We recently started brushing Beni's teeth every day in an effort to try and reduce some of the huge buildups of plaque on his teeth and prevent his having a dental cleaning. Our vet suggested we try brushing every day for 6 months and seeing if there is improvement. His teeth do look a lot better after the brushing, but I'm wondering whether there is some long term consequence of giving him that much toothpaste. We use about 4 pea sized dabs each time.

Anyone have any knowledge of how that stuff works and what the side effects are? We use Petrodex, poultry flavor.

Thanks in advance!

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Marrow bones are quite rich if you keep the marrow. I def would not feed these too often. But they do work well, or you can ask for a beef knuckle bone. You can also find a animalstore that sells raw food in your area which may be able to provide bones. :)
nope if its made for dogs you can use as much as you want. Hills makes a prescription dental diet called T/D. I give my dog 4 pieces morning and night. His teeth used to have a lot of buildup and it is ALL gone after only using the T/D for less than 2 months. Its much easier than daily brushing but seems to have better results.
hmm... I'll have to look into that!
I've never brushed my dog's teeth, and they are in perfect shape. They get a milkbone daily and occasional raw bones. We get the sectioned marrow bones from the butcher.  I really don't know about the long-term effects of toothpaste.
I think that the amount of paste can be reduced. You can use less. Like us the important thing is to brush the bacteria away, not the amount of paste. Thats what my dentist tells me.
oh, good point. :)
I think even bully sticks or other similar chews will help clean their teeth as well. When I get raw bones I get about 4" lengths of bone with the marrow still inside. I'm not sure if there's a certain name for it or not, the store just calls it "bones for dogs" lol.
Hey can someone give me the rundown on that Hills stuff.  Is it scripted or can you buy it on the shelf?  What is it and how does it work?  Thanks
T/D stands for tartar diet. It is available on the shelf at the vet's, no script required. It comes in 2 different sizes..small bites and large bites. I used to give it to my previous corgi, she loved it, her teeth were perfect! I would just ask her 'do you want to brush your teeth?' and she would run to the cupboard where I kept it. My new corgi is much daintier, I tried to give her one, it was too big, she just played with it, so I give her Medi-cal Dental diet as treats.
A corgi should get the large bites of the T/D. it works by enzyme action. The dog bites into the big huge kibble and the action of biting and chewing releases enzymes that clean the plaque off the teeth. They work great. You don't want to feed them as a full meal because they are REALLY high in fat. I have be advised to give 3-4 kibble each meal. Some vets will even offer a sample to see if your pet likes them, You can get it at petsmart but would probably need a prescription for it. It is sold at vets, but usually you will be required to have at least an exam done at the vet for them to sell you the food because technically it is a prescription diet. I have been told however that hospitals don't legally need a prescription to sell the food so I guess it just depends on your vet.
The bones that work wonders on his teeth r cow roaster knee bones. They don't splinter but it takes awhile to get the cooked skin off the bone so it keeps him busy and really cleans his teeth

I used to use Petrodex's peanut butter flavored doggie toothpaste on my pups but it was really hard to brush their teeth since they would lick it all off before it got to their teeth. 


I also can vouch for raw bones.  I was skeptical, but now I'm a believer.  2-3 weeks ago, Ein's teeth were covered in brown tartar and his breath was terrible.  And Brian's teeth were half as bad, but it's still in poor condition.  I was so worried and was thinking, "I can't afford to take them both to the vet for a cleaning!"  So as a last resort, I gave Ein and Brian beef neck bones and marrow bones for 2 days and they chewed their way to pearly white teeth!  And no more stinky doggy breath either!  There's like 2% of white plaque remaining but I'm ecstatic about the results.   


I also bought Proden Plaque Off to upkeep the health of their teeth.  It also made their fur softer!  http://www.onlynaturalpet.com/products/ProDen-PlaqueOff-Dental-Powd... 


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