Buddy & Wynstan's Comments

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At 3:30pm on January 13, 2010, Joanna, Rainy and Calvin said…
I FINALLY got to take a look at the pictures you have posted and Wynstan is Adearable! Corgis certainly do cheer you up and I am glad to have finally gotten to see these, as I certainly need the pick me up from time to time! He's just so darn cute that he makes me smile! I love his little 'big' belly!
At 9:06pm on January 10, 2010, Alison w/ Odin and Dashel said…
lol...its getting harder for me hold him now
At 8:55pm on January 10, 2010, Bev Levy said…
At 8:41pm on January 10, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Just want to clarify that I have no problem with getting a non-rescue! I had Siamese for years and loved them all. My husband and I travel a lot more now that we have no kids at home and cats rarely travel well. I decided after my last Siamese died to just get rescues because then I would not feel bad leaving them home alone for a weekend since prior to me they did not have a home! I am sorry if it came across that I was judging. I have a friend with a Maine Coon and she is wonderful.
At 6:33pm on January 10, 2010, Kevin and Buddy! said…
We went to Petsmart last night to shop for our puppy, and it broke my heart to see the cats in the adoption center! My boyfriend had to remind me, puppy first! Maybe someday! A cat would make a great companion.
At 6:20pm on January 10, 2010, Kevin and Buddy! said…
I watched an episode on Cats 101 and the main coon seems like a great option!
At 8:01pm on January 8, 2010, Potus said…
Thanks for your message! We bought a medium at first and found it was too big for Potus as a pup, so we had a smaller size until he grew into it. I love the secure feeling you get with a harness, but they still get some movement. Wynstan is gorgeous! How is he going following the attack?
Hope you had a wonderful holiday season.
At 10:43am on January 5, 2010, Rachael & Waffle said…
I'll be able to visit Waffle when I'm home for spring break. If I come home during a random weekend, I will definitely stop by then, too. :] They live next to my old high school, so pretty much whenever I visit my family, I can visit my fur family down the street. :D Wynstan is looking great by the way. He's growing up so fast!
At 9:39am on December 29, 2009, Alison w/ Odin and Dashel said…
haha I love things like that!
At 1:08am on December 29, 2009, John Wolff said…
I am amazed.
McConnell's research is interesting; she says that all professional human animal trainers, regardless of language, use similar sounds. "Stop!" is a single abrupt syllable; "Go go go!" is a series of abrupt stacatto syllables, etc. Interesting book.
I believe Rico was feared to be deaf as a puppy, and so got much extra verbal attention.
At 4:34pm on December 23, 2009, Geri & Sidney said…
I'm so glad to hear Wynstan is doing better. Merry Christmas to you!
At 6:02pm on December 7, 2009, Jane Christensen said…
Great pics, they made me smile and I noticed you have good toys for him that will last! He is a very handsome little guy!
At 3:26pm on December 6, 2009, Tobias, Meiko, & Marshall said…
I hope you're having fun with your adorable little Wynstan...
Ha..it took patients and a calm dog to accomplish the balance...
good luck with your pup =)
At 12:05pm on December 5, 2009, Marion Hebert said…
Hi: Just wanted to say what a smart little Corgi you have...barking at the pointsettia.....and not going toward it....Maybe he has hidden talents.....I have two Corgies...1 male and 1 female...names: Merry, and Sammy...they are both 8 years old, but not related....They are the delights of my life and travel with me everywhere....In fact they are so cute that a Corgi craze is hitting our area and we will soon have more Corgis to play with. Best Wishes for a great holiday season with your Corgi's.
At 7:24am on December 3, 2009, Bev Levy said…
You have to be consistent and have patience. He is still a baby but will catch on. Sparty made us a little crazy at times but turned out great. Obedience classes really helped me because when they are that smart you have to be ahead of them! Think of him as a toddler that is just beginning to discover all the stuff he can do with a strong urge to sink his teeth into something! Actually that describes my 8 month old grandson... LOL.
At 8:38pm on December 2, 2009, Bev Levy said…
Hi Guys, The time out was based on how old he was. Not too long when he was less than 6 months. About 5-10 minutes as I remember. Sparty was pretty feisty but Izzy and Buffy were crushed by a stern tone of voice so they were easy to train. Not as smart as Sparty though. Good luck!
At 3:28pm on December 2, 2009, Dawn said…
Thank you for the kind words on Gabby. Wynstan is going to be a handsome dude! Please keep up the pictures as he grows. The cute time is when their ears pop. As for your boy biting, in my experience, they have thankfully grown out of it. I did like some others have said, be sure to substitute a safe toy instead of you or your clothes. I found once their teeth are in the problem subsides. Good luck and enjoy, they are a life changing experience!
At 11:51pm on December 1, 2009, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Wynstan is probably teething. Try substituting a puppy-safe chew toy and hold him and the toy while he chews away on something other than you! He's a cutie.
At 5:13pm on November 30, 2009, Alison w/ Odin and Dashel said…
Pictures??? LOL!
At 8:41am on November 30, 2009, Lorie and Zoe said…
Awww, he is soooo sweet! Congrats to you all! Enjoy every second with him!

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