I just got my puppy boy from his breeder today (not have decided on his name yet :-) He is 10-week old. When we went to the breeder's place and checked on him, he was sort of sleepy because it was in the afternoon. So we thought it was OK. However, after we took him back to our home, we found that he was very inactive. We gave him all kinds of toys, he simply ignored them. He just lies there and looks arround or closes his eyes and sleeps. I am a little worried. Shouldn't puppy be very active, especially when you give him some toys? (His breeder did say that he tends to be quieter compared to his sister, but he could also get very active sometimes.) He didn't eat much tonight, either. Is there anything wrong? Help!!!!

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I have a (currently) 12 week old, and when I took him home he was virtually inactive as well. He also refused to "eat" instead opting to take a bite and then ignore his food. Hard food can be sort of a chore for little pups, you could try wetting it some and letting it soak. That did not work for me though, I had to change his food from Eukenuba to Blue Buffalo and also add some Yogurt and Chicken Broth, he also had Tapeworms I later found out. Be sure to check his poop for little white "rice" or worms.

Anyway, as for the inactivity, he pretty much slept once an hour for the first couple of days. It was sort of good as I could kennel him when I needed a break and he would pass out immediately. He was very quiet, which is great (for me at least). Let him explore the home and get to know you for a few days. Try some warm no-sodium chicken broth in his food and give him alot of treats but make sure it is a tiny tiny (smaller than a pea) sized piece so he doesnt get full of treats. This way he knows you give him treats and might be more sociable. I wouldnt worry unless he is still not eating well after 3 days.
I have my 8 weeks old pup for three days and I have to say, he sleeps ALL THE TIME, except the time we want him to sleep (which is at night). It's really amazing, how he can sleep so long. Sometimes he falls asleep and I take him to his crate. When I lift him, he's like dead body! Anyway, he's eating well and plays with us before feeding, so I think it's OK for him to sleep so long.
I would have concerns about a pup not being more active. While they take time to transition in to a new home I wouldnt expect this sort of behavior. Young pups do tend to sleep quite a bit but when awake they should be quite active, curious, exploring and becoming familiar with their surroundings. I think it always makes good sense to have a good exam with your veterinarian soon after bringing a pup home. It is not infrequent that pups have parasites which can make them feel pretty cruddy. Did your breeder provide you with his vet history? Has he started on his vaccinations and deworming? Does he have a current health certificate? What sort of environment was he living in? Were there a large number of dogs there? The answers to these questions will be most helpful when you take him to the vet for a check up. Regarding food it is not unusual for a young pup to refuse food from time to time. Remember their entire life has changed and this can be a stressful time. That being said always good to keep an eye on their eating habits. This can be a grand indicator of how they are feeling.
Thats very weird, Wyatt is and was the most active little boy I have ever seen. I cant even keep up with him. I would just keep trying to play with him...maybe try playing outside where there is fresh air it might wake him up. Good luck.
Thank you all for the replys! Today we found one thing he likes to play with--our broom!! (I know!) I was cleaning up the floor and he started to chase the broom like crazy. So I think probably he will be more active with the things that he is more interested in, and we just have to find those things? So far he doesn't play with regular toys. Kongs maybe, but only when there is food inside them. He has all the vaccination and deworming up-to-date, but I will definitely go to a vet to do a check up. Since today is memorial day, I have to wait till tomorrow....
Yay the broom! my corgi goes crazy and barks with the broom around.. lol..

oh and i suggest you run a fecal test to rule out all the internal parasites. Normal deworming does not catch Tapeworms nor intestinal bacteria like Coccidia and some other stuff.
AAHHH hhaha dont let him do it. haha, we let neeka play with the broom and to this day we cant sweep/mop/rake without her freaking out haha. i think that maybe hes inactive because he might be a little wary right now, i think he will be fine, some dogs like to play more than others, neeka was pretty inactive for about a week after we got her, all she did was sleep. now she never stops.
Sounds like your pup is behaving normally. If he is the laid-back, quiet type, you may be thanking your lucky stars in a few months! : - )

Puppies do sleep up to 20 hours a day, so sleeping a lot is normal. He will sleep less and less as he gets older (still most dogs sleep up to 16 hours a day).

During his first 24-48 hours with you he is probably thinking, "Where did my littermates go? Where's Mom? Where are the people I'm used to? Who in the heck are you?" LOL A day or two adjustment period is not uncommon. Sounds like he's already coming around playing with the broom. I kept Charlie's kennel in my home office the first week while I worked, and he was in it sleeping the whole time we were inside. Everytime he woke up from a puppy nap (between 1-3 hours), I took him outside to see if he would potty, then we did some training on the patio or played with toys. Then back inside to the crate for the next puppy nap. His kennel moved to my bedroom at night. After the first week or two, he was happy to sleep in my recliner while I work and we still go outside to walk, play, train and/or potty anytime he wakes up and gets hyper. My original intent was only "potty outside", but doing all our activities outside has turned him into the perfect indoor housepet...he just sleeps until we go out again...never any destruction (except one small hole in the recliner...heehee...my fault). Yea! Anyway if you're in an apartment, or don't have a yard, you still might want to set aside a specific puppy-proofed area or room dedicated to playtime/training.

Did the breeder give you some of the food he has been on? If not, did you buy the same brand he's used to? If he's on the same food, then his not eating is probably just part of his intial adjustment time to his new home. If you've switched him suddenly, he may not like the smell (plus a sudden change could give him a bit of diarrhea).

It's never a bad idea to have a new pup checked by your vet, (especially if your breeder's contract requires that to honor any health guarantee). If you have written health records that he had puppy shots and wormer at 8 weeks old, and he is not showing any signs whatsoever of poor health, you can probably safely wait 2 weeks for the vet checkup until he's due for more puppy shots at 12 weeks of age.

Good luck! Looks like you've got a great pup there!
Thank you, guys! Now I feel much relieved :-)
Dont worry about it.. Hes transitioning to his new home. When we first brough Chloe home, all she did was sit in people laps, sleep, and not eat. Now shes a bundle of caffiene. And a vacuum!
We've had Kara for about a week and a half. Every day she comes into her own a little bit more. The first 2 days she was so laid back and sleepy, even in her pics from those first days she kinda looks sad compared to now. Now she's playful, super cuddly and smiles all the time. I think it's a big adjustment and it takes a few days for them to be their full selves again. Keep an eye on him and see if he perks up a bit more over the next day or two, if not I would call your vet. ( Good thing to get a first check up and fecal test anyhow, we did that 3 days after bringing Kara home. ) Let us know how he is doing.
your corgi may also be adjusting, especially since you just got him. we got scout at 12 weeks and he was also very quiet for the first week and wouldnt play with any toys. he also flew across teh country to get to california. just give him time. he will come around.


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