NOT what I needed at 10:30 on a worknight.


My husband took the Corgis out for a last pee at about 10:30 and up trotted a Pomeranian, loose, wearing a collar and tags.


Bad news is, the phone number is hand-written and we can't make out the last two digits.  


Worse news is, Chomper is in an ex-pen in my kitchen and appears to bark like mad whenever I leave the room.  I can hardly blame him!  I'd be scared too.  And Chomper's barking makes the Corgis bark.

We have the ex-pen in the kitchen, the baby gates blocking the kitchen and the barking Corgis confined to the rest of the house.  They are not barking AT him, they are barking because he's barking.  They are fine with him.  The cat, on the other hand, is not at all happy and will need to be locked up tomorrow. 


We left some messages on what we thought was the number on the tag.  Hopefully his people will show up tomorrow! 


Lesson for the day:  a handwritten tag is as bad as no tag at all.  I've not seen this dog before and I don't know that he's from the neighborhood.  He might have gotten lost at the park.


It may be a long night. 

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Comment by Gail and Ashton on May 17, 2011 at 8:20pm
Try calling around to the local vets. Many of the vet computer programs can look up by name of pet or breed of dog. Hopefully if the owners were willing to put tags on him he may have seen a vet for vaccines (or microchip but you will have to take him in to the clinic for that one.). Best of luck in finding this little ones home. :)
Comment by Jane Christensen on May 17, 2011 at 6:55pm
Any more news? Poor baby! Are there pet stores nearby to check for missing animals?
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on May 17, 2011 at 3:42pm
So sad, hope he finds a home soon.  So sweet of you to help him out.
Comment by Jennifer Markley on May 17, 2011 at 11:06am
Sometimes it sucks to be a good samaritan!  Seems we always find the stray dogs husband is a saint though.  I hope you find him a home...I know what you mean about the barking--my brother has 3 of the little sharks.  Can't get a word in when you call him because they are raising so much ruckus.   I hope no one dumped him off--that makes me so mad when people just dispose them like garbage...
Comment by Beth on May 17, 2011 at 10:22am

Well, no one called the shelter looking for him and so far all of my messages have gone unanswered.   Strange.  Now I'm wondering if he was dumped. 

We gave him some ham and some of those Purina Carvers and he scarfed it all down.   I guess he is not used to kibble. 


When we take him to the shelter I'll tell them that if his owners dont' show and they have any trouble placing him that I'll take him back;   I can find him a home pretty quickly if I need to .  I feel bad not keeping him at the house but he's not crate-trained and I just can't lose another night's sleep and function at work.

Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on May 17, 2011 at 9:40am
Beth that is so nice of you to take the little guy in. i just really hope u can find his owners
Comment by Beth on May 17, 2011 at 8:25am
Yes, I plan on calling the shelter when they open to see if anyones looking. I also left messages at several phone numbers. If not for the barking, we'd keep him at the house longer.

He's clearly well cared for. He ate some ham thus morning...
Comment by Bev Levy on May 17, 2011 at 7:55am
Be sure to at least call the local animal control or shelter and leave your info. Most people will call there looking for a lost dog. They also may be able to scan for a chip. Good luck, he sounds like every other Pem I have known!
Comment by Potus on May 17, 2011 at 7:16am

Have you called vets/animal rescue places to see if he has been reported missing?

You've done a good thing by taking him in, lets hope you can find his owner.

Comment by Beth on May 17, 2011 at 7:13am

If we can't make contact with the owners today, Chomper may need to go to the pound.  :(


He is apparently not used to being confined.  He barks and barks.  My two dogs are deeply unimpressed with him.  The cat is mortified.


Shawn gave up and let him loose last night and slept on the couch.  I think we each got about two hours sleep.  The little rascal jumped right up and slept next to him!  LOL   He's a cocky little thing.  As expected, he peed on Jack's food dish and some other doggy-related things lying around.  He's clearly used to being treated like the royalty he thinks he is.  :)


All kidding aside, he bonded to us instantly and was SO happy to see me this morning.  I was so proud of the Corgis.  They both had sort of horrified looks on their face but did not bother him.   He's back in his pen after the marking was discovered (and to avoid a fight), and all I hear is Bark Bark Bark!  Bark Bark Bark Bark!!!




He came out of the park.  Not sure if he just got loose or has been out there awhile.  He won't eat what we offer; he may be used to canned but we don't have that in the house.  I feel bad for him and he clearly misses his people, but he can't stay here.  

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