HELP! -- My 6 month old Corgi is bored out of his mind! I've been looking online for different interactive/puzzle toys for him, however, the majority of them are a bit pricey. I'm curious as to which toys keep your pups occupied and the wheels of their mind rolling. Thanks in advance!

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If you aren't walking on a daily basis, start. Walking at least 1 mile wears them out mind and body.
Thanks so much! I'll have to check all of these out.

teddys favorite toy is the tug a jug. a friend of mine sent it to me and every since then he has carried it around with him around the house, its an all day thing. u just unscrew the bottom of it, pour the food in and he has to figure out how to get the food out. its takes teddy, with a half a cup of food, 20mins to get it all out. sometimes i fill it with yummier treats that are harder to get out so he plays with it longer.


he also like kongs but u gotta freeze most of the food u put in it so it takes them awhile to get it out. and like Kari said, a good walk will wear him out. i have to take teddy on a walk everyday otherwise hes gets very frustrated with me. playing ball in the back yard dosnt count. he will need to see different sights and smells to tire out the body and mind

I've been contemplating the tug-a-jug, I'll have to shop around for the cheapest price. Thanks! We go on a daily walk around my apartment complex, but he's bored with it already. I'll have to start driving out to different parks to take walks since there's nowhere in our area.

i understand completely. when i lived in DC i had tons of places to walk teddy. now i have a block with no side walks or its the lake which he is at all the time and hes getting tired of it and so am i! 

the cheapest place i found it for was    and the small will do just fine:) dont buy it petco or petsmart. they want too much money for it. i suggest getting the cotton rope as teddy broke two rubber ones and he is not a chewer at all. if he happens to break the rope though just email the company and they will send u a new one free of charge:)

Thanks so much! I wound up getting it off of amazon when I combined it with some other toys for free shipping.
At 6 months my very active Sparty got multiple walks a day and a large vitamin bottle with a few small treats in it (no cap). He loved carrying it around and dropping the treats out.As he got older with stronger teeth we switched to a Kong. Occasionally I would give him an empty cereal box to shred. My two less active corgis never seemed to need as much to do but Sparty did. He also learns tricks very fast and comes up with lots of strange quirks. He is 12 now and I sometimes miss those days...
I use the kong, but it seems as if he's done with it in a few seconds! If he starts to shred something I don't care about, I just go with the flow since he loves it so much!
My guy can stay busy with a treat ball from Pet Supermarket. It may drive YOU nuts...the rolling and thumping, getting it stuck in corners, but he loves it! I fill it with healthy treats like Old Mother Hubbard's bitz. They seem healthy enough, I guess small chunks of carrot or peas would work as well. You just have to make sure to empty it. You can also get a Kong and put P-butter inside or they have Kong shaped snacks that fit inside as well. I guess interacting with your pup and socialization are good for boredom as well.
His favorite game to play is tug, but that's not really stimulating for his mind, just an arm workout for me! ha.  I'll have to check out those treats! I try to keep them as healthy as possible, especially since he's young and we're working on training.


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