Natalie, Lance &Tucker's Comments

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At 6:18pm on November 16, 2011, Cheryl Lyons said…

sorry, I have not been on here in a while, re: Auto Immunie diseases/corgi's...I am not sure if it is that common with the breed; just one of those unexplainable ilness'.  Our Izzie and one other dog are the only AIHA dogs our vet sees...crazy...however, nothing to mess with, we almost lost Izzie twice, when she was just a year old.  Be very aware, check gums daily for color and go to vet right away if something is weird.  We are on year 4, and she is hanging in there!

At 1:10pm on November 15, 2011, Kimberly Colette Arvold said…

Thank you :)  I LOVE photography... although an amateur, I still love it.  I have a few videos of my pup, but I always feel they are boring to most people ;)  The doggie in the snow is my friends dog... they are great friends, gal

Going to Colorado Springs to see my son and grandson on Friday (it's been two years!), so I'm excited and anxious at the same time.  Allie and I haven't been separated for more than 24hrs.  oofdah, I'm going to have separation anxiety;)  Allie is staying with her best friend, so I know she will be in good hands!  It will be a long 11 days without her.  She spent 4 months in Germany with me when I went to visit my daughter.  She did great on the plane ride... but I won't ever do it again, just don't trust the Airlines... I've learned a lot since then.

When I return, I will work on my page :)  

At 11:24am on November 15, 2011, Kimberly Colette Arvold said…

Thank you for the kind greetings!  I love your beautiful photos!  I'm new to this site, it will take me a while to figure it all out, but I hope my page turns out half as nice as yours :)


At 10:49pm on November 11, 2011, Sandra Raigoza said…
Hi! And Thank you, your babies are beautiful!!
At 3:51am on November 9, 2011, Teresa Kannard said…

If I hear of him going to another show I will let you know.

At 4:01pm on November 8, 2011, Teresa Kannard said…
I do not have any pictures currently other then these.
At 11:45pm on November 7, 2011, Teresa Kannard said…
He is with Jean Rogers who has owned him for years.  I believe she is still showing him as a veteran at some shows.
At 12:05am on November 7, 2011, Carly & Finn said…
Thank you so much! Your lil guys are adorable!! How old are they?
At 9:53pm on November 6, 2011, John Wolff said…

Yup, I collected birthday #59 10-1-11.  I don't take them for granted anymore.

How's Lance doing...he had an ear thing, right?

At 1:20am on October 31, 2011, Chris and Andrew said…
Happy Birthday Lance! Did you get many yummy things yesterday? Always be happy.
At 10:51pm on October 30, 2011, Jane Christensen said…
Happy Birthday Lance:) My brother's birthday is today also!  Hope you had a great day!
At 6:20pm on October 30, 2011, Ludi said…
Thank you, and yes - blue merles are pretty darn gorgeous! My husband and I are really drawn to Lance's AMAZING coloration. He looks so unique!
At 4:47pm on October 30, 2011, Suzi, Zeus & Valentine said…
Happy Birthday Beautiful Lance hope you get alot of treats and pets today :)
At 9:08pm on October 26, 2011, Rebecca said…
Thanks, it was fun taking them.  It looks like you had a nice trip to Saugatuck, very nice place. Hope the grandmas are ok.
At 9:48am on October 21, 2011, Joanna, Rainy and Calvin said…
Just popping by to say Hi (it would also be easy to write 'pooping', which I almost did...)!  I hope Lance is feeling IS he feeling lately?  Hugs to Tucker, of course!  I hope you guys are enjoying the nice fall weather!  You probably like cider and donuts as much as we do!
At 8:36pm on October 20, 2011, Gracie said…
Hi hi! Thanks for the warm welcome! <3 PoPo and me (Gracie)
At 3:33pm on October 20, 2011, Alison Prasavath said…

Noodles is going to be a hot dog this year, but I haven't taken any pictures yet. I need to do that soon before it starts raining because I want him next to the pumpkins by the front door. He loves this costume because there is no hat with it. I can't wait to see pictures of Lance and Tucker.

Tucker and Noodles do look very similar...adorable! (Lance is as well! Then again, Lance would be my dream dog.)

At 12:07pm on October 20, 2011, Shayla Delaunay said…
Awesome! I just uploaded a few pictures last night!
At 6:04pm on October 19, 2011, Carly & Ein said…
Tucker and Lance are both very cute!
At 3:28pm on October 19, 2011, Alison Prasavath said…

I'm glad you enjoy Noodles pictures. He sure is a keeper in my eyes. I wish we lived closer because I would love to meet you and the boys in person. I

'm glad Lance is feeling a bit better so he can play with Tucker.

What are your boys going to be for Halloween? Noodles already has his hot dog costume and he loves it (because there is no hat this year). Talk to you later...

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