Fallen RCMP officers June 4, 2014

Although this is not about Corgis, it's something I want to share with everyone.

The reason I was able to walk Wally during the time the city was closed shows the amount of trust we have towards our brothers and sisters who everyday put their lives on the line to make the cities the way we know them.     They have families of their own and even though the ultimate sacrifice is something possible, it's a event no one hopes for.

Although, in some of us, it is something they dwell on, wish for and even execute on their own.    These were the events of June 4, 2014.    Three officers slain in plain daylight as they were ambushed by a deranged gunman.    about 1/3 of the city was on lockdown but my family was outside the boundaries.

The city is now in mourning and the officers must be paid tribute in anyway we can.

This is my way.


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Comment by Stephanie on June 12, 2014 at 10:11pm

I just read an update on this funeral and the dog, Danny, will be placed with a new handler.  This is a quote from that article:  "While many dogs are retired after losing their handler, Cst. Ross's wife, Rachael, told the RCMP that her husband would want Danny to continue working. The RCMP is currently working on matching Danny with another Dog Services handler."

Comment by Denis J. on June 11, 2014 at 10:47am

Yes either coincidence it seems people with inner demons are coming out.   Another situation happened too yesterday I beleive in Vancouver BC as well.     One way or another, these "terrorist" have failed to demoralize the community and create fear.   Instead, the community is closer.    These individual just want to bring tyranny, hate and pain for own selfish cause.   

Our prayers are going to any provinces or states arounds the world dealing with such events.

Comment by Linda on June 11, 2014 at 10:43am

The pictures brought tears to my eyes.  I just do not understand why...just because they wear the uniform of a law professional?  It was just repeated here in the states in Las Vegas. 

Comment by Denis J. on June 11, 2014 at 10:23am

I heard the service dog will retire following this incident and he might be going with the next K9 RCMP handler and his family.

Some of the best pictures.    The legacy of these fallen heroes on the city will be to rally the community together in support of those that risk their lives everyday to ensure our safety.    We really take for granted the fact that we can enjoy our park, cities and communities in safety with our children and families.     It's because of them.   We should never forget.


Comment by Vicky Hay on June 11, 2014 at 10:14am

Terrible, terrible thing. I'm so sorry this happened to your city and that it led to the loss of police officers.

Comment by Denis J. on June 11, 2014 at 4:56am

The wife of the K9 officer that was supposed to be on shift that day works with me.  He was called to another situation so Const. Ross responded to the call instead with his trusty friend.    Needless to say she is going through a rough time as well, but they are together, and she is also expecting her first child with her husband.

The dog was in the back of the police car when this happened and barking.   They picked him up and brought him home to be with them and the police dog.    I'm not sure if he's still with them.     I didn't see the footage yet as we had to work but I'm not surprised the dog would show its emotions and sadness.

Beautiful image across the city to see 7000 officers in uniform walking the path.

Comment by Bev Levy on June 10, 2014 at 9:48pm

Did you see that one of the mounties was a dog handler and his dog cried at the funeral? Heartbreaking! The officer left behind a pregnant wife and child. :)

Comment by Holly on June 9, 2014 at 9:36pm

I hate the reason we have so many tributes, but I love your video. Any one willing to accept a job that requires a bullet proof vest as part of the everyday uniform deserves our love and support. I wish we could bring back all the brave first responders we have lost over the years. At least we could offer a smile of support, a word of encouragement. and perhaps a cold bottle of water or unopened snack for those on duty that may not have access to refreshment while on traffic duty or fighting fires. Anything to show some gratitude, as you say.

Comment by Linda on June 8, 2014 at 2:48pm

As Jane said....a beautiful tribute.  Thoughts and prayers for the families, friends and fellow officers of those that lost their lives.

Comment by Alison Prasavath on June 8, 2014 at 12:12pm
Like Jane said, that was a beautiful tribute.
My brother is a police officer and I have 2 more close friends who also are. I say a prayer every day for them that they come home safe to all of us.

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