i know this may sound kinda dumb but i cant decide if teddy would look good in green or not lol i dont want people to see him and think he is a girl. i am buying him an ipuppyone harness (almost like puppia) because i can tell the front part of his harness is bothering him and so is his collar. he mostly off leach when ever we go somewhere so depending on the location we bring his harness or walk him on his martingale collar. so to make him more comfortable i am going to get him this: http://www.petsntreasures.com/ipuppy-one  or this: http://www.spoiledsweetpets.com/airpudoghaby.html

i cant tell which would be more comfortable for him since it is pretty hot here. i am also torn between the green or the orange. i dont want him to look to girly but i think a little color is nice since he is a grey/blue color. sorry this is kinda of dumb but better to ask then have him look dumb :)

here is him in orange and green

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Green! Loki is a male and wears green... doesn't look girlie at all!
I like they green on him:) I think green can be for either!
Sid wears green and he looks quite handsome in it. Each of our dogs has their own color: Bruce gets red, Chester gets blue and Sid gets green :)

My boy Killian has green everything, it just looks good on corgis!  Then again everyone remarks on how "pretty she is".  Me'thinks (well.. me'hopes) it has more to do with his fluffier undercarriage then the color - but you never know.  ;-)


People call Potus a girl no matter what colour his harness and lead are (black and blue most commonly). *sigh* At least he can't understand them, its just me constantly reminding them he's a 'he'.
Everyone calls Sidney a "she" too. I blame the name as well as his gorgeous looks...most human "Sydney"s these days are girls! Nobody names their little boys "Sidney" anymore. But that's the name he came with, and it suits him :)
I really like the green on Teddy, ,especially that rich shade, which I think is a pretty masculine one.  It looks wonderful with his colouring.  My little corgi cross, Amy, wears a light green collar because it goes with her brindle coat (and my husband HATES pink!).
Green looks great on all corgis. Our Ella wears a pink collar and has a pink leash, and people still ask if she's a girl or a boy.
I don't want to make trouble, but I like the purple. That said, my black and white dog looks fantastic in his green collar, and orange makes your doggy look like a construction worker :)
i like the purple too. if i had a girl corgi i would defiantly get it:)
thanks everyone for the reply's! i thought he looked great in green as well but i wanted to be sure he looked good before getting it lol so now my question is this, which of the two harnesses look more comfortable:this one which is a mesh step in harness http://www.spoiledsweetpets.com/airpudoghaby.html or this which is your standard http://www.petsntreasures.com/ipuppy-one 
Just to add to the conversation I do think some corgis look like their gender, I don't know what it is but sometimes you can just tell it is a boy or a girl. I like red.


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