Not that I visit this other corgi site but someone else told me about it...I think it was called a wobbler kind of an egg shaped toy that contained dog food or treats. The dog has to tip it over and the treats spill out though holes in the top. So the dog had to make it tip before the treats come out and watching the dog figure it out is half the fun. I did not put the link in because I really dont know how but I really is instructive for both the dog and human. It took me longer to figure out how to do it than it took the dog to figure it out.

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Hi Steve, here's a wobbler thread back in January
OOOH I guess I am a couple of months behind. That is a funny thing to watch. I know Coco and Dino would have no trouble figuring that out but me I would starve to death before I figured it out.
I got one for Waffle as a result of the January thread... he loves it. :3  I highly recommend it!

I got one of these for Noodles. He gets his breakfast in this every morning since it entertains him while I'm getting ready for work. He love it so much that he starts spinning around in circles while I'm filling it up. He knows he has to sit and wait until I "okay" him to start playing with it. He figured it out rather quickly, so now it doesn't take him as long to empty it out, but he still enjoys eating his breakfast this way.

I got one for Twinkie and it was not for her. She was a little afraid of it. She kept looking for me to push it over and she would step back when it moved. We gave it to our Golden Retriever neighbor.
I have a wobbler for Baxter. It's a great way to feed him since he gobbles up his food so fast. The only problem with it (and it's my sleeping boyfriend's problem) is the amount of noise. He will roll it around on the floor and bang it into walls in order to get the food out. So mornings around our house usually sound like, "whooosh-whoosh-whooosh" (food rolling around) "BAM!" "Whooosh-whooosh-whoosh" "BAM!" Followed by the occasionally "BAM! BAM! BAM!" if he has it in a good position on the wall where the food keeps popping out. It really is a great way to keep them from scarfing their food.
Got one also even though mine don't need it for eating slow. Some of mine love it and others could care less BUT I do put it in their kennels when I leave for a treat and to play.


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