To couch or not to couch.....that is my question.

 When we got Gwen,they had been allowing her on the furniture. We had discussed that we didn't think it was the best idea.

I know she's young enough to break of the habit,but those brown eyes.....

What are your opinons on this? Does jumping up and down on furniture put undue stress on them? I know they aren't china but would hate to think of putting her at any risk of injury,

When growing up with dogs they were always allowed on the furniture,until my mom's current house,now she doesn't let them on.


We had a vertiable zoo growing up but my mom was the main caretaker.

I'm sure this will be the first of many,many questions. I'm thankful there's a community here to help me be the best Corgi mom I can be.



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Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 27, 2013 at 9:30pm

We have a low sofa against the wall, on carpet, and both Sidney and Connie use the sofa. If I had a tall sofa or hardwood floors I probably would not let them up there.

Comment by Jane on February 24, 2013 at 2:08pm

We actually just have one of those wooden type dog beds with the legs in front of part of the couch. It's not the most amazing thing to look at, but the dogs use it a lot compared to the steps we bought. Our couch is fairly low but with Luke possibly having a small tear in his ACL we wanted to limit his jumping as much as possible. We have stairs for the bed too, but Henry pretty much refuses to use them 90% of the time.

Comment by heather jones on February 24, 2013 at 12:58pm

Petsmart has a good variety of them, that is where we got ours. We got the ones with white fleece that covers them they were only $25.

Comment by Kat Lampkins on February 24, 2013 at 12:33pm

Thanks for the opinons so far :) LOL Fur doesn't bother us we have three cats and it's EVERYWHERE Added Corgi  fur isn't going to be a problem. Our couch is relatively low and set against a wall.Bed is definitely a NO our bed is already taken over with the three cats. And our daughter has two matresses on her.

The majority of my concern is the risk of injury..heaven knows she's an engergetic ball of fur now. My mom just brought her mastiff mix pup over for a play date.

Where did you purchase your steps for those of you who have them?

Comment by Beth on February 24, 2013 at 12:13pm

Well, the breeder we got Jack from shows and has bred for 30 years, judges, etc, and hers are allowed to jump on and off the couch and in and out of the van.  And she has several old-timers; she doesn't move all hers on when they retire.  

And another breeder we know, who bred the best dog at the nationals a few years back so is also not exactly a newcomer, also lets hers jump on and off the furniture.  

Beds, on the other hand, are too high and I've universally been told they should not jump from beds (stairs are ok).

Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on February 24, 2013 at 12:04pm

I know they shouldn't jump up and down from furniture but Franklin sleeps on the couch and on my bed. I tried to teach him to use a step but he never would use it. Technically he isn't supposed to go up and down stairs either but my house has stairs so its not like I'm going to confine him to the bottom floor. I figure overall quality of life getting to snuggle and cuddle is worth the potential risk? My couch is low at least, and I try to help him off the bet when he isn't bailing off it like a crazy man. 

Comment by Priss, Charlie & Kaylee (PK) on February 24, 2013 at 11:27am

We allow Kaylee on the couch. She got up on her own to be with my sick husband when she was 6 months old and has been jumping up ever since. To help with the join issue, we try to help her down to the carpeted floor, sometimes we pick her up and sometimes she just slides off. We have some blankets to help with the fur issue as well. At this point (1 year 3 months old) I'm not sure I could take the soft comfy couch away from her. 

Comment by Abbey & Anne on February 24, 2013 at 10:39am

Abbey is still to young to jump up on the couch.  I do put her on it with me when I sit there.  (Have a blanket on the couch to maintain "corgi fur".  EVERY night she gets on the bed with hubby to have a wrestling match.  This goes on for a bit then to her crate for the night.  I suppose each individual would have an opinion whether to allow it or not.  Whatever  you are comfortable with is what I think.

Comment by Chris Payerl on February 24, 2013 at 10:14am
We allow our dog and the dog we occasionally babysit for on the couch and our dog on the bed (the babysit dog is just too big with the rest of us in there!)Sophie hurt her back/neck a while ago. We think it may have been from jumping on/off the furniture and/or into/out of the slightly higher than average vehicle. We now have little steps for her to go up/down to get to the couch and we lift her in/out of the car and up/down our back steps when we can (she is so quick she sometimes hops down ahead of us.) She knows most of the time to "wait" for us to lift her, but sometimes gets so excited she just goes ahead and jumps. She knows to use the steps for the couch though. Those long backs and short legs are problematic. We love having her up with us on the couch and bed. She will stay on the bed all night long, but likes to move on & off when we are on the couch in the evenings. She knows she has to "sit like a lady" while on the couch -- no climbing on us (although she can sit/lie down on our laps) or up on the back of the couch, which was her FAVORITE; we had to break her of that habit because she fell off the back once. We didn't want her to think she could climb all over whoever was on the couch, as some guests and our elderly relatives didn't like it or couldn't physically handle it. Do what feel right for you re: allowing it or not, but take precautions to protect her back if you do allow it. She can also learn it's okay at home but not at "grandma's" house, if you teach her to only go up steps to the couch and then don't have steps at Grandma's. Both of our corgi's knew not to jump on the furniture at our friend's house even though they were allowed at home.
Comment by Jane Christensen on February 24, 2013 at 9:30am

I think it depends on whether or not you mind fur...with Sage and Calvin(Joanna Rainy and Calvin) they flew all over and jumped up on the couch all the time even if we tried to keep Sage from jumping. Now mine are fairly good at waiting till I ask them up. Except when Sage puts herself to bed at's on my pillow and she sleeps there till I come to bed...little stinker:)

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