Ah the joys of owning a low-riding Corgi! This morning, Monty and I went out for our morning walk before I had to leave for the auto shop to bring my car in for an alignment. All was good until we made the turn on our road and a piece of plastic bag began blowing past that little curious mouth. I guess it had something tasty on it because before the words "drop it" even began to form he looked up at me and swallowed the whole piece (about 4x6) in size.

Losing all Mommy cool, I freaked out and swiftly walked us back home and called the vet. He suggested we come in and have him throw it up since I wasn't sure how thick the plastic was. So I scooped up my baby (of course crying like a baby) and drove to the vet. Should have been a 15 minute drive but turned into a 45 minute trip thanks to two big accidents in the area.

Finally at the vet they gave him something in his eye that administers medicine to make him throw up. Seems he had been also storing some leaves and sticks with the plastic. The vet was glad we came in as he the plastic was very thick and he thought it would have cause issues.

So my car is still not fixed and Monty is sleeping off the drug effects. I am trying not to add anything "special" to my coffee as it is before noon but I am definitely getting a glass of wine tonight!

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Comment by Roger/Laurie on January 15, 2010 at 9:56am
I guess we are lucky. Chepstow is so busy prancing and showing off when he is walking that he never looks at the ground.
Comment by Angela on January 15, 2010 at 9:18am
Get better buddy
Comment by David on January 14, 2010 at 8:30pm
Yoda has the same bad habbit of eating stuff off the ground. There have been so many times that I had to grab his pressure points on the side of his jaw to force his mouth open and dig my finger into his throat to get the stuff out and screaming "spit it out." Of course, he hates my finger in his throat. However, he is a smart puppy, so I found every time I said "spit it out" he will spit out whatever is in his mouth, even food. I dare say he is the only Corgi knows the "spit it out" command! :D
Comment by Sondra on January 14, 2010 at 7:54pm
boring is good, right!? The vet told me when Corie was a puppy that I should get Ins on her.. everything goes into the mouth, boy was she right! So far.. knock on wood.. nothing that has made her sick.
Comment by Roger/Laurie on January 14, 2010 at 4:21pm
Remember how boring life was before we owned corgis
Comment by Shelia on January 14, 2010 at 4:03pm
The joys of corgi parenthood!
Comment by Sam Tsang on January 14, 2010 at 12:54pm
I'm so glad everything is okay
Comment by Jane Christensen on January 14, 2010 at 12:32pm
Glad you saw it...as these guys can be sooooo sneaky. Hope you enjoy the wine and Monty is up and ready for whatever comes next soon! Interesting about the medicine the vet gave him...I never have heard of this!
Comment by Nicola Porter on January 14, 2010 at 12:05pm
So glad you acted fast and followed your instincts. Get better Monty boy.

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