im sorry for the delay on new pics of dollar and baden but i have been a very busy corgi mom stuffing as much socialization of new things that Baden would encounter through out his life and i very happy and proud to say that this boy is not afraid of a darn thing. he LOVES other dogs! every time he hears one he must go say hi. the other day we walked around an out door flea market and there was all sorts of farm animals. he went right up to a horse and laid down between its feet! he then went over to a goat to say hi and it charged at him (it was tied up) and he took a step back and then sat down with a wagging nub LOLi must say this little guy is really growing on our hearts:)

we went on a small hike and he really LOVED that! so did dollar as she loves to mark everything lol baden always had to look back to be sure i was keeping up as i like to take my time. he also got to go swimming too! he had a blast running up and down the lake as teddy did *(wiping tears away)* i got the perfect pic of him falling in though, his face says it all lol

an update on Dollar is not such a happy one. the previous owners before our breeder, use to abuse her so now any fast movement she runs and hides. she also has severe throat damage due to them using a choke chain. she must wear a harness for the rest of her life due to it :( she cant breath hardly and if she tries to breath through just her nose she grunts and snores, struggling for air and she always panting. if u use one i would invest in getting a martingale collar instead, it tightens but not enough to cause damage.

BUT i hope u all enjoy the pics! :D

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the pic of them walking together (hes in a red harness) was before i found out about her damaged throat. i took that pic on valentines day

Great pics... they look so cute together!   Hopefully Dollar will be less nervous as time goes on... she certainly looks like a happy camper.

aw thank you!:)

Very cute! Poor Dollar! I think my new guy has been abused too, he does the same thing, running to another room with fast movement or if he thinks he is going to get in trouble. He also completely FREAKS OUT when he is being restrained and I think it is because somebody used to beat him up when he was "bad". Luckily he is a good boy and hasn't done anything "bad" since I've had him and I just need to teach him he is safe with me. Dollar will feel safe soon enough in your hands. Baden is ADORABLE! So glad he loves the lake too. I hope Dollar feels more comfortable the longer she is with you. I knew a golden who's owners used a prong collar on it and damaged its throat too so it always sounds like it has kennel cough. VERY good owners, but just had no idea what they were doing or how to use a prong collar, one reason I HATE them (collar not the owners lol)! I hope its not causing Dollar any pain.

thank you and congrats on your new baby! im sure he will settle in very nicely over the next few days and i cant wait to see more pics of him! :D

it makes me sad to think someone would abuse her (and yours) as she is so very well behaved. dosnt chew up anything, is quiet(i havnt heard her bark) and super sweet to everyone. i just cant wrap my head around it :/ 

she does sound like she has kennel cough all the time but im not sure if shes in pain. at night she just snores because she cant breath. poor girl. I hope she does get 100%comfortable with us some day. it makes me sad when i do a simple thing such as step over a toy and she screams and then hides for most of the day.

i have never been a fan of chokers or prongs. i think its too much as u are hurting your dog. i would rather use a positive method and make a friend of my pet but be stern and have them respect me than teach them if they do something wrong they experience pain. do you know what i mean?

i know in the next couple of weeks your new little guy will open up and let his personality shine through. i look forward to updates on him. im sorry hes so sick right now, i hope he feels better soon!

Melissa, it's possible he was hurt but Jack started freaking out when he was restrained at about 12 weeks and has been awful about it ever since, and he's never been abused.  The worst I ever did was hold him still (or try to) to tape his ears.  He would scream like he was being killed.  Last year it took me 6 months to get him to tolerate me doing his front nails, working on average twice a week for the whole time with lots of yummy treats.  He just twigs.  Vet says he's claustrophobic and that in fact quite a few dogs are.

When dogs are spooky we tend to assume abuse, and in Rebecca's case it sounds like that may be confirmed, but often it's the case that the dog's spookiness is what causes owner frustration and surrender, rather than the dog is spooky because he was mistreated. 

thank you, im glad u like the pics. yes i got them from Luckypups. i was going to go with Arkansas corgis but they were not having any until September and i just couldnt wait that long. shes a really nice lady and has wonderful corgis :)

Love the pics.  They are both just beautiful.

thank you:)

Beautiful pictures  dont wait so long next time. Favorite is the one resting on the shoe

ill try not to next time. i know its been a long time since i have posted

Love the first photo with the puppy looking over your husband's shoulder. It is amazing to me that someone could yank on a dog so badly as to injure their throat, poor thing. She is very lucky to have you. The photos are great.


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