Harley, who is 3 years old, had his follow up distemper, lepto and lyme shots on Friday morning along with bordetella nasal spray.  We had to have all his shots a month ago as there were no records.  I feed him Diamond chicken with rice dry food twice a day with two teaspoons of creamed corn - the same as his previous owner (except for the corn).  He vomited twice this morning outside. When we got back in, I gave him a piece of  puparoni as that is our routine, but that came back up.  He didn't drink any water after/since he vomited. 

Since he doesn't seem ill, I wondered if having the shots affected him??  Any one have any thoughts? Anything else I should be looking for?

 He's an indoor dog that goes out when I do so I don't believe he got into any garbage and I have no neighbors to give him bad stuff.  I will be keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn't get dehydrated.  And my Vet does have on call services if needed.

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You could try feeding him boiled ground beef and rice and see if that helps.  It's gentle on a dog's stomach and might help.  Did the doctor provide you with any paperwork on what the possible side-effects of the shots/spray would be?
I had a pup with a severe reaction on her 2nd rounds of regular shots and rabies. Dogs won't have a reaction the 1st time,  ever since then I have benadryl around as it didn't make her throw up. I will have to look back as I think I had a discussion on this. Sorry I can't be of more help but I will write again later. Poor baby. I would not give treats un til the tummy gets better. Many use rice and chicken or beef as a bland food for them. Maybe just cut her food down a bit. It is also strongly suggested not to feed for 12 hours after vomiting to give the tummy a chance to rest but bits of water is good. Poor baby!!!!!
Generally a reaction to the shots occurs within a few hours, not a few days later but it is possible. It is always recommended to spread the shots out and not give all of them at once. It is just so much for their immune system to take in and it is pretty  much impossible to tell which vaccine may have caused the reaction. Probably a good idea to split up lyme and lepto next time too as both are bacterial so tend to have a higher incidence of reaction. Also, see if your vet has an injectable bordetella instead of nasal if you are also giving the distemper at the same time. The distemper vaccine and the nasal bordetella both include a form of the same virus in the combo so you are basically vaccinating twice for one of the components (I don't remember what it is now, some kind of influenza type virus).

Vet didn't give me any paperwork.  I thought since the distemper, lepto and lyme were ok the first time, it was probably the bordatella.  I didn't know it was going to be given as a nasal spray. The Vet just did it and I was surprised.  And I didn't know they don't usually react the first time.  I agree, it is alot  for the little guy all at once and that's why I figured his vomiting had something to do with all those meds.  I can tell he doesn't feel good as his eyes "look" kinda sad.  Also, he's not as lively as usual.  He just doesn't feel good. 

Thanks everyone for your help!!  It scary as I've only had him 6 weeks.   Even tho I asked a lot of questions, I didn't get the information I really needed from the former breeder.  Didn't press the issue as I wanted Harley:) To Jane, I will check back in to see what you have found.  I don't have any chicken or ground beef on hand, but can get some.

Another option, if you have any, is cottage cheese and rice.  My mother uses that instead of meat for her dog and it works just as well, but I prefer the meat because it's less messy.  ;)

Update:  After boiling rice and chicken (went to the local market for some), I gave Harley some in his bowl at 6PM.  He had been bugging me for food and ate it all.  So far, it has stayed down.  He drank water too.  He seems to be feeling better and is underfoot.  I plan to keep him on rice/chicken for a couple of days just to make sure. 

Thank you for your ideas/thoughts.  I didn't want anything to happen to my companion!!



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