Just wondering if anyone out there gets as concerned as I do(rightly or wrongly so) about the source of pet food ingredients?last year I spent a lot of time looking into this, is the source that important?

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Well Jane,I imagine that you would agree with me then(a rare occurrence that anyone would agree with me), it should become the norm for companies to disclose, a.. Country of origan, company of origan, contact numbers for help.I really want everyone to look after their pups the best they can.

Rare as it may be Kevan, I do agree with you that all of this should be listed and they should also do this on everything not just pet food. Many people have no clue what they or their pets are eating. Have you ever read the label of cheap cat food? Stomach contents...yuck! My cats actually throw up from the stuff:( I don't feed them this since I read the labels! I recently had someone email me the bar code #'s especially ones from some quetionable foreign countries. It was a good article and now that companies are getting sneakier we have to work harder to "try" supplying our loved ones with what is good.

Sorry but I had to add this: I was curious and thought I'd google it.

Dog and cat foods, dry or canned, are lacking in important nutrients and they contain highly noxious substances.  Even the supposed 'best' of them !
Pet foods are filled with carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) from rendered fats and diseased 'meat' from packing plants.
Old greases from fast food restaurants that have been boiled and fried repeatedly (highly carcinogenic) are put into vats at the back of the restaurant for pickup by rendering plants.
The fat removed from the  meat in grocery stores is picked up by the truckload by rendering plants. Carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) harbor in the fats.
The rendering plants then mix together and re-boil the highly carcinogenic fats from these sources, thereby making this crude fat even more highly carcinogenic.
The rendering plants then sell this horrific crude fat to pet food companies, who put it into their dog and cat foods, both dry and canned.
On the pet food packaging you will find this gruesome rendered item listed as "Crude fat .........  minimum 17%" (or other percent) as if it's something we'd want in the pet food.
The word "minimum" allows them to put an even higher percentage than shown into the food.
Pet food companies, also, buy from packing plants the dead cattle and poultry that have been discarded for human consumption because of huge cancerous tumors and growths. This, too, is included under the "Crude fat" labeling.
Cancer has become one of the primary causes of premature death in both dogs and cats.  More and more dogs are dying from cancer long before they are even ten years old. Inferior, highly carcinogenic commercial pet food is probably the major reason for this.
Wow, now you all are exciting me with your passion for this subject, I want it resolved to my satisfaction! Right now though there is a more pressing problem,A Missing corgi!please look at the post for ANDY, let's get him home!!!

I sure hope he gets home:)

I am quite concerned about where my dogs food comes from... because I feed raw, this is SUPER IMPORTANT.  Raw food from a CAFO or slaughtered in poor conditions can lead to GI infections, which gave me a nasty vet bill once (maybe, the vets weren't very clear about the organism that caused it).  I now only buy my meat from local farmers/local butchers.  Supermarket meat is the worst. :|  As far as where the ingredients in dry food comes from, that's concerning too.  Most of the ingredients in pet foods are from by-products of other industries. Grains used in pet food are very often leftovers from brewing--which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it also isn't a good thing.  Meat meals (including named meals like chicken meals etc) are leftovers from human food markets--chicken meal probably comes from backs/necks/hearts, for example, for many brands.  The quality of the ingredients makes a BIG difference in the nutrition in the end product, too, and quality is affected by source.

Kibble in general is what bothers me. I've had Bubba on Innova Adult since I've had him. He did so well with it and then one dark and dreary day about a year ago, Natura was taken over by the corporate giants of Proctor and Gamble. Things seem to have went down hill. He seldom will eat all his food anymore and many times he's just walked away from it after eating the little extras I put in there like unsalted green beans, a bit of cottage cheese(low fat) and boiled chicken. I read of this take over last year but didn't think anyting would change. Apparently and maybe slowly it seems to have changed. I also would buy him a few cans of EVO Beef and put a spoonfull in with his Innova but since last week I opened a can and found a 3/4" black, stiff hair in it I've quit buying that as well...reminded me of a hog hair!!


What do you do with all the brands you shunned before? I looked into Orijen lately but it's got too much protein in it for a lazy Corgi. I'm not sure what avenue I'm going to take in light of all this. Tonight, I'm fixing him a NY strip steak, green beans and cottage cheese until I can come up with something else. I work 4/10 hour days and can't prepare meals for him properly even if I knew how and what to fix...most frustrating.

Try Acana--it's made by the same company as Orijen but has a much lower protein formula.

Gross about the chunk of hair...did you call the company and complain? But then why do pet food companies have to put in the stomach contents of animals n their foods...my cat pukes if I feed him cheap food! That's bad when the food is that poor.

It wasn't a chunk of hair, Jane-just one but I had to wonder why it was there to begin with. Bubba's not too wild about Innova anymore and in fact when I leave in the morning I put his food down and usually he eats most of it...not any more. He may eat part and leave most of it. Thinking during the day he'd finish it before I got home I find he's not even touched it. Tomorrow we'll be going over to our usual pet supply store and I'm going to go looking for something else.

Acana isn't available here but Orijen is but again, I don't like the high protein content. If he were a Rotty I might consider it but he's a laid back, lazy Corgi. I may start him on Nature's Variety Instinct Raw for a while but, I'll cook it some as I don't want to start the raw thing with him. I'm sure it would tear his stomach up big time so, I'll cook it and see how he does. Yesterday afternoon late I stopped by the grocery store and got two NYL strip steaks-one for him, one for me. It went over big time needless to say. I only gave him half of it cut up with shredded carrots, green beans and a small portion of Innova.

I can't help but wonder what others are doing that fed Innova and what they've went to. I'll be weaning him off it when I find something better. It burns me up that P&G have their hands in this now.

Just like other companies I suppose they are trying to get by cheap:( My corgis agree that steak veggies and a bit of dog food would be much better:) Bella had cornish hen and her TOTW tonight for supper but then i am trying to get her to eat as she has puppies due soon. I agree it IS frustrating when other companies take over and decrease the good nutrients! Good luck on your search!

You got puppies on the way???? I see that you are in NM. That is a long way away.


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