I really wish we could fast forward the next two weeks and have Lance back to feeling 100 percent again. 


His ears are really red and sore, feel so bad, just want to make it go away now!!  He is on Clavamox, benedryl and ear ointment for two weeks, just seems like a long time to be on an antibiotic and benedryl.  If he needs it, he needs it, but I am not one for taking meds unless its a necessity. 


UPDATE:  I just noticed the inside of Lances left ears is a bit swollen.  I called the vets office and the vet tech said it sounds like an ear hemotoma, where the blood and fluids build up from shaking the ears when having an ear infection.  So, on Friday afternoon, he will go in to get it drained and hopefully that will do the trick as I was told sometimes they can reappear.  :( 

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Thanks everyone.  Well I did really title this discussion right.  I now am really really feeling bad now that I know about the hemotoma.  I know I have to take this one step at a time, my brain is going in every which direction.  Thinking of how hes going to do at the vets when they drain it, as his ears are already sensitive to begin with.  I really want this draining to do the trick and never have to deal with this again.  


I guess I don't like the unknown, of how it all will turn out. 


This day started off with really good news,as we found out my brother in law (sisters husband) is now cancer free, after fighting for 11 months.  He won't have to do chemo until August like he thought he would have to.   :) :)   I am soooooooo happy for them, just have to keep that in mind at the vets on Friday.  If they can deal with all they have through the months, then we certainly will get through this. 

Poor baby! Hope he feels better soon.
Thank You!!
I just saw this post.  Hugs to Lance,  I hope he is doing ok.  Poor guy.  I will be thinking about him.  Please tell him that. 

Thanks so much, I will tell him.


Any update on Lance?

no, going to get the hematoma drained tommorow at 3:45...although i did bring in a stool sample today with blood in it..the vet thinks its just from the clavamox...


and when i gave him his meds tonight and hand fed him food, i asked for kisses and he literally turned his face from me and refused :O :(


He might be mad at you for giving him all those meds? Several times one of mine will ignore me due to ear drops or meds. They probably feel somehow it's our fault.
they sure are characters aren't they, just have to laugh and like you said not take it to heart.
I think Jane's right....don't take it to heart.  Lance will bounce back and treat you like nothing ever happened. 

yay, can't wait!!


Its hard to see our 4 legged loved one not feeling well. Hope they recover soon. They are lucky to have someone who loves them so much. Take Care.


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