UPDATE: What are things you wish you had known about Corgis before you got one?


I am wanting to start a blog about responsible dog ownership.  I talk a lot about responsible dog ownership on Reddit and I find myself writing the same things over and over.  It will be easier and more thorough for me to write a blog that I can reference!  


For one of my posts, I want to write an overview on owning Corgis for those thinking about adopting.  Our midget pals are growing more popular with the Royal Wedding and all that, and as you know, Corgis really aren't for everyone.  If I can prepare future owners for the task they face, I can go to sleep a happy owner.


So, what are things you wish you knew about Corgis before bringing one home?  Anything.  Temperament issues, health issues... whatever! 

UPDATE: Since this thread was resurrected, thought I would put a link to the finished product: Own Responsibly: The Comprehensive Corgi Guide- A Resource for New ...



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@ S, G & P - LOL, I've crated my children until they got married...and none of them are married yet!


@S, G & P - So you free range chickens––oops, children––ran free all night w/o diapers. woo hoo!
can you say" Commando!!"  WooHoo!

There is an unofficial group that doesn't actually exist called the Lesser Corgi Society.  It's aim is to portray Corgis in a poor light so that people won't want them and thus Corgis will avoid what has happened to other noble breeds that become too popular.  I tend to subscribe to that idea. 


I find when people ask about corgi pals that if I merely emphasize the ridiculous amount of shedding that goes on, that most people lose interest in those sweet eyes and happy smile pretty quickly.  But if pressed I'm happy to talk about how much I love Corgis, what great pals they are when they are not nipping heels or herding small children, what a joy it is to have them smile and drool on you while you eat, how since they don't have tails people think you are cruel for having them docked.  And then the shedding.  I suggest that a quality Corgi will be expen$ive or it will surely to be riddled with health issues, and "oh, and be sure to buy one of those $500 Dyson vacuums 'cause you're gonna need it."  ;-)

I must have been a member of the LCS and not known it.  I try to emphasize the shedding, but no words can describe! (and you can see their eyes glaze over) So I move on to the mouthiness and having to herd what ever is handy, the cat, lizards, small children and their owners.  I hate to see people who buy because they think it is cute, be it dog, cat or snake, then either abandon or neglect it because the animal is too much for them and has fallen out of favor.

Yup. Scare me away, I agree with that theory too! (I go to Burning Man for 7 years now and I always tell people the worst things first.) I am flinching and cringing but plan to get my vacuum while waiting till I can get my puppy. I'd rather be prepared for the worst and the things I am not prepared for!

They are very mouthy.
They are always hungry.
They are always shedding.
All in all, they are loyal dogs that will become your best friend =)
Listen I have read each and every one of the comments that are listed on this particular subject and I have even commented rather cutsie on one occasion, however I must say what is in my heart.  I recently have been suffering from bouts of depression, which led me to make a statement that was totally unlike me.  I said that "I'm 52 years old, Solomon is 4 I have probably 10 good years with him and I can never know the love of another Corgi because I will be to old".  How stupid was that statement.  I was feeling contrite and guilty over losing Chloe.  But I will say that Solomon has done an extremely good job of filling my heart with Corgi love.  There is no other breed of dog that I will ever have again.  The joys that they bring FAR out weigh any "short" comings that they may have.  Yea, there is hair everywhere.  Food, clothes, beds, floors, car and anything that hair sticks too!  But when you are a dog owner this is one of the things that you live with.  The herding thing to me is very cute.  Chloe never herded a fly on the other hand, if Bobby or I take to long to put the leash on Solomon to go do his business or go bye-bye, we will get nipped on the calf or the ankle!!!  This is part of who he is.  If you don't like dogs that give you his or her opinion in a very loud voice, then you need and animal that doesn't have opinions.  Each and every corgi has a different and varied personality just as we do.  This breed might not be for everyone, I know that it is for me, but part of being a dog owner is doing homework and research into the breed that you want.  I myself will say that the only knowledge that I had of corgis was that they had short legs, absolutely adorable and were the Queens favorites.  I know this is no reason to chose a certain breed, but I learned.  Just saying that corgi people are a special breed of their own and no one could discourage any of us on our choice!!!  Ok I'm done now!!!
I must have gotten lucky.....My Corgis are really well behaved....They love to go on walks, so they take a daily walk of around 1 and 1/2 miles.....play outside.....heel, sit, stay, recall, long down, roll over, wait for food until they are told they can have it, and lots of other things....they are so proud of themselves when they accomplish something new.....I have had other corgis also and just have not had trouble with stubborn streaks....Can't say I am sorry about that....We do a lot of traveling together....I would really be lonesome without them. 

Corgis will punch you in the knees HARD and try to give you an ACL injury. I think secretly they have some sort of deal with orthopedic surgeons to bring in clients. In line with the injury they will more than likely have muddy feet when doing this. Thus, your pants from the knees down will be covered in muddy prints accented with tons of shed fur stuck to said mud. You will notice at herding trials with corgis that every single person will be mud covered from the knees down. Oh, and if you are lucky enough to have one of the rare corgis who doesn't jump (I've heard tall tales of these mythical corgis) they will still be very wet (and muddy) which will be tracked in the house.


Wet weather and corgis is definitely something I never thought about when adopting one. I grew up with GSD and they're tall enough only their feet get wet. Dry the feet off and in the house they come. Corgis on the other hand are soaked all down their chest, legs and feet. Of course if they had a good frap then they are soaked from head to nubbin from running through wet shrubs and rolling in wet grass and better yet, splashing in mud puddles. And with a dog covered in mud this means many more baths.

hee hee.  :)   You need to move to Phoenix.  It never rains here and my Corgi stays beautifully dry....until I plop her into the swimming pool.   Once out of the pool, she runs like a demon around it through the grass which is mostly dried out and dirt, runs under the outdoor furniture to scratch her back (must feel gooooood), rubs her snout along the side of the house, and then tries to sneak in her doggie door soaking wet to continue her rubbing and rolling on the carpet and couch indoors.  Ya gotta be faster and smarter than the wet dog that's for sure!  :) 
I'm with you on the muddy belly thing.  Previous dogs I could just dip paws in a dishpan of water, dry off and they were good to go.  Brody is not ususally as much of a problem and he HATES getting his paws wiped, so usually hangs out in his dog house in rainy weather.  Lilly on the other hand HATES her dog house and will sleep under the bushes.  In the Spring she gets taken to the bath to get rinsed off almost daily.  I have to hold her away from me or not only would my pants be muddy, but my top as well.


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