Corgis and Couches: What stands up to corgi nails and fur?

I am in the market for a new couch/love seat set but I need help from fellow corgi owners. Leather is nice for dealing with hair but will nails destroy it? The microfiber stuff seems really nice but how does it hold up to the long hall. Does it clean easily? I know that our old couch (lay z boy) would just take corgi fur and weave it into the fabric making it nearly impossible to vacuum out.


I really don't want to buy new furniture only to have it ruined in days because I made the wrong choice. I am also not one to cover my furniture with plastic. Maybe I should just get a large collection of dog beds and call it good.


What kind of couch do you have? Recommendations?

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I have a microfibre couch from Ashley furniture and I am not sure if all microfibre couches are like this but this one seems to almost repel the corgi fur. Also it has a stain gaurd guarantee that I have not used yet because every stain has always come out with ease!  Enzo is not a scratcher and we keep his nails pretty short so I am not sure how this type of couch would do with a dog who really likes to scratch.  Hope this helps



I am waiting to hear from your responders as well... Since im in the same boat and my problem is i need to know which leather is most durable..some sof them scratch with my finger nail  , they are all not created equal. Ive been to  every furniture store in town and the most affordable leather looks like it might scratch to easy, the one i love, love, love the best is a thousand $$ more.. So im debating whether to bite the bullet and go the full monty or get the sofa that looks like it isnt as durable???

Well, I have microfiber but I have nice cloth couch covers that I leave on all the time and then remove for guests.  


Here's the thing:  I don't care how much a couch repels dirt, the fact is both my dogs drool a bit in their sleep.  Eventually the drooled-on spots start to stink.  The couch covers are washable.  They are a pain and it means I rarely sit on my nice comfy couch fabric, but when they start to get a little too doggy they go in the machine and the whole place is clean.  Plus guests don't need to sit on dog fur. 

@ Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie

I would deffo bite the bullet and spend the extra cash if you think that it would last and the cheaper wouldn't-you don't want to turn around and have to buy another couch, right?:O (Though I would deffinately pester the people at the store about it to make sure that it would be worth the money for your situation!)

I have been thrilled since switching to a leather couch! The hair doesn't stick and the corgis and doberman's nails don't scratch it but just in case I got it at Macy's with a 7 year warranty against any scratches or stains. We are at 2 years and still looks brand new.

We just got the Sure Fit quilted furniture cover. It just drapes over the sofa, you toss it in the wash. It stands up to even my lab/dane mix's wicked claws.

That is very similar to what we have.  The downside is our couch has a higher back and it doesn't really drape over the top well, so it has a bad habit of slipping whenever you sit on it.  I'm readjusting the darn thing several times a day.   But it works well and washes nicely. 

I have leather and really like it! My daughter has a red microfiber much like the one shown with the tri corgi, but hers does get a lot of hair on it from my dog and she has to go over it everytime we leave! The leather doesnt scratch and the hair doesnt stick. We live in Wi. so the only draw back is it can be cool in the winter when you first sit on it, but otherwise i love it and it lasts forever!


With a corgi?  I'd go for something from the rummage sale.  Cover it with a blanket that you can take outside and shake. 

Our dogs live on the loveseat cushions.  Our style is White trash chic.  Wish the loveseat was Kevlar -- we have a cat, too.

awww come on John you know we cant all live like White trash...


We have had a leather couch and 2 chairs for 11 years now and no problems except they have faded some.  Been through 4 bassetts, a westie and 2 corgis over the years and no holes or cuts. My wife has a micro fiber chair now and it seems to repell fur very well.

I have a leather couch and chairs.  They're the heavy full grain leather without the shiny coating.  They do get superficial scratches on them, but nothing deep.  I've had them with dogs for about 16 years.  When they get a bit faded and scratched I use Armorall on them and it brightens them back up.


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