didn't make a big deal out of it and it went away on its own.
Comment by Jane on August 17, 2011 at 4:03pm
Mine do this all the time and they've never had any adverse affects. There's no way I'm chasing the dogs around 100% of the time in my fenced yard, it would be impossible.

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