So Goldy is getting fixed on Friday and I DREAD putting an ecollar on her, even an inflatable one - it's bad enough to be in pain, but in a freakish collar HAS to make it worse.

So here's my idea: can I put a little doggie shirt on her? Maybe something similar to a baby's onesie? Something light and thin that won't get her too hot and will prevent her from licking.

I realize that she can chew through it if she focused on it, but I will be with her most of Saturday and Sunday - I just want something that will decrease her attraction to the wound.

I'm thinking of doing the shirt/outfit first and having an ecollar as back up.

Bear had zero interest in his surgical area, but I have a feeling Goldy shall be the opposite.

Any feedback on my idea?

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Comment by Alice on February 24, 2010 at 12:10pm
Finn didn't end up needing anything. Someone was home with him those first couple days so we just kept an eye on him. When he did start to sniff around the incision site we told him to leave it and after two times he stopped trying to mess with it. The vet said they want to lick it mostly because it begins to itch (I should add that Finn had a cryptorchid neuter so he had incisions like a spay and neuter combined) so if you take a warm, damp cloth and gently wipe the shaved areas it soothes the itching.

If you can't be home to watch her, i would crate her with either the collar or shirt on. If you use a shirt use one that is long and loose. You don't want it rubbing the incisions, just draping over her so she can't get to her stitches.
Comment by Potus on February 24, 2010 at 12:02pm
When Potus was fixed we didn't have a ecollar or anything to stop him other than a spray we could apply to the area AROUND, but not ON the wound with a q-tip or tissue. It was a bit hard as he was a pup and fidgetty, didn't want us to touch anywhere near his incision sight but we never had a problem with his incision sight.
Comment by Edward and Gemima on February 24, 2010 at 11:54am
We lucked out both times with Ed and Gem and never needed one. Ed was a little more interested in his area so I only had to tell him no...leave it a couple times and it seemed to work. Good luck Goldy!!
Comment by Jane Christensen on February 24, 2010 at 12:55am
If you get a onesie...make sure it's big enough....or should I say long enough and don't dry too much so it shrinks. I've used these and they worked ok...I'm thinking I maybe used an 18 or 24 month...
Comment by Marion and Vern on February 23, 2010 at 10:34pm
Our vet suggested we wait and see if we even needed anything when Sami was fixed. She said we could always run out and get an ecollar if needed. Guess we lucked out she didn't lick or scratch or anything. But of course I lied to her, when I took her in told her she was having her first sleep over! We went to visit her that evening, took her some goodies and one of her stuffed toys. Then I got to pick her up the next morning. She acted like it had been a sleep over. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Comment by Sarah C. on February 23, 2010 at 10:22pm
Is it that you just dont want anything around her face? When Reagan got fixed I took a kerchief and wrapped it around his neck loosely and tied it. it was soft so he could bend, but it wouldnt let him bend enough to reach his stitches.
Comment by Beth on February 23, 2010 at 9:07pm
I did want to add that Maddie didn't actually bother the stitches and needed nothing. I was trying to get the t-shirt to stay on her just in case.

I agree with rigging something up so it attaches somehow in front; it kept falling off because her chest is so much bigger than her belly.
Comment by LaRissa L. Head on February 23, 2010 at 8:51pm
Roslyn didn't bother her stitches... but here is what we did. We bought a onesie like toddler shirt and made her wear it a few days before the "big day". My vet requires females to stay over night, so the day she came back to use, we used "bitter" ace bandage wraps, and the onesie that already had her smell on it. the vet gave us pain medications to give her twice a day.
mostly she just slept and when she walked it was slow and a bit sad. She healed in about a week, and the stitches came out... and that was that.
Comment by Patricia A Columbo on February 23, 2010 at 7:50pm
I got the inflatable one for those times when I couldn't be with her but for the most part I stayed with her for the first three days (including sleeping) to keep an eye on her. I also gave her the pain pills for those three days and that slowed her down....

After that she had no interest in the stitches. My only problem was slowing her down....
Comment by Susan Temple on February 23, 2010 at 7:41pm
We didn't need to put a collar on Tulip at all. She could not reach the stitches! They were high enough up on her belly that she couldn't bend tight enough to get at them.

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