It's been a while since I've made time for blogging here but my Corgi family is never forgotten. So much has happened since I was around last but the latest development is that my husband and I are separating. I don't think Finn will have much of a problem with this but I wonder what people do when their only kids are furry ones. Do people share custody like they would with children? I was the one who wanted a dog. I wanted a Cardi all my life so when I decided it was the right time, I saved and bought Finn. Of course my husband was on board though and we both love Finnigan dearly. My husband is staying in our house so Finn will be staying there with him since he's adjusted to being there and can keep the same routines. I'm very much the Mom though. I make his vet appointments, research foods, pick safe toys and have all the important contact numbers on speed dial like the emergency vet. Nothing beats Mom, right? Of course I'd like to have him with me :) I'm unsure what the right thing is to do as far as Finn is concerned and I am interested to hear what other people have found to work in in this situation.

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I know it doesn't help to have me say that I don't have any experience in this area but that I am hopeful for you. I hope you and your husband can manage to put aside any other issues and just to what is good for Finn. Good luck!
When my uncle and his wife split up they shared custody of the dogs. The dogs adjusted just fine and really did like to spend time with each owner. My brother and I used to share dogs too. We got a chihuahua when we were living together and then I got Franklin a year later. After my brother moved out we shared the chihuahua and she spent a few days with me and a few days at his new house. I've since moved to a different city so we can no longer share the pup, but if I was still close, I think we'd continue to do this. She didn't seem to mind at all. I think like kids, dogs tend to adjust to whatever custody situation you choose, and I think he would probably do better if he got to see both of you and not just one or the other.
That's good to know. Thank you for sharing your experience. Out of curiosity, who ended up keeping the chihuahua when you moved? That will be tough to decided where Finn will stay when one of us moves. If I don't end up with Finn I will definitely want another Cardi :)
I would agree but as I said earlier, he is equally attached to both of us. Usually I can tell who a dog favors but Finn honestly seems to like us both the same. My husband is the playful buddy and law enforcer and I'm the cuddly caregiver and safe place. He's all for rough housing with my husband but if he yells at Finn, Finn is at my feet looking for protection haha. He loves us both for different reasons it seems but I can't say that one reason is more important than another in his eyes.
im not much of help but i am very sorry to hear that u are going through this
That's alright, I appreciate the support anyway :)

I'm so sorry to hear your marriage is not working out. 


As for sharing custody, it really depends on the dog.  A bold or happy-go-lucky dog would probably be fine with it.  A more anxious dog, or a clingy one, might not be.  You can try it and see if he's ok or if he shows signs of stress.  


So sorry.  

Thank Beth. Gosh, it's been forever since I've talked to you. I've been busy but it's nice to be back in touch. Finn is very much the happy-go-lucky goofball. he gets nervous or over excited is some situations such as a trip to Petsmart or the dog park but he's usually not a nervous dog. he actually knows the house I'm moving into. It's my Mom's house where he has visited countless times before to play with her Cardi. She's a traveling nurse and is not staying in the house and may or may not be back so it would just be me staying there. She took her Cardi and the cats with her as well. I do wonder though how long Finn would be excited and looking for the other dog since he'll still be able to smell him there. I imagine after a couple days he'd settle down. I think I'll try having him stay weekends with me there and see what happens.

Good idea about the weekends. Even though he smells the other dog he may not really care.


Good luck!



I don't have any experience with this, but hope you find a solution that works for everyone.  So sorry you are going through this.
I'm sorry to hear about this, but I'm sure you'll come up with the right solution. Some dogs are amazingly adaptable.


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