teddy bear is now in heaven with God and the angels as me and my husband weep because we miss him so much. his death was so tragic and happened so fast i fear i will never find peace with in my self as it feels as though i lost my child as me and teddy shared a very special bond with each other. what hurts the most is that today is his 2nd birthday :''( i had all his gifts ready and i was going to make today very special and at the end of the day i was going to make him a cake.


he died on Tuesday night and in a way i blame my self for what has happened because i made the decision to go out that night. right before we left we played tug of war for a bit and then played chase so he would be tired for that after noon. he had already has walk that day and i am at least thankful my husband was there so we all had one last walk together :'( right before i left i looked in his eyes and told him to be a good boy, i never knew that would be the last time i would ever look into his beautiful eyes again.


when we came home he didnt greet me at the door as he usually does. my heart sunk. he had gotten into the trash and got a corn dog bag over his head. his body was already stiff and he was so cold. his tongue was purple and the whites of his eyes were red and wide with panic. me and my husband cried while holding his little body asking God "why" as he was the most loving dog u would ever meet. so sweet and gentle. we called a friend to drive us to my work as they have a freezer for cremating dogs. it was the last place in the world i wanted to take him but i didnt know what else to do. at the clinc me and my husband held his body telling him what a great friend he was and that he was the best corgi anyone could ever ask for. we said are last good byes and petted him for the last time.  the house just feels so empty now, i dont ever want to get up in the mornings now because he would always greet me with a waging nub and kisses just because his mama, me, was up.


i am thankful for the time God gave me with him as he truly was a blessing. i love him with all my heart and soul and its just so hard to think he died like that i couldnt be there for him :''( we had so many great memories together such as when we took our first walk together, teaching him his first trick, taking him home to see my family, and this year he learned how to swim. the bond we had was so deep i swear i could read his mind. i always knew how he was feeling. i would have taken a bullet for this dog if i had to i love him so much. he was always so trusting of me and knew i would take good care of him no matter what. i made sure he was on the best food, always had a variety of foods on his kibble, i brushed his teeth, every Sunday he got groomed and i ALWAYS made sure he got his walks and if it had rained the day before and i couldnt walk him i would take him to the field so he could run. he would chase that ball or stick and he would fly across the field and theres nothing in the world i loved more than making him happy. i always wanted to be sure he was comfortable so i used harnesses instead of collars.


he loved people and children so much that he always welcomed them and wanted to say hello. he was always so gentle to little children. if they wanted to pet him he would lay on his side and wait patiently until they were done. he was to most gentle and friendly dog i have ever known.


Teddy, me and papa miss u SO much that we cant even express it. when i get your ashes back they will always be in the family room and i will be sure to pray to ask how u are doing. i know u are in even greater hands but the pain in my heart still hurts. u were such a wonderful friend. if i was ever sad or sick u wouldnt leave my side for even a second because u wanted to be sure i was ok. i will really miss our cuddles on the couch in the after noons and how u would get so excited when i asked if u wanted "noms" or a treat and u would jump at my face and lick me. i will miss our afternoon walks as i know u enjoyed those. i will miss taking u to the field so u can chase that stick, theres nothing like watching a happy corgi fly across the field and running back with a happy look in your eyes. i will miss u always bringing us your rope toys to play with because u loved tug-or-war so much. i will miss u greeting me at the door, seeing u after a long day at work made everything better. i will miss u greeting me in the morning with your kisses to get me up.i loved looking into those beautiful eyes he had. dark blue in the middle and then they were light blue on the edges.

u were my best friend and if i could have one wish it would be that u could be here again. we love you so much little buddy. i will see u one day at the rainbow bridge

 the petco pictures i posted about are the last photos i have of him. those were taken on sunday. please, i beg u, dont leave bags on the floor and when u throw them away cut them open to prevent this from happening to u.


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I am so sorry for your and Arthur's sudden loss. I know you had to go through this once before with Snoopy. I know Teddy was very loved and you gave him the best you could. I'm thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.

thank u, it was hard when snoopy passed but now its even harder as we had gotten to know him so well. he really was a wonderful dog

It was very hard to read with tears in my eyes. Oh Rebecca...I always enjoyed your stories and especially the therapy dog ones. We all know you loved him to the fullest and I guess if his time on this earth was so limited he at least lived it to the fullest with you and your husband. Be proud that you were such a good doggie parent and when the time is right some new Corgi will have a wonderful new home. Soooo sorry.

thank u Jane, i am glad u enjoyed out stories. he really loved being a therapy dog in training. being with people was what made him the happiest 

I am so sorry this happened to you. I know Teddy will be looking down on you to make sure you are okay.

I'm terribly sorry for your loss.

Omg!!! Words cant express how much we love an animal, a dog -of our own. My heart goes out to you!!
Wow....this story made me actually cry.....I'm so sorry this happened to you. But you guys obviously had a wonderful life together. And made enough memories for a lifetime. And I'm glad for that :)

I cannot express how sad I am for you.  I just comment on your pictures the other day and was touched by your little family.  I am so sorry. 

I am crying here. My heart breaks for you. There is another star in heaven shining down on us all. Teddy, you were everything a Corgi could be. Sleep well, watch over your loved ones.

We're very sad for your loss.  Words fail me.  May peace favor you at the end of your grief.

My heart sank and tears welled up. I am so so sorry for your loss, Rebecca. 


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